Some of my favorite links
Here's a few sites I enjoy...
- Church and/or Christian doctrine
related sites
- The prayer list for this site -
it includes links to various other prayer request links
following the prayer request listing.
- Our Daily
Bread - For those of you familiar with the daily
devotional booklets, this is where you can get the
readings on the Internet! You can
click here to go directly to today's devotional
notes. What I like about it is that they provide a
hypertext link to the scripture passage (which can be
displayed in a number of different translations).
- Thru The Bible Radio -
Hey! You've got to check this site out. It's worth the
wait -- you can get the RealAudio playback of the daily
broadcast. Now you can listen to one of the best teachers
around on Thru The Bible Radio when you have a chance.
Calvary Chapel of Visalia's
Homepage - the website of the church that I call
home. If you live in Visalia or are just visiting the
Gateway to the Sequoias,
look at the map and stop by on Sunday for a time of
fellowship, praise and Bible study.
- Calvary Chapel of Westminster's homepage - This is the
homepage of my friend's home church. A really slick site well worth looking at.
- Calvary Chapel
- includes Bible study helps (in their library),
prayer lists, locations of the various Calvary Chapels,
audio files of sermons, etc.
- Servants Quarters -
The website for Gayle Erwin's ministry. If you've never
heard of Gayle Erwin, I highly recomend that
you check out this site and look at the 'Contract'. An
amazing ministry... Pastors! He has some parables and
past articles that you may want to use in future sermons.
Christians! If you need encouragement, go here!!!
website with all sorts of stuff for Christians! Browse
around and see what you like...I checked out their
shareware section and got a cool Bible program for
Windows 95 called SwordSearch ... very nice and
it only costs $20 to register!
- Michael
Lindell's home page - A great site loaded with all
sorts of neat-o links and articles!
- The Expository Files
- monthly articles devoted to Bible study. I may not
agree with everything they say (on occasion), but it's
wonderful fruit for discussion...
- God Arose
For You - a Christian ministry to homosexuals. They
have a brief, well-written article entitled
'HOMOSEXUALITY: How Should the Church respond?'.
- Family resource sites
- Family Life Today
- the website for the Family Life Today radio
program. Includes audio files of their daily
- Guidlines
International Ministries - From the people who bring
you 'Guidelines for Family Living', a website that
provides Dr. Harold Sala's daily 'Guidelines' broadcast
in text form. Also included here are resources available
on family issues and radio broadcast times and
- The prayer list for this site -
It cannot be said enough: Prayer works! This web page
includes links to various other prayer request links
following the prayer request listing.
Goofing around sites
- JesuSeed
- a band I help out, whenever I can, located in
beautiful downtown Long Beach, CA, a city replete with
those delightful odors!
- KDUV 88.5 FM - this is
the Christian radio station I tend to listen to the most.
I enjoy it because they play some alternative stuff in
their regular mix periodically. They've got concert
listings for the Kern/Tulare/Fresno Counties area and
other stuff (like links to Christian musicians' web
- Jim
Tunnicliffe's Homepage - a friend of mine who is
super-intelligent and humble. I check out his family
photos and periodically read his insights on coffee("You
know you've had enough coffee when..."). He has a
section that will generate anagrams from people's names
(well, most of the time...)
- The Sci Fi Channel's
site - because I still enjoy science fiction, etc. I
enjoy the
Seeing Ear Theater the best! NOTE: This site may
contain language not suitable for the youthful net
surfers out there.
The Dilbert Zone - all sorts of fun besides the
cartoons...check out their daily brain teasers!
Reverend Fun - a daily cartoon with a
Biblical/Christian bent to it. Good clean fun!
The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Report - A "must see" site for
those interested in the snack treat of the same name.
WARNING: This site contains detailed instructions on how
to light Twinkies(R) on fire and pictures of the
resultant destroyed snack cake! (Also, in their Turing
Test, the two gentlemen reveal the mind of an adolecent
male...not a pretty thing, especially for younger
The Twinkie Torture Test - another site detailing
another test performed on helpless snack cakes. (Perhaps
the time has come for PETSC...People for the Ethical
Treatment of Snack Cakes)
- The prayer list for this site -
If you've got nothing to do, take a minute or two to
help out your bretheren. It costs you nothing, but the
rewards are great! Includes links to various other prayer
request links following the prayer request listing.
- Sites to help you set up your own web
- For starters, get a free homepage...
- Geocities' own homesteading
site! - I whole heartedly encourage you to get
your own free webpage and e-mail account
here. Christians are allowed to be seen and heard,
too! Even a nut like me! What you do is find a
Neighborhood that most closely resembles your
interests , not necessarily nearest to your
geographical location. Then check out
help guide to getting your own web page FREE!
follow the step-by-step instructions. If you still
need some help after reviewing the sign up help,
send me an e-mail message. NOTE: I've found so far
that the highest concentration of Christian web
pages in Geocities can be found in the Heartland
- Next, learn about HTML (HyperText Markup Language)...
- Annabella's
HTML Help - a great site for helping you get a
good start on your very own web page. I personally
think this is the most useful site at Geocities for
begining website builders. Follow Annabella's advice
and you'll be up and running in no time...AND you'll
have a pretty slick site, too! NOTE: I
currently have this link pointing to the first
article in the series. Use the links to other
articles at the bottom of that page.
NCSA's Beginner's Guide to HTML - about 13 pages
of helpful material on writing HTML. It looks like a
DOS manual but is much more helpful.
WebMonkey's HTML Tutorial - An excellent
reference loaded with tons of example code,
illustrations, and a section to test yourself to see
if you understand the concepts.
The HTML Writers
Guild - You may find this site useful for
learning about more than you could hope to
do with HTML. Contains discussion groups, a section
with frequently asked questions, etc. And they have a
Basic membership package that costs nothing!
- Now, you need tools to make things easier for you...
Netscape's Download page - If you're like I was
when I first built my web page at Geocities, you
probably think that FTP is a gasoline additive and
can't figure out how that can help you send files to
Geocities. The easiest way to send stuff you want to
use on your web pages (including HTML files) is to
use Geocities' EZ File Upload, but it requires that
you use a Netscape browser. Well, here's where you
can get a browser from Netscape relatively
painlessly. REMEMBER: Even though Netscape will allow
you to download a browser for purposes of a trial
period, you still need to send them some cash to pay
for it!

- This is a great site for getting what you need! You need a scanner? You can find one cheap here. You need a new modem? This is the place.
Writer - I highly recommend this particular
shareware program for those among us who really like
to produce HTML code by themselves and not depend on
WYSYPYG (What You See, You Pray You Get) programs for
generating web pages. Wins my "Best Use of the Right
Mouse Button" Award. The author of the program
sugggests a donation of $10 for this great
- Places to help you spruce up your web pages...
Andy's Art
Attack! - No web site is truly complete
without a few buttons to push or a funky background to
look at or a neat animated icon or...I think you get
the idea. Anyhow, this is the place to get a lot of
neat free stuff to put on your web pages. (It's where I
got a lot of the stuff on my pages..)
- IconBAZAAR -
This is where I got most of the animated icons I use.
Tons of good stuff, including separator bars...
- The prayer list for this
site - Perhaps you're having problems with your
HTML coding or maybe you want tons of hits on your page
so people can learn how to be saved and avoid the
nastiness of eternal damnation...well, let's get people
praying about it!
- Places to help you advertise your website...
- "Submit your page to 34 popular sites
for free, using one form!" It's a little more work
than that, but you can get yourself into a heap of
search engines for free...make sure you set aside about
45 minutes for the whole process.
- Opportunities to be heard
- CyberDialogue - An opportunity to participate in surveys (primarily
marketing-type stuff). Christians, rather than boycotting
everything, you can talk to the source in business and
marketing and make yourself heard! CyberDialogue will also
pay you for your participation in these on-line surveys.
NOTE: Joining doesn't guarantee that you will selected for
participation in a survey, but you can't participate if you
don't join.
- Geocities' Free Home Pages - Do I seem
pushy about this? If you have something to say, SAY IT TO
THE WHOLE WORLD! These homepages are free and require as
much or as little maintenance as you would like to dedicate
to them. If you don't want to risk being ridiculed by
small-minded people, you don't have to include your e-mail
address... 'Nuff said, check out the Home
Page sites I listed above for help getting started.
- The prayer list for this site -
Do you feel overwhelmed by the world's pollution? Do you
need some encouragement? Are you wiped out by depression?
Send a prayer request and get
your brothers and sisters praying for you and working on
If you have decided to set up your own homepage because of
little ol' me, let me know! I'd love to check out your site,
just send me an e-mail at

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