



For those persons who wish to study and apply Islam at a more intense level, the following program is recommended:-

1. It is presumed that the Quran has been read with commentaries with a receptive rather than a negative and hostile attitude.

2. Read “The Alternative Way

3. Undertake the 5 pillars of Islam and the 3 Duties. This includes study of the Quran as opposed to merely reading it.

4. Study the series “Views of Islam”. Study means:- (a) To read each article. (b) To think about it. (c) To pose questions and try to find answers. (d) To try to systematise by relating and co-ordinating the ideas with the others. (e) To observe the world around you in order to note where and how it applies. (f) To follow the news, discussion groups and various documentaries on Television and other relevant literature.

5. Study the “Answers to Questions and Criticisms of Islam”. Find criticisms and compose answers to them.

6. Study the series “Clarification”.

7. Try to create an environment in time and space that facilitates beneficial influences, avoids wastage of futile efforts, removes harmful influences or transforms them. It is necessary to understand that both efforts and rest and relaxation are required and there should be a healthy balance between these. As a human being is a whole made of several inter-dependent aspects and has physical and social needs as well as spiritual needs all these need to be attended to.

8. Expand personal awareness, observation, experiences and studies in all fields of knowledge and endeavour as far as possible and undertake various spiritual exercises.





1. Causes,,,,, 2. Islamic Attitudes….. 3. Quantum Theory

4. Shariah….. 5. Concept of "Allah"….. 6. Understanding

7. Concept of "Allah"-2…..8. Authority…..9. Causes-2

10. Body-Mind…..11. Consultation…..12. Ideas

13. Sufism & Islam…..14. Salat…..15. Words

16. Religion Today…..17. Light…..18. Islamic Community

19. The Prophet…..20. Book…..21. Science and the Quran

22. Images…..23. Sexual Differences…..24. Conflict

25. Muslim-Christian Dispute…..26. Re: Quran

27. Bismillah…..28. Discussion…..29. Reason & Perception

30. State of Islam…..31-Islamic Economic System   

32-Trial of Sadam Hussain…..33-Problems - 1

34-Problems - 2…..35-Problems - 3…..36. Problems-4

37. Controversy between Science & Religion…..38. USA & Islam

39. Attack on Religion…..40. Religion, Philosophy & Science

41. Islamic & Western Law…..42. Christianity & Islam

43. Clash of Cultures…..44. Fundamental Question

45. Predestination…..46. Religion

47. Alternative Modes of Thought…..48. Attack on Islam

49. 5 Questions…..50. Bombing…..51. Proof

52. Masculine-Feminine…..53. Information…..54. Idolaters

55. Practical Islam…..56. Religion, Philosophy & Science

57. Re: Democracy…..58. Economic Systems

59. Immortality…..60. Prayer…..61. Guidance

62. Opinion…..63. Abraham…..64. Contradictions?

65. Rights & Duties…..66. Civilisation…..67. Human Beings

68. Islam & Science…..69. Interpretation…..70. Happiness

71. Motives…..72. Status of Women…..73. Terrorism

74. Attitudes…..75. Conversion…..76. Islamic Finance

77. Islamic Responsibility…..78. Religious Tolerance

79. Practical Questions-1…..80. Practical Questions-2

81. Islamic Government…..82. Quran Scholarship

83. Martyrdom…..84. Messengers…..85. Miscellaneous

86. Miscellaneous-2…..87. Miscellaneous-3

88. Errors of Thought…..89. Miscellaneous-4…..90. Miscellaneous-5

91. The Pope’s Lecture…..92. Miscellaneous-6

93. Miscellaneous-7…..94. Variations…..95. Limits of Science

96. Globalisation…..97. Re: Knowledge…..98. World Problems

99. Miscellaneous-8…..100. Miscellaneous-9

101. Miscellaneous-10…..102. Re: The Quran…..103. Intelligent Design

104. Misunderstandings-1…..105. Misunderstandings-2

106. Arguments about Religion…..107. Criticisms of the Quran

108. Concept of God…..109. Understanding the Quran-1

110. Understanding the Quran-2…..111. Marriage

112. Liberal Muslims…..113. Etiquette…..114. Fundamentals

115. Levels of Understanding…..116. Suggested Islamic System

117. Thought, Experience and Reality…..118. Striving

119. Children…..120. Prejudice, Illusion & Knowledge

121. Motives…..122. Selfishness, Cooperation & Benevolence

123. Verification of Islam…..124. Secular Muslims…..125. Intelligence

126. Dispelling Dawkins’ Error…..127. World Problems

128. Theology-1…..129. Theology-2

130. Comment on “The End of Faith”…..131. Organisation

132. Open Letter to Dr Collins….133. About “Conversations with God”

134. Re: Truth in Religion…..135. Regarding “The Spell”

136. Regarding “The Last Hours”…..137. Progress & Regression

138. Religion & Art…..139. Advantages of Islam

140. Reformation & Regeneration…..141. Questions & Criticism

142. Unity & Omnipotence of God…..143. The Love of God

144. Religion and Economics…..145. Religion, Science & Politics

146. Muhammad in the Bible…..147. A Modern Problem

148. War & Peace…..149. Human Rights & Duties

150. Thinking, Speculating & Reacting…..151. Shariah Law

152. Knowing…..153. Errors…..154. Reformation

155. Nature of Islam-1….156. Nature of Islam-2….157. Nature of Islam-3

158. Belief…..159. Proving…..160. The Fall of Mankind

161. Forces of History-1... 162. Forces of History-2 ... 163. Forces of History-3

164. Forces of History-4….. 165. Forces of History-5

166. Authority in Islam ….. 167. World Economic Crisis

168. US Democracy…..169. Law …..170. Family & Society

171, Science & Religion…..172. Summarising Islam
