Teen Poetry Corner

For Young Writers and Their Unique Ideas

May 29 -- one poem added
March 27 -- six poems added
March 4 -- eight poems added

For poem submission info, scroll to the bottom of this page. Thanks!

Poetry 2000 Please contribute!

1999 Poetry Collection

1998 Poetry Collection

1997 Poetry Collection

Philosophies, a page of thoughts that might inspire thoughts of your own.

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Links to other sites on the Web

TechnoTeen: One of my favorite web sites: humor, relationship advice, fun tips, chat, etc.
REact: all that cool stuff. Lots of humor here, quizzes, chances to express your opinion.
The Onion: America's Finest News Source. Find lots of political humor, sarcasm, and the stuff that suits you cynics out there.
Toonogram: Send or retrieve free digital post cards with funny cartoons.
Teen Advice On-Line: Fill out a form about what's troubling you and get lots of replies soon.

Submit your own original writings!
Email me with your poem. Please include your name and age.

© 1997 donnaaries@yahoo.com
Please be aware of grammar mistakes and correct them before submission.

If you'd like your email address posted with your poem, please indicate so in your submission.

*Note: Not all poems submitted will be posted, I am not in any way obligated to post a submission. There seemed to be some confusion about this, I hope this clears it up.*

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