The Northern California Ladies Tea and Discussion Society

"Come along inside...We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a better place."
-The Wind in the Willows

"The tea ceremony is more than an idealization of the form of drinking—it is a religion of the art of life."

Okakura Kakuzo

After several years with Geocities, we have been offered free hosting with a domain name. You can now find us at Twisted Teas and we hope you will join us there. We are grateful to Geocities for the years of hosting that they gave us.

PLEASE NOTE: Ladies and gentlemen are welcome. Rudesbys, ruffians, children, and people of low moral character will be ejected. This is not your typical tea party, so we ask that if you are under 21, you find someplace else to play. There is no pornography on this site, but you are welcome to look all you like.

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"Women are like tea bags. They do not know how strong they are until they get into hot water."--Eleanor Roosevelt

A WORD OF EXPLANATION: We have recently gotten several emails from individuals who seem to think this is some sort of business.  We are not a business, we do not have "hours of operation," nor can teas be purchased for your wife/girlfriend/lover.  Please don't bother us with that sort of silly email.   This is a private organization that meets in various of the members' homes.   The only way to attend a tea is to join the society or be a guest of one of the ladies.

Last update 6/11/03

Copyright 1997-2003 Northern California Ladies Tea and Discussion Society
All Rights Reserved

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