World Missions at Bethania Moravian Church

At Bethania, we are very active in World Missions.  We have an active board of World Missions and we work closely with the Board of World Missions of the Moravian Church in the Southern Province.  Some of our current and ongoing missions are situated in the countries listed below;

St. Croix, U.S.V.I. 

Socialization also occurs while on Misson Teams, it is important to
know who you are working with.          St. Croix, U.S.V.I.

The Youth worked with the children on their Mission Trip to St. Croix.

Within each of these countries, a Moravian church is active and growing.  Medical Clinics are also stocked and staffed by members of the Moravian church at large.  At Bethania, we participate by sending "containers", large boxes of supplies, on a regular basis and helping to fund some of their building projects.  We also send groups to do Mission Projects in some of these places.  This summer, one of our college age members went to Ahaus, Nicarauga, to work in one of the Medical Clinics.  In years past, the Sr. High Youth Fellowship has sponsored a student from Raj Pur, India by writing and helping to pay for their tuition.  More recently, the youth sponsored a youth soccer team in Tanzania by purchasing uniforms for them. 

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