Welcome to the
Ninth Street Center

For more recent information about Paul Rosenfels, please visit The Paul Rosenfels Community

Hi! My name is Dean Hannotte, and you've just entered the electronic version of the Ninth Street Center. This site exists to introduce people to the work of the real Ninth Street Center, a not-for-profit volunteer organization, and the ideas of Paul Rosenfels.

Dean Hannotte, standing in front of
the Ninth Street Center (click to enlarge).

Paul was a Chicago-based psychiatrist who broke with psychoanalysis in the 1940's and developed his own ideas about human relationships. The Ninth Street Center was founded in 1973 to teach his innovative insights to creative and independent men and women, many of whom have gone on to become teachers and leaders themselves.

Paul's psychology owes a lot to Carl Jung's analysis of introverted and extroverted character types. But where Jung assumed that these types live in separate worlds, Paul showed that they not only attract one another, but can establish mated relationships.

Paul was also the first American social scientist to defend homosexuality in print as a valid lifestyle. He drew upon his work with psychological polarity to demonstrate that a relationship between two men or two women could involve much more than the narcissistic hedonism documented in psychiatric literature. Many people think that his detailed descriptions of love and power, honesty and courage, insight and mastery, and similar components of the psyche are both fundamental and comprehensive enough to constitute a true science of human nature. Paul died in the summer of 1985 at the age of 76.

To learn more, just click on any of the following topics.

  A Bird's Eye View of This Site

The English Server, at that time run by Carnegie Mellon University, became the archive of record for all of Paul's writings -- and in fact all of the Center's publications -- on August 25, 1997. Our site now contains numerous links to specific pages of their Paul Rosenfels Collection, which is in the Gender and Sexuality section.

SUBJECT KEYWORDS: science of human nature, philosophical anthropology, moral philosophy, humanistic psychology, personal development, interpersonal creativity, social progress, introversion, extroversion, femininity, masculinity, psychological polarity, character specialization, homosexuality, gay liberation

This site has two addresses,
http://www.paul-rosenfels.org/nsc and
It was launched on
Wednesday, July 9, 1997, and
last updated on
on Thursday, January 29, 2009.
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