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I have named my page the "magic diamond" because this page will try to show many different sides of the same topic as a diamond does.

The politic side.-

This area will deal about many topics. One of these is the logical analysis of political speeches.

Phallacies in Political Speeches.

I analyse of the typical speeches of the 90‘ies which don’t pretend to be "political" but are rather presented as "transparent" and "innocent" non-political speeches.

In this page I will transcribe my analysis of the "Speech to the youth" given by the Mexican Licenciado Miguel Angel Cornejo Rosado in 1992 in IPAE (Peruvian Institute of Business Managemnent ) . As it is shown in my paper, The speech of Cornejo in reference to "leadership" and "the youth" is full of phallacies . I have just considered the so called " not formal fallacies". I think the minor requirement in whatever speeh someone makes should be logical coherence. Even though I’ do not consider myself as a heir of neopositivism, I have used the logic analysis as a tool. A tool to show the many inconsistencies of thist and other false ideologies which are so common in our days . The present paper was written in Spanish . I will show a bilingual version later. Oddly enough as it could seem to be ,Politics should try to reach the truth .


In this side I will deal with the relations that can be found between Philosophy and. Music. "Scientia bene modulandi" was the definition Agustin once gave to Music the in the fifth century AD.


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The phallacy is a false trend of thinking that deviced in a skilled, rethoric manner seems accurate and logically validate, but It isn't.

Phallacies appears in many aspects of our curent life.

There are, however places, where phallacies appear almost naturally as in the case of commercials, propaganda, or can even form part of the plan of the films we watch. Sometimes when we are aware that something will deal with "sophisticated" metaphores or "non sophistica ted" metaphores we know where the game begins and ends.

But what happens if at other level of reality, the phallacies appear, and not only appear but take over the speeches of a goverment.And the citizens of a country start believing in them. What if the the goverment broadcast phallacies to their structure and to the citizens of a state.

This is however the case in Peru. We are victims of a Meta-phallacy called "The total quality" which is composed of a lot of mini phallacies.

In order to strenght the policy of neoliberalism the goverment has brought one of the most decadent of the last sophists.He is mexican. His name... Miguel Angel Cornejo Rosado. He has sold many books, which of course, are full of phallacies. The problem is not Cornejo himself. The problem is how the goverment of Peru use the funds of the citizens, funds of the State, to promote nothing less than harmful propaganda.

Although the Goverment of Peru is the main responsible for this, there are other "prestigious" institutions who have lend their name to support this big phallacy called "Total Quality" and they are not less guilty than the goverment to make the people believe in this "Total quality", "leadership", etc. So, when they say "We are a serious institution" we just will show the videos where there appear their names sponsoring such ideology . There are the videos!! I can mention among them :"La Universidad del Pacifico", "IPAE" National Institute of Peruvian Management, La Sociedad Nacional de Industrias (National Society of Industries), and many others. They are not less guilty than the Goverment to tell phallacies to the people. But there the story just begin. The phallacies used to support the goverment have been used to cut the rights of the workers. and it is possible that you who are reading this now realize now that if the Goverment fired you offering "Profficiency, it was just a mask to hide that they wanted to keep your money and that money they didn't pay you when you finished to work after 20 or more years of service to the State, has been used to support a propaganda, an ideology; briefly: the "total quality". Although, there is an economic reason that they don't want to show when they speak to you about "the total quality". I will just analyse the "speeches" where it is showed that occurs.



And now...some samples of MIGUEL ANGEL CORNEJO PHALLACIES:

Cornejo says:

"Good morning, Good morning!

Do you hear me O.K ?

Thank you very much for this welcome. I thank you very much. It gives me an enormous emotion being with the young people, with the young people of Peru who are definetely the future of this nation. This morning we are going to talk about this mission and about this generation of leaders."

First Diamond Analisis of Cornejo's Phallacies:

Cornejo greets the audience for their assistance.


p: You, young people are the future of this country.

q: I feel an enormous emotion to be here with you.

The inference could be drawn as follow:

Given that: "p" then "q" .

We can realize the opportunism Cornejo's speech denotes It is "because those people are the future of this nation that he feels O.K being with them.

We can almost infere that there are other people that definetely "It is not the future". He doesn't say any word about them. Cornejo is then talking with "the future of Peru".

Cornejo let (them,the future of Peru) know that:

p: There is a new mission.

q: There is a new generation of leaders.

"p" implies that there has been a mission which was an old one

"q" implies that there are some leaders who are the new ones.

So, there were some leaders who were the old ones. And It also implies that there were some people led by them in the former and current time

We can see examining just the beginning of the speech a great deal of things which are implicit in it.

But, let's advance some steps more; Cornejo continues as follow:

"And I want you to make a great effort of concentration, in my last conference I told one person: Hey, what a bad education, you left in the middle of my conference" he told me"" Miguel Angel, forgive me, but I'm a sleepwalker".

(The audience laugh )

If anybody stand up, calm down, just relax, I mean, don't move very much ! Besides, I want to express clearly that It's very exciting for me when I'm in a Spanish-speaking country because I've got the opportunity to communicate in my own language.

Unfortunately when I had to be in other foras, as in Germany, as in Japan or Taiwan, it results that it is very difficult the communication.

I remember that 2 years ago, before a very big auditorium of 400 japanese people, original and copy, there were a lot that day...

(The audience laugh)

The case is that I'm not a japanese, that I'm not a poliglotus, then I have to wait for the alternate translation and we were waiting after a very long day of conferences of more than 10 hours, we rised to the question-answer session, so a hand raised over there, and I asked, what is he asking me ?

"Licencee: You are being asked if you can explain what in Mexico is called "la mordida", you call it here "coima", I don't know if you know what that is, so, among the 83,000 words of spanish language, for being able to explain what coima is, the amount of money you give to a person to make easier a procedure, I threw them a roll of about 10 minutes, after that other hand raised too and now what are you asking me ? Licencee they are asking you if that system (la coima) in a national tax..

(the audience laugh)

I said: no, no , to say the truth It is not a national tax, we don't have that a a national system,so I gave them another explanation of 10 minutes, and now what are they asking to me ?, Mr Licencee They are asking you if "The coima is a contract that must be renewable each year, "No,no,no""

So I said :

"Coima", "tranza", maroma, trinquete, robbery, fraud, and so on, many other words that for you It's much more easier to understand because we have a world of similar meanings, although both mexicans and peruvians do have substantially some differences in language, but we have a lot of common concepts, therefore, I will take the liberty , If you don't want the contrary to use our language, our own language with our world of meanings and in the world of "the chavos", the world of the youth which is the most important thing; if here is an old guy, a "ruco", we are going to ask him to sleep the rest of the day while we can chat and go ahead on this information about what precisely is a "leadership of excelence"


Cornejo inmediately tells us an anecdote which in the present context means: p: "Whoever goes out from my conference is a naughty

q: "Whoever goes out from my conference is a sleepwalker

By doing this, Cornejo creates an atmosphere in which nobody dares to get out from the conference because otherwise who does it is a naughty or asleepwalker. Then Cornejo referes to the many foras in which he had been in the past. These foras are ; Germany, Japan, countries which are admired in Peru due to the fact that they are industrialized countries. Cornejo says that he has had the opportunity to lecture there. By doing this, Cornejo tries to look like a wise man.

But let's analyse the propositions:

P: "When I had to be in those fora"

q: The communication was difficult

The implicit nonspoken message is:

They had difficulties to understand my message"

After that, he stresses his statement with a joke, which should soften the audience to set them on his side.But what his side is, nobody knows because he hasn't said anything at all yet.

Let's draw some inferences:

p: The auditorium was very big.

q: There were 400 japanese people.

r: We can make some copies from japanese people.

Cornejo is trying to introduce subtly the idea of mechanization when he speaks about "japanese people and copies.Cornejo tells a joke again, by doing this, he got the audience relaxed and fun, he does it to set the auditorium on his side.

Cornejo continues saying:

When I say coima, tranza, maroma, trinquete you understand.

But this is nothing more than other of his rethoric tricks, he has just told his audience that they know many words. By doing this he has praised his auditorium again and the auditorium feels o.K. Then Cornejo says:

p: We have a world of similar meanings

q: We have substantially some differences in our language.

But here we have a contradiction; p opposed logically to q, because if we substantially have some differences, we have not just some differences but substantially means "this statement differes radically from that other"

After that, Cornejo states that:"The world of the youth" use an "exclusive vocabulary" and say that "the language of the chavos" its own world of meanings. By doing this, Cornejo wants to separate radically the world of the youth from the world of old people. He tries to establish the existence of separate worlds from the two different languages.The reason for this is that Cornejo wants to speak directlt to his target: unexperienced young people.That is the reason why he will ask for whoever old guy could be there to sleep.

Cornejo Says:

"Young people, you know it better than anybodyelse. The world is submerged into big changes. Big changes, which are happening around the world, and of course, Mexico as well as Peru are not aside of those big changes. One of the biggest genius of Europe, Mr miterrand, President and Prime minister of France were asked:
"Hey, It seems to be that on November 9th, 1989, the communism failed. The wall of Berlin was torn down, after that came all that disolution of the Communist Party, the destruction of U.S.S.R and F. Miterrand was asked : The communism has failed.
"and surely" Miterrand said: The communism has failed. The communism showed the world that it can distribute equally the misery, the poverty and that it can distribute that misery with a sense of justice. Definetely the communism has failed".


(This is going to continue.....)


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