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22nh July 1999
The Heavenly Way group I joined was the 18th group from Taiwan. It is called Ping Tung section. Before them, there are already here 17 groups from Taiwan preaching the doctrines of 5 religions.
The most important aspect of the Heavenly Way is the anointment of the mark on the forehead. The mark is in the spot midway between the 2 eyes.
In the Comment on Holy Bible, Revelation, there is mention of sealing of the marks on the foreheads. In the Holy Koran, there is mention of the mark on the forehead, but no direct indication of sealing.
This sealing is considered secret, as new members have to swear before the lighted lamp-stand. I can say this because I am the chosen ONE and I can bear the responsibility, as I have to tell the world the position of the mark and its significance in relationship to Tao, God, Atman, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Krsna etc. You can ask any member to reveal to you this secret, they will not tell you unless they want to go crazy.
The Heavenly Way temple is furnished with a lamp-stand and the table with the bread offered to God (Hebrews chapter 9 verse 2). In the Holy Koran there is mention of the prayer house with a lamp-stand, whereby the Muslims pray in the morning and the evening. The difference between the Heavenly Way temple and church/mosque is that only members, those marks on their foreheads sealed, are allowed to pray in the Heavenly Way temple when the lamp-stand is lighted. When the lamp-stand is not lighted, outsiders can go in, but cannot pray.
The flame of the lamp-stand represents God. Many religions have practice in praying to the fire. It has about the same meaning.
Any one can furnish a house and start the sealing on the forehead. It is useless if he is not authorized to perform the sealing. (In the picture, the Group likes to put image of Goddess Mercy at the background. This is not necessary. For me, I will put a big mirror, so when praying, we pray to ourselves.)
The sealing, from the Heavenly Way teaching, can be traced to Gautama Buddha. The 1st Patriarch in China, Arya Bodhidharma, from India went to China, transmitted the heart to heart seal to 2nd Patriarch Master Wei Ho. He transmitted the heart seal to 3rd Patriarch Master Tsang Tsan who transmitted to 4th Patriarch Master Tu Shun. Master Tu Shun transmitted the heart seal to 5th Patriarch Master Hwang Yan who transmitted to 6th Patriarch Master Hui Neng. Up till then the transmission was one to one. From 6th Patriarch Master Hui Neng onwards, he transmitted to many monks. How many we cannot know. (In his sutra, it is mentioned he transmitted to 43 persons.)
How Gautama Buddha got the sealing, I also do not know. There are many theories for which I am not interested. My concern is that the Heavenly Way group can go haywire and the group will become outcast. I think the White Lotus Sect in China could be one of the group but with the leader going the wrong way, the group will be going crazy.
I would like to remind all Heavenly Way members, whether you still go to the temple to pray or not, once you are sealed on the mark on the forehead, that means you have already known the truth, so any mistake or sin you make you will be severely punished. Like the 4 friends I brought to Heavenly Way, they might not know this, as they are doing what ever they are only interested. I hope they can see this article.
Sealing on the marks on the foreheads is now in the Chinese hands. You can refer to the 36th section of the Sutra of 42 Sections, mentioning it is hard to be born in the Middle Kingdom or China. So you Chinese, you know you are lucky to be Chinese.
Most members don't know what they are praying. 1st on the list is God - The Mother. Next is Maitreya Buddha followed by 4 heavenly kings and Goddess of Mercy etc. If Maitreya Buddha has been reincarnated, then what are they praying to Maitreya for what?
If I am the ONE, that means I am also the reincarnation of Maitreya Buddha. My son is the reincarnation of Goddess of Mercy; that is why I do not bring him to Heavenly Way, because of the vow that he will be the last person to be enlightened or sealed. My 4 friends are the 4 Great Heavenly Kings. In Bible terms, I am Melchizedek and my 4 friends the 4 winds or directions. (Revelation)
Whether you belief or not, it is up to you. But I want to remind you that when the punishment comes down to you, don't tell me that I do not remind you.
I went to Bukit Timah race course with my 3rd sister when she was possessed. My thinking and the thinking of the spirit in my sister was the same, that we want to build a Heavenly Way temple on the race course ground. I hope all members after you have read this article, you can contribute some money to help build this grand temple.
All members better take note. Once you are punished, you will go crazy. Many people think I am crazy, but the doctors in Woodbridge hospital do not want me there. When you are crazy, they want you, not me. As for me, the doctors can't help it because the courts sent me there, they have to do their job, or else the government will go after them.
Heavenly Way members in Taiwan, it is better for you to get involved in politics, with the help of the Chinese triads, whom I suggest you get them in as Heavenly Way members (see my Chinese Triads article), so China and Taiwan can be united peacefully. I do not want to see Chinese fighting against Chinese.
For others, Chinese and other races, if you want to have the seal on the mark on your forehead, you can look for Heavenly Way groups all over the world, where there are Chinese. They are in America, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand etc.
All human beings must have the marks on their foreheads sealed. None can escape. You can be stubborn not to get the sealing, and for how long? Wait till you are reborn as babies?
What you have to do after sealing?
10th August 1999
After sealing the mark on your forehead, you are already a god, only the level of your spirituality or enlightenment has to be developed by your own self, unless your living father is also cultivating his moral self.
In 1981, I already had the above book, but when I try to tell members to meditate, the senior members opposed me. I cannot understand why. The book mentions meditation as internal cultivation for spirituality as what former sages and monks had practiced.
So for you Heavenly Way members, if your want to increase your spirituality, you have to meditate. You can compare my meditation method with the Three Treasures (San Pao). This Three Treasures is for use in an emergency. So by practicing my meditation, you will get acquainted with it, and not get confused when at time of emergency. Senior Heavenly Way members said the Three Treasures is not to be any how used. But I can tell you, you can use the Three Treasures to meditate, chanting the five words in your mind to clear your mind of any thoughts.
If you members want to follow what the senior members tell you to do, you are following fate. So those fated to die a violence death cannot escape. To avoid violence death you have to meditate to change your fate.
For those going for higher spirituality or enlightenment, you need to discard practices like praying to ancestors, praying to statues, praying to devils (seven month festival) etc. Also you need to eat vegetarian food. You have to understand that the mark on your forehead is your God or Innate Self. Once you pray to anyone, you are lowering yourself spiritually.
Gautama Buddha, before he was enlightened, meditated for seven days under the 'bo' tree. He did not pray to any statue or god. Hui Neng after he had the seal and bowl & robe stayed for about 15 years in the forest with the hunters. He also did not pray to statue and god.
You can see for yourself monks and nuns in temples. How many of them are truly enlightened? Every day they pray to statues of various Buddha. This will hinder their uplifting of spirituality.
In the New Testament, The Act, there is mention of laying of hands on the believers. To me, this is the sealing on the mark on the forehead. This genuine practice was already lost a long time ago, so the churches cannot perform the sealing again. If people with great sins can go into churches, are the churches holy?
For more details about meditation, you can refer to my various meditation articles in my homepage.
3rd May 2005 - Some people called Heavenly Way I-Kuan-Tao. You can refer to to http://www.taoism.net or Taiwan site http://bgid.org.tw for references. I cannot find my Ping-tung group in the internet yet.
Edited on 9th June 2008