Seminole High School is a comprehensive public high school (grade 9-12) located in a suburban area between Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico on the west coast of Florida. The community served by Seminole High School is largely comprised of small businesses and professionals in an area attractive to tourists. Located just fifteen miles from downtown Tampa, Seminole High School is in close proximity to the University of South Florida, the University of Tampa, Eckerd College and St. Petersburg Junior College. Seminole High School welcomes visits to our campus by college representatives. Visits may be arranged between 8 AM and 2 PM by calling the Guidance.Office.
Graduation Requirements:
Twenty-four credits are required for graduation. Beginning in the 1997-98 school year, Seminole High School will adopt the 4x4 block schedule. Credits are awarded by Semester (9 week). Students are enrolled in four one credit blocks of 90 minutes each in both the fall and spring terms (18 weeks) for a total of 8 credits per yar. The following credits are required for graduation:
Language Arts/Literature-4 Mathematics-3 Science(2 lab courses)-3 Social Studies*-3 Physical Education-1 Health-.5 Performing/Practical Arts-1
*(includes:American Government, World History, American History and Economics)
A=94-100 B=85-93 C=75-84 D=65-74 F=0-64Recognition of Excellence:
Seminole students have earned a well deserved reputation for excellence. The large number of district and state titles won in athletic competition has earned Seminole High School the "Superintendents Award" for the last several years. Our nationally recognized music program includes both a nationally award winning Marching Band and Wind Ensemble that has earned straight"Superior"ratings at State contest for five years. The choral program boasts several performing ensembles. Students in the chorus participate annually in the Christmas Festival of Lights at Disney World in Orlando and have performed in New York City at the Maestro Festival and the Smokey Mountain Festival in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Our drama students have produced small and large productions including 42nd Street, West Side Story and Sophisticated Ladies and Hello Dolly. Students in the visual arts department have competed in both local and state shows. Seminole High School had more candidates for the Gold Seal Scholarship program than all the other schools in Pinellas County combined.
Class of 1995 Profile:
2 National Merit Finalists 9 National Merit Commended Students 76 Florida Undergraduate Scholars Candidates 1 United States Air Force Academy Appointment 70 Junior College Scholarship Winner 73 Gold Seal Scholarship Candidates
*Florida Undergraduate Scholars are recognized as outstanding academic achievers. Receipients are guaranted admision to the Florida State University System as well as other colleges throughout Florida. The scholarship has a maximum value of 42.500 per academic year.
**Florida Gold Seal recognizes those students who have completed a specific business or vocational sequence of courses while maintaining a 3.0 cumulative unweighted grade point average. Recipients may earn scholarships valued up to 42,000 per academic year.
Class of 1995 College Test Scores:
Seminole High School 515 526 Pinellas County 513 518 Florida 498 496 National 505 508
Public Florida Four Year College 30% Public Florida Four Year College 3% Florida Technical Training 6% Work/Other 10% Florida Two Year College 48& Out of State Four or Two Year College 8% Military Service 4% Undecided 5%