Seminole High School
Students are assigned to counselors on an alphabetical basis:
- A-D Susan Kaineg
- E-K Julie Schletter
- L-Ra Bob Scott
- Re-Z Randy Morris
Counselors assist in these specialized areas:
Susan Kaineg Awards
Service Academies
Julie Schletter All State Testing
Bob Scott Military Liason
Vocational Centers
Randy Morris SAT,ACT,PSAT Coordinator
How can your counselor help you?
- Orientation to high school
- Identification and planning for career goals
- Assistance with academic pacement and course selection
- Tips on how to study effectively
- Help with college planning and admissions
- Letters of recommendation
- Information on post secondary destinations
- Information on scholarships and financial aid
- Individual short term personal counseling
- Small support groups
- Crisis intervention
- Referral for additional assistance as needed
- Suicide prevention
- Drug and alcohol abuse counseling
- child abuse reporting
- Assistance to families in crisis
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