Exceptional students at Seminole High School participate in the VE (Varying Exceptionality) Model. This model allows students to be serviced in classes established for their ability level rather than their exceptionality. The majority of exceptional students are SLD (Specific Learning Disabilities), EH (Emotionally Handicapped), and CD (Communication Disordered).
By using this model, Seminole has been able to develop innovative programs to educate the spectrum of students from the college bound to those preparing to enter the work force after graduation.
The standard diploma seeking student may take many required courses in co-taught classes. These are taught by a general education and exceptional education teacher working together to accommodate the students' learning needs.
We offer a community based instruction class. The students are transported by bus daily for actual on the job work experience. This non-salaried class focuses on necessary behaviors for successful employment rather than specific job related skills. The students are learning to accept supervision, develop initiative, and handle criticism.
While students are in the mainstream assistance is available in the form of teacher aids who will work with the students in or out of the classroom. A resource room is avaiable for the student seeking help during the day.
Exceptional students attending Seminole Vocational Educational Center for a part of their school day are also able to have assistance from exceptional education staff members.