Seminole High School


Volunteers and Tutors

The department of community Involvement provides many services to the student and the school. Through our volunteer services we primarily provide tutors and mentors during the school day to our students in need. Our volunteers are parents, community members and corporate employees. Improved student performance is a priority goal of Pinellas County Schools, and it is consistently enhanced by the conscientious efforts of volunteer tutors and mentors. Tutors work on an individual basis with a student or with small groups of students who need assistance in academic subjects to reinforce basic skills. Mentors work with discouraged students, motivating them by being friends, role models and encouragers.

Last year Seminole High School registered over 225 volunteers who donated over 34,000 hours to our school. We are the proud recipient of the Golden School Award. Our students receive many things from volunteers-care, help, friendship and support. Additionally, students are shown that their success now and in the future is significant enough for people to take an active role in their education. Volunteers are part of the school team, joining with faculty and staff to help students develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes that are the hallmark of a quality education.

If you would like to be a part of the Seminole High Volunteer team as a tutor, mentor, SAC(School Advisory Council) member, booster, or assist teachers and staff, please contact Heidi Wayland, Community Involvement Coordinator at (813) 547-7536, Ext. 136.

We welcome you to be a part of it and enjoy!

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