What is 4 X4?
The 4 X 4 block schedule is a restructured daily schedule that provides four 90 minutes periods of instruction with complete and separate courses taught in each term. Students will typically select twoacademic blocks and two electriv blocks each term for a total of four credits per term and eight credits per year.
"The central goal of school is student learning and the purpose of learning is to promote students' cognitive development."
Our Seminole High School motto is "Live by the highest you know." Through the process of Blueprint 2000 and the "renewal" evaluation provided by SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools), the SHS faculty has conducted an in-depth study of the 4 X 4 block schedule. The research has yielded ample evidence that a restructured schedule designed around longer blocks of instruction will result in significant increases in student learning and mastery of content. We believe that this alternative to the traditional six period day will privde opportunities for students to explore a wider range of special interests and provide students with more individualized teacher contact.
"Nothing, absolutely nothing...has happened in education until it happens to a studnet."
Sample "Typical" Schedule for a 9th Grader
This is a sample plan that students may review in order to assist in planning their schedule for the next year and all four years in high school. This represents a typical schedule for a 9th grader:
TERM 1-18 WEEKS | TERM 2-18 WEEKS | |
BLOCK-1 | English 1 | Math |
BLOCK-2 | American Government ( 9 weeks) / Geography (9 weeks) | Earth Science | BLOCK-3 | Physical Education Block | 2/D Art* / *3/D Art | BLOCK-4 | Band* | Band* |