Low Carb Year 2001
:) January 2001:The beginning of another year, and time again to look back to see where I came from, and ahead, to see where I am going. I am more content with my job than ever before, finding great satisfaction and fulfillment in it. Our marriage is healthy, growing and evolving. Our children are healthy and stable in their careers. We have another little one due in April, and are very excited about that. I still subscribe to several e-mail lists, but foodlog@medidinamics.com is the one I feel offers me the most support right now. It is a chatty, lively group, very friendly, and ready to come to the rescue of anyone who is struggling, or to rejoice with someone who is succeeding. I feel as if these people are truly my friends, even though we never meet "in the flesh"--only through the internet. But true communication and caring are more important than simply being in the same geographic vicinity. I have reached a new stage in my low carb journey; I have realized that in the past, when I got tired of a diet, or felt that I was not succeeding as I wished, I quit. Then, at some point, I would find something else to try, and start over. Usually, I would set a date (always a Monday) and say, okay from now until then I will eat all the things I love, that I am going to have to give up. So by the time the day came to start the new diet, I hoped I would be sick of the chocolate, sugar, etc. That never happened. I continued to crave those things, because I never really stopped eating them. I just reduced the amounts. With low carb, I do have deviations from time to time, but I never give up, never just pig out and say okay, I'll start again on Monday. Now, I start again the next minute--low carb is truly becoming a way of life, with brief sidetracks, not just another diet to be started and stopped.
5 Feb: I read in the Almanac that after the full moon this month, 8 Feb, would be the time to begin losing weight. Our grandparents used to plant according to the moon phases, and the almanac, and also when to cut hair, and lots of other things. So I am hoping that date will mean the beginning of a new weight loss cycle. I am thinking of letting my hair grow long again. I miss having long hair. I have a dr. appt. tomorrow, to recheck my blood pressure. My allergist changed several of my routine meds when I was having so much trouble with hives in the fall, and my primary dr. changed it all back again.
11 December 2001.
This is a time of year for remembering loved ones far away, especially those we may never see again. My heart if filled with memories, and my mind wanders into the past. There are those with whom I have lost touch; there are those who are beyond my ability to find; and some I hope to hear from during the holidays. I know I am not the only person who struggles with depression at this time of year, when the whole world seems to be in a state of perpetual celebration. Not wanting to put a damper on their joy, I try to hide my sadness and smile, but sometimes it is hard. To all of you who have followed my struggles with eating disorder and depression, I wish the merriest of Christmases and the happiest of new years. God bless you, my dear friend.