Welcome to:

Born in Texas, I have lived here most of my life. My large extended family mostly lives within an hour's drive of Dallas, and we get together often to cook, eat, see who can tell the funniest or most outrageous stories, and play with all of the babies.

We are a family of teachers, with ten of us currently teaching full-time. I love teaching, and can't imagine doing anything else with my life. I am currently teaching at an alternative school, in a program for students who have been unable to experience success in the traditional classroom. In the past, I have taught at two universities and one community college, and have also worked briefly as a probation officer.

I received my BA in English, and master's degree in English, education and psychology. My PhD is in British literature, with a focus on British novels of the 18th and 19th century. My husband teaches vocational electrical trades, but at a different school. It helps that we are both involved in education, and understand some of the frustrations and constraints of our chosen profession, as well as the rewards.

Hobbies and interests include music of all kinds, from classical to classic rock and roll. Reading, from 18th century British novels to the latest Cornwell mystery, and some fantasy and science fiction as well; needlework (sewing, quilting, embroidery, crochet); sailing, camping out, travelling, and taking long walks.

We sold our house a couple of years ago, and live in our Winnebago Journey motor home. This enables us to travel whenever the opportunity arises. My Husband and I have a wonderful boat that we enjoy at our lake on the weekends with our children.

We have a Pomeranian named Frankie, who thinks he is king of the world.

Check out the index below for short stories, poetry, literary criticism, and my low carb journal.

Low carb journal entries. Read about my journey toward health, weight loss, and new found energy. See also low carb recipes, tips, and links.
The Gardener
Poetry Page
Charles Dickens' "Bleak House"
Charles Dickens' "The Old Curiosity Shop"
Uncle Hardy, Big Tex, and Santa Claus
A Success Story In Reading
Robert Browning
The Open Door
Tell Me
Low Carb
Low Carb Journal 1999
SPIRIT of the DANCE The New Millennium
A Friend
Shakespeare's "Tempest"
Low Carb Recipes
Low Carb Journal 2000
*NEW* Pictures
Little Ones Pictures
Low Carb Journal 2001
Low Carb Journal 2002
2002 Pictures

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This document was created on March 3, 1998, and last updated on 19 Jan. 2004.

This web site was originally designed by Airlee Owens using Arachnophilia, a CareWare program. This website maintained by That Blonde.

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> The song on this page is"My Heart Will Go on" (The Love Song From Titanic)