Name: Jessica
Handle: Fallenlove
Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Hair Color: burgandy (naturally blond)
Hair Length: 2 inches in the back, to my chin in the front
Eye Color: blue grey
Residence: Missouri (in a pathetic town near KC)
Belief system: agnostic

Colors: pink
Artist: Trent
Band of the moment: Kittie
Book: Go Dog Go
Movie: The Princess Bride
Number: 3
Obsessions: Travis, Trent, Tori Tori Tori, scarves, photography

Pictures of me (if you care):

first new...second new Picture of me
Me again
Red me
pictures taken myself (self-timer)
10 , 11 , 12
13 , 14 , 16
17 , 8

gc98....may be messed up...

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If you have any comments, criticism, poetry or suggestions, email me at

©1997-2001, fallenlove