Emanuel Mattous - 11/07/99 05:41:38 My Email:heb6@latinmail.com Gender: male Age: 16 Nationality: German | Comments: Soy aleman pero vivo en colombia mi padre era judío pero murio y la familia de mi padre mo hizo cambiar de religion. pero quiero ser judío de nuevo como lo logro? En mi ciudad no hay rabinos. mis e mail Hebreo1@latinmail.com mattous@habreosnet.zzn.com Espero sus respuestas gracias |
Adam Richter - 11/02/99 16:31:15 My Email:arichter@indiana.edu Age: 21 Nationality: EEUU | Comments: Estoy contentisimo que haya judios en Peru. El semester proximo, voy a estar en Lima y me gustaria mucho conocer a la gente judia. Hay una sinagoga en Lima? La mayoria de los judios son Sefardistas? Hay alguien que quiera darme mas informacion? Muchi imas gracias. |
abraham dayan harari - 10/26/99 16:15:54 My Email:adayan@prodigy.com.mx Gender: comerciante Age: 28 anos Nationality: mexicana | Comments: quisiera conocer una chava de entre 17 a 23 anos de edad de ojos claros y con unbuen fisico de color rubia y quisiera una respuesta muy pronto a mi e mail |
Humberto Borsani - 10/22/99 20:03:20 My Email:humbertoborsani@hotmail.com | Comments: Querida Sanda: Recien hoy encontre este mensaje del dos de julio. Nosotros estamos bien , comunicate . Besos humbe |
willy barmak - 10/22/99 00:35:23 My Email:wilbare@yahoo.com Age: oollllddddd Nationality: canadian | Comments: ive been away from lima for over 30 years and i can still remember the good memories of my childhood and best of all family and friends! hope to hear back from you! adios, willy:) |
Aaron Bolton - 10/01/99 15:18:33 My Email:aebolton@yahoo.com Gender: Varón Nationality: USA | Comments: Soy norteamercano pero viví en Arequipa - Perú cuando era más joven. |
Harry Stein - 09/26/99 19:44:01 My URL:http://www.sephardim.com My Email:SteinHE@aol.com Age: 67 Nationality: USA | Comments: Hello, Thought you might be interested in placing a link on your page to my web site, SEPHARDIM.COM found at http://www.sephardim.com Sephardic genealogy with name, facts and lore, heraldry, and a discussion forum. Harry Stein |
Ricardo Portal - 09/21/99 16:36:06 My Email:ricardo.portal@vjmail.com Gender: male Age: 30 Nationality: peruvian/american | Comments: an excellent insight on judeo-peruanos! |
alejandro bussalleu - 08/12/98 02:17:19 My Email:abussalleu@upch.edu.pe | Comments: me gusto mucho tu pagina web, cuando me ensenas para tener yo una tambien, Un beso de tu amigo, Chando. |
SARA FLEISCHMAN - 07/18/98 20:10:43 My Email:yam1@internet-zahav.net gender: female age: 41 nationality: peruvian Anything Else??: KOL HAKAVOD! | Comments: I was amazed and surprised to know that you, Sanda, are a genious ! It was such a pleasure reading all the information about your family roots, through the internet. It was also great to see your picture. I really miss you and hope to see you again as las December. It was very nice. Many kisses to you all from all of us: Sara, Mauricio, Salomon, Ilan & Shelly. |
esthercita - 07/13/98 08:09:35 My Email:tu ya lo sabes gender: femina age: 45 nationality: peruana/israeli | Comments: sanda amiga del alma te felicito de todo corazon sobre todo porque lo has hecho tu solita y se lo mucho que esto significa para ti |
Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 06:24:11 My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com | Comments: Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you! |
Lee Heredia - 06/11/98 00:30:08 My URL:http://n/a My Email:HEREDIA_LER@CCSUA.CTSTATEU.EDU gender: Male age: 19 nationality: American Anything Else??: I was born in Connecticut. My father is a mestizo from Peru and my mother is an American Ashkenazic Jew. I'm active in Jewish life,meaning that I attend weekly Shabbat services on Saturday and I observe the holidays.I also take dif erent classes at my synagogue. I speak English only and I go to Central Connecticut State University. I'm majoring in Spanish. I can read Hebrew, although I'd like to be fluent in it one day. I'd like to be fluent in Quechua too. I'm planning on being a s condary school teacher of Spanish. I've thought before of moving to Lima. One other thing: I don't want to intermarry, meaning that I want to marry someone of the same ethnic and religious background. So, I'm looking for a lady who has Jewish, Peruvian, a d Spanish blood and is a religious Jew. I have high expectations don't I? | Comments: I was glad to read your informative story on the Jews of Peru. I'm planning to go to Peru this August(1998). I've heard of that Indian tribe that converted to Judaism and moved to Israel. I've also seen on the Internet the story of Rabbi Blumenfeld,the Ch badnic Rabbi from Brooklyn New York who went to serve in Lima. I was hoping to go to at least one Shabbat service when I'm down in Peru. I don't know the whole scoop,but I know that my father has family in Huancayo as well as in Lima. I'd appreciate hearing from whoever read this message and may have anything meaningful to e-mail me about. Thank you and Shalom! Lee Heredia |
Yael - 06/08/98 20:52:09 My Email:bigio@netvision.net.il gender: female age: 27 nationality: Israeli Anything Else??: occupation: translator & interpreter | Comments: you seem like a great family! |
Paul-André Gravelle - 05/13/98 22:06:02 My Email:paul-andré.gravelle@tpsgc.gc.ca gender: man age: 52 nationality: Canadian |
Fony Abramovici - 05/08/98 19:28:43 gender: female age: 50 nationality: Argentina Anything Else??: Pronto Israeli | Comments: Me gusto mucho tu pagina. Esta mejor desde la primera vez que la vi. Te felicito porque lo has hecho solita y eso es lo que vale. Besos. Que D-os te bendiga. |
Benny Schmal - 05/01/98 18:06:21 My Email:yam1@internet-zahav age: 40 nationality: Peru Anything Else??: Israel | Comments: hola querida Sanda: tu Home Page es muy linda e interesante. con carino : Benny Schmal desde la casa de gury. |
leslie loco - 04/25/98 14:00:44 My Email:lessle_b@reim.org.il age: 17 1/2 nationality: peruanisimo Anything Else??: muy lindo!!!!!! | Comments: que emosion me dio escuchar el himno nacional inclusive me pare para respetarlo bueno muy linda page y que tengan exito el primo del culo del mundo. leslie |
Bruno - 04/18/98 23:29:43 My Email:brunos@cvtci.com.ar age: 22 nationality: Argentino | Comments: ---------- De: Bruno My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cabana/1202/INDEXES.HTM |
Gury Ben Zaken - 04/18/98 21:34:59 age: 26 nationality: Israeli | Comments: Great !!! Many kisses to every body. |
Alberto Lam - 04/11/98 17:35:55 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/4717/alberto.html My Email:sab@mail.cosapidata.com.pe gender: male age: 47 nationality: peruana Anything Else??: Bien Bacan !! | Comments: Te ama, Alberto |