Tamil Standard Code For Information Interchange (TSCII) 

Last Modified: 21-Aug-98


"Muthu"  M. Nedumaran <muthu@murasu.com>
"Kalyan" K.  Kalyanasundaram <kalyan@dcsun1.epfl.ch>


Mr. Anbarasan,  CEO, Applesoft, Bangalore, India, <anbu.arasan@axcess.net.in>
Mr. Naa. Govindasamy, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,   <govind@irdu.nus.edu.sg>
Prof. George Hart,  University of California, Berkeley, USA, <ghart@socrates.berkeley.edu>
Prof. Vasu Renganathan, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA <vasur@ccat.sas.upenn.edu>
Prof. Harold Schiffman, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA  <haroldfs@ccat.sas.upenn.edu>
Dr Tan Tin Wee,  Internet Research and Development Unit (IRDU),
                               Computer Centre, National University of Singapore,  <tinwee@irdu.nus.sg>,
Mr. Leong Kok Yong, IRDU, Singapore,  <kokyong@irdu.nus.edu.sg>


Kavi Arasan, Chennai, Tamilnadu,  <kokudil@md2.vsnl.net.in>
Kumar Kumarappan, Fremont, CA, USA, <kkumar@crl.com>
Dr. Periannan Kuppuswamy, Baltimore, MD, USA,  <kuppu@kalvi.com>
Kumar Mallikarjunan, Griffin, GA, USA <pmallik@cfsqe.griffin.peachnet.edu>
Mani M. Manivannan, Fremont, CA, USA <manim@ix.netcom.com>
Chinnasamy Nagarajan, Cork, Ireland, <nagu@tinet.ie>
Bala Pillai, Sydney, Australia  <bala@tamil.net>
Prof. "Selvaa" C.R. Selvakumar, Waterloo, Canada <selvakum@valluvar.uwaterloo.ca>
Sinnathurai Srivas, UK, EC, <SiSrivas@aol.com>
K. Srinivasan, Montreal, Canada,  <srini@canada.com>
D. Sivaraj, Pittsburgh, PA, USA <sivaraj@intelligroup.com>
V. Vasu Devan, Sydney, Australia, <vidya@idx.com.au>
Ravindran K. Paul, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,  <ravink@pop.jaring.my>
Dr. Ram S. Ravindran, Indianapolis, USA, <rravindr@iupui.edu>
Ranganathan, Chennai, India <kandr@giasmd01.vsnl.net.in>
T.N.C. Venkata Rangan, Chennai, India <tamizhan@chennaionline.com>
"V.Sreedhar" <sreedhar@unforgettable.com>

Font Developers sub-committee:

Kavi Arasan, Chennai, Tamilnadu,  <kokudil@md2.vsnl.net.in>
Vasu Devan (Mathuram font), <vidya@idx.com.au>
Mr. Naa. Govindasamy  (Tamilweb), <govind@irdu.nus.edu.sg>
"Kalyan" K.  Kalyanasundaram (Mylai) <kalyan@dcsun1.epfl.ch>
Dr. 'Kalvi' Kuppusamy (Anangu), <kuppu@kalvi.com>
Muthu Nedumaran (Murasu), <muthu@murasu.com>
Ravindran K.  Paul (Thunaivan),  <ravink@pop.jaring.my>
Dr. K. Srinivasan (AdhaWin), <srini@canada.com>
Sinnathurai Srivas (Avarangal), <SiSrivas@aol.com>

Support Tools Committee:

Muthu Nedumaran (converters), <muthu@murasu.com>
Dr. K. Srinivasan (Converters), <srini@canada.com>
Kumar Mallikarjunan (keyboard drivers),  <pmallik@cfsqe.griffin.peachnet.edu>
Sivaraj (keyboard drivers) <sivaraj@intelligroup.com>

Project Public Relations (Spokespersons):

Kumar Kumarappan, <kkumar@crl.com>
Mani M. Manivannan, <manim@ix.netcom.com>
Bala Pillai, <bala@tamil.net>

Users Forum:

Mani M. Manivannan, co-ordinator <manim@ix.netcom.com>
Kumar Mallikarjunan, co-ordinator <pmallik@cfsqe.griffin.peachnet.edu>
B. Arunmozhi <arun@techapp.com>
Chinnasamy Nagarajan, Cork, Ireland, <nagu@tinet.ie>
Sinnathurai Srivas, UK, EC, <SiSrivas@aol.com>
D. Sivaraj, Pittsburgh, PA, USA <sivaraj@intelligroup.com>
Dr. Ram S. Ravindran, Indianapolis, USA, <rravindr@iupui.edu>
Ranganathan, Chennai, India <kandr@giasmd01.vsnl.net.in>
T.N.C. Venkata Rangan, Chennai, India <tamizhan@chennaionline.com>
"V.Sreedhar" <sreedhar@unforgettable.com>
Shanmugavel, New Jersey, USA <shanmugavel@eudoramail.com>
Mohan, Riyadh, oabgroup@naseej.com
Vairam, Chennai <vairam@wipsys.soft.net>
and other Tscii@coollist.com subscribers

Mailing Lists:

General Discussion: webmasters@tamil.net
To Subscribe: send the text - subscribe webmasters - to majordomo@tamil.net
Archive: http://www.cir.nus.edu.sg/tamilweb/tamilnet97/mailinglist/archive/

Testing List: tscii@coollist.com
To Subscribe:  Go to www.coollist.com and enter the list name as "tscii" and give your e-mail address

Description of Working Group:

The Tamil Standard Code For Information Interchange (TSCII) Group will establish a consistent International Tamil character encoding standard that in turn lead to a self-standing Tamil font usable on all computer platforms including the legacy personal computer systems. The encoding will be 8-bit bilingual  using a unique set of glyphs and the usual lower ASCII set (roman letters with standard punctuation marks) occupying the first 128 slots. The encoding scheme must include all characters that are likely to be used in everyday Tamil text interchange.  The tamil standard must be in the public domain. 

Some of the issues to be explored and resolved include

1. Compatibility with UNICODE and ISCII standards and other legacy software
2. Sorting, searching issues.
3. Publishable quality of fonts created with the standard across the target platforms

Goals and Milestones:

Done    Prepare a draft proposal for Tamil character encoding standard (TSCII).
Done    Develop GIF files to represent the character encoding in the TSCII proposal.
Sep 98    Finalize proposal for Tamil character encoding standard (TSCII)
Sep 98    Submit Internet-Draft on TSCII.
Oct 98    Update Internet-Draft on TSCII.
Dec 98         Submit Internet-Draft on TSCII to IESG or other Standards bodies for consideration as a Proposed Standard.

Draft Proposal(s):

The Proposal for Tamil Standard Code For Information Interchange (TSCII) is at:


The TSCII 1.5.2 revision GIF file is at:



To be developed

Request For Comments:

To be developed.

TSCII Group - Please send questions, comments, and/or suggestions to tscii@coollist.com.

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