Tamil Thenral

In these pages you will find articles on:

Tamil Nadu
Tamil Literature, Poetry, Politics
Mysticism(may be), Science, Technology and Tamil Computing

In order read the rest of the page, you will need Murasu InaiMathi Font (: ̟ ):
Several of these articles were also originally published in the Tamil.Net's mailing list. You can subscribe to the mailing list from Tamil Net Web pages

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Some articles of interest originally published in the Tamil Net mailing list and/or the Bay Area Tamil Manram Newsletter

For almost a year, several font developers, software developers, Tamil scholars and teachers, webmasters and others very interested in the development of a unified character encoding standard for Tamil computing have been discussing and implementing several ideas. The proposal for Tamil Standard Code For Information Interchange (TSCII) (available at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5180/tsic.html) evolved from these discussions. So far the standards proposal refinement and evolution has been mostly done by a small group of dedicated volunteers.

This informal group, just like the Apache Group has been a "meritocracy" -- if you are willing to devote your time and contribute to the standards( by proposing and testing new ideas), and persuade others that your ideas are worthwhile, your ideas get incorporated into the proposal. Because this has been a loose group with no well defined structure, * NOBODY * really is in charge. Recently a TSCII group has been formed (along the lines of an IETF committee) with a well defined charter, with a clear cut goal; this group will be in charge of getting the TSCII proposal to a standard - possibly an IETF or ISO standard with proper RFCs., etc.

Click here to go to the TSCII Group Home Page.

Including you people have visited this page since August 5, 1998

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Copyright 1997-98 - Manivannan -All Rights Reserved.