Welcome to Jim Roan's Home Page!

This site is under construction. Check out the ROAN genealogy page.

The purpose of this page is for you to personally contribute your stories, resources, links, etc. to me via e-mail so that I might share them with the rest of the interested world.!

Please check out the links below. If you have any suggestions for a new page, a special topic, or of you have resources and links to contribute that support the currently listed topics please e-mail me.

Links to other sites on the Web

-Especially designed for researchers of the ROAN surname and its many variations
-Irish Culture, History, Genealogy, Mythology, and Music!
-School Psychology Topics and Resources for the child advocate

Please include all bibliographic (or otherwise) references to your stories and information so that others might access the original sources of your information.

Please be advised that by submitting your stories to me that you are also granting me full permission to publish them on this page and, therefore, to make them accessible to a worldwide audience.

Finally, I cannot include all stories and information submitted to me, and I may not be able to answer all e-mail messages sent to me. -Thank you

I would like to thank Rowan Fairgrove's Home Page for the celtic graphics. She has constructed a very fine resource...please visit her site. Thank you.

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