Elder Chris Coray / Glyolis
California-Carlsbad Mission
February 25, 1998-February 25, 2000.
"Default" Snail Mail address in the Mission Field
Elder Coray
785 Grand Ave STE 202
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Pictures of Elder Coray from the MTC, airport, and in Fallbrook.

Boarding the flight to San Diego.
Elders Coray(Glyolis) and Dixon(ShortPhatFriend)in the Missionary Training Center.
Elder Williams' Birthday. Westsiiiiide!
Elder Coray, Elder Gwyn and Sister Brown(Stake Missionaries), Grandma Davies, and Elder Williams throw the camera the "west side."
Elders Jacobson, Russell, Coray, and Williams looking schwanky in front of the San Diego Temple.
Scrubb Factory
This is a paraody of "Sludge Factory" by Alice in Chains.
Words by: Elder Chris Coray (Glyolis) and Elder Russ Williams (RU-5).
Music by: Jerry Cantrell and Alice in Chains.
You insult me and my comp
You're forgiven this time
Short First goes well, but you ask us
Not to come by!
Read in the Book of Mormon,
Watch your mind change with time
20 eggs won't help all of our Zone Leader's lies
Z.L.'s lies
Z.L.'s lies
Z.L.'s lies
Z.L.'s lies...
Call me up to tell me
"Quit being an 'A'"
There's no tracting without rejection
Every day.
Endless teaching pool,
Let's us tract away.
Every day, every day, every day, every day...
Once again, they let us in
The Spirit gives us away
So we arrange a set
Baptismal date for you.
Investigator, one soul wants to be baptized
You have always told us off
and tried to deny
But we decided to stay long enough to teach you tonight.
Guitar solo
Chorus repeat
Missionary Manifesto
"Those who oppress us and stand in our way shall burn."
Then the Elder saith unto his family, "Dost though love me?" "Yeah Elder, thou knowest we love thee." "Feed my mailbox." And again, "Friends, dost though love me?" "Yeah, though knowest that we love thee." "Write today."
And all they that shall forsake the missionaries and write them not, shall see them upon their triumphant homecoming day, and shall swim in the gall of everlasting bitterness, having a perfect recollection of all their guilt and sorrow. Then we shall look at those women and say, 'I never knew thee, depart hence my presence.' And there shall be weeping and wailing, and gnashing of teeth in that day, but the faithful shall recieve much joy.
So write.
-Elder Russ Williams, Cedar City, Utah;
and Elder Chris Coray, Spanish Fark, Utah.