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Hey, if you want me to update you when I update this page, you better drop me a line. Then I can mail you with new
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For all of you that plan on using this system, you'll need some info. For that, you'll have to e-mail meeh to get the username and password.
Now that you have the important information, I want to make it easy for you to get to this place. The address to here is /Athens/Delphi/4574
Well, with the new developments, Mr. Sterling will not be giving his Presidents test. Oh Heck yeah!!
But here's the page anyways... Print This Page Up For
Well, I guess that this is old news but... Due to an unexpected event in an unnamed class...I will never again post what you all call, "outlines." Why? It's simple...the head guy in class won't except them no more... My fault entirely...Umm, at least I did some of them though. But now I'm out cuz I gotta work on cout'ing some stuff for comp class. Go fig. No more stuff for that unnamed class...sorry there buddies.
If you like Anime, then come see this. |
since 1-18-99 at 12 noon .
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