If you are a Wissner or can relay to me
anything about Wissner's, please email me
In my family, there is a legand that
"Wissner" is not the original spelling. Frankfurt, Germany's 1999
phonebook listed 6 Wissner, 2
2 Wismer, 1 Wessner, 5 Wesner, 7 Wiessner, 9 Wie[beta]ner, and 76
Wiesner. I did some research using the census, phone listings and
the Internet.
The earliest Wissner that I know of in my line is John Wissner who arrived in the USA from somewhere near Berlin, Germany.
Made various updates to web site. Added thumbnails to
images. Deleted unused pages. Divided this page into
several shorter pages. |
Email from Dorothy Jensen "Hello - I have Elizabeth Wissner married to John Sommerlad, buried here in New York - Birth dates around 1820. I don't know if these two were born here or in Germany (or surrounding areas). I am just starting out with my search - thought I'd give you a note to see if you had any New Yorkers in your background. My info is from cemetery records but little is noted in them." |
2003-10-26 Email from F. Tyran, "sorry i can ride only in german" Link: http://www.ftyran.de/. |
Email from Pat Van Leeuwen I have done quite a bit more work on the Tryan and Duda lines, but mostly I have concentrated on my other lines. I think you must have more information also. Your family has the Prussian Army military pass for Michael Tyran, which shows that he was born on Sept 25, 1849 in Murzynowo, Sroda, Poland. It became his passport to leave Germany...which sets the date at 1880-1881. Have you considered scanning it and adding it to your website, as it is the oldest existing record (that I know of) for the Tyran family in Manistee. I have looked at the birth, marriage and death records for many of the family members, which are in Manistee. I have also read some of the wills. But there are still some puzzles to be worked out......especially with the 2 Walters, and I was surprised to see you had Marcella as the daughter of the 2nd Walter. I am enclosing a picture that my Grandmother (Mary Regina Tyran Brophy Berg) had hanging in her house while she was alive. I am not certain whether you have seen it. ![]() Note:Click on picture for 756x433 version at 43 KB. Click here for original 1512x866 of 248 KB. |
2002-08-24 Add various old pictures of family members Pictures. The Social Security Death Index now lists 163 Wissners. My cousin Chad Wissner graduated from Manistee H.S. in June; my cousin Josh Wissner also graduated. |
2002-03-13 My grandmother, Genevieve Wissner, has convinced me that Vioxx led to my grandfather's death. According to her, they went to doctor Schmoke a week earlier and were given some samples of Vioxx. My grandpa took the Vioxx, one pill each of 8 days and on the 8th day had a very bad night landing him in the hospital the next day. Within a few days, he had passed away. Vioxx is supposed to do something good, but if you check the Internet, you will find that it has some very bad side effects. Apparently, there have been things on the news about this in the past year. My grandfather had a heart condition and those with heart conditions are NOT supposed to be given Vioxx. Of course, my grandmother did not discover this until after he passed away. Needless to say, I feel angry with Merck & Co. for making this drug and giving out samples. I feel angry at doctor Schmoke for giving the sample, not checking the side effects to know that this was a bad idea, and not going over them with my grandparents. I feel angry because he probably would have been living today if this hadn't happened. |
2002-08-03 Email: "My name is Donald A. Wissner and I was born in Pittsburgh, Pa in December 1941. My father was Donald D. Wissner (1916-2001), the son of Carl Wissner who immigrated to the USA from Berlin(?) around 1900 +/-. I also know that Carl had a sister Marie who immigrated around the same time. My problemis that Carl Wissner died around 1917-1919 during the flu epidemic and I have been unable to track any information on him or his ancestors. My father was only 2 or 3 when his father died and had no information other than his aunt Marie Wissner Fogel and that his Father was of the Catholic Faith..." |
2001-06-10 Make a list of all of all Ray Wissner's relatives (see top of page). |
2001-06-10 Compile Wissner records from Ellis island (see top of page). Ellis Island Records - From 1892 to 1924. |
2001-06-09 Social Security Death Index lists 154 Wissner names. |
2001-05-07 Emails from NormGL: "There was a Wissner named Nathan Wissner who was executed in Sing Sing prison in New York in 1955 with two others for killing a Reader's Digest truck driver. He was 44 or 49 at the time." "The murder took place in Chappaqua, NY. I read a recent newspaper account of it. 7/9/55 was the date of execution. The killing was reportedly on 4/3/50. The case was fought through the courts. Perhaps contemporary newspaper accounts will give information as to the genealogy or even court decisions might... Another account reflects that he was white and 43 at the time of the execution." |
2001-05-07 Email from Loren Wissner Greene, M.D.: "Wissner may have come from Wissener (from the white sands of Germany)... My Wissner family came from Poland. I know some genealogy of my family. I live in NYC. Coauthored the Unofficial Guide to Living with Diabetes (McMillian 1999)." |
2001-04-24: "John W. Wissner, age 51, of Holland, died Sunday, April 22, 2001 as the result of an automobile accident. There will be no visitation at the funeral home. Oak Grove Cremation Center of Manistee is in charge of funeral arrangements." (Source: www.manisteenews.com/wissner42401.html) |
2001-04-06 Ray Theodore Wissner, my grandfather, passed away in Grand Rapids, MI and was buried 2001-04-09 in Manistee, MI |
2001-02-27 Email from Eva (Jessup) Thibon: "My name is Eva Thibon. My mom's name is Nancy Jane (Wissner) Jessup her twin sister's name is Norma Jean (Wissner) Martin. Her father's name was Charles Wissner. He was married to Gladyse Berry and later married to Glenna Gamble. They lived in St. Louis, Missouri. My grandpa died in November of 1975. At one time Glenna was tracing the family tree. I believe she said that Charles was third generation from Holland. I could be very wrong. Do you have any information on a Charles Wissner?" |
Email from Tracy Juengst: In reference
to the above person, "Since Charles was married more than once and
widely, it is hard to know where to look. Supposedly one of his
wives researched the Wissner name but when she died things were
Following is some information on that part of the family.
2000-01-08 Videotaped Ray Theodore Wissner for 144 minutes talking about his deceased relatives, life as a boy, and old pictures. |
1999-06-05 Email from Jörg Weisner: "I am Jörg Weisner, living in Germany, exactly northern Germany, just near the Baltic. As I am looking for our family roots, I stumbled over your home pages. Do you have any idea, whether and when there were changes from Weisner to Wissner? I read (in the web) of some Weisner, who changed to Wisner. The English and German pronunciation is quite similar. Right now, I can track back my direct line to Gottfried Weisner, about 1763 near Königsberg." |
1999-03-17 Email from Bonnie Wissner: "[My dad, Allan Wissner] has a page: http://www.bestweb.net/~wissner he collects antique microscopes and is a chemist." (Allan is originally from Michigan.) |
1998 and Earlier