Celtic Knot Divider
Black Cauldron Craft101 Mailing List Web Site Black Cauldron
Celtic Knot Divider

Are you new to the Pagan way of life? Do you have family members who are interested in the Craft?


Have you been studying Paganism for a while, but would like to study in a more formalized way, discussing Pagan/Wiccan books with others?


Have you been trying to figure out a way to put your years of experience to use helping others the way you wish someone had helped you? Have you been wanting to *get back to basics*?

The Craft101 mailing list could be a place for you. We will read and discuss beginning Pagan and Wiccan books. The books, in reading order, are:

Our goal is to go from very general books to practitioner books to books that give varying perspectives on modern, living Paganism, Witchcraft, and Wicca. Our goal is to provide as much information as possible on as many ways of practicing and celebrating Paganism.

We would like to encourage everyone interested in this type of interactive learning atmosphere to sign up. The views, wisdom, and perspectives of experienced pagans can only improve the learning environment for those just finding their way to this path. In our experiences on other mailing lists we have found that we learn as much, if not more, from the questions and answers of the list participants as from the facilitators.

Sign-ups start April 1, 1998. The Craft101 list will always be open to new subscribers. We will have a Tools of Learning lesson on April 11th, 1998 (so that you may get more out of the mailing list), and will start reading and discussing the first book the following week.

If you have any questions, look at our list welcome letter, or e-mail Andi and Terrastel at listmoms@usa.net

or if you know that you would like to sign up now, send an e-mail to: majordomo@MyList.net

With ONE of the following in the body of the message:

      subscribe craft101
      subscribe craft101-digest
      (if you prefer the digest version)

Or use the mailto: links below if your browser supports them:

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NOTE: Remove any sig file you may have attached to your e-mail

The mailing list is free to all who wish to participate. Your only cost is buying the texts. It is OK if you cannot afford the texts. Most discussion topics will be self-explanatory. But the texts are great books for any pagan library, and you will get more out of the list if you have them. Check your library for the text, or support your local pagan bookseller by purchasing from them. Or purchase them on-line from the Pagan Book Nook, in association with Amazon.com

Andi and Terrastel

Craft101 Welcome Letter

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