Web Surfer's Paradise. Links for Exploration and Discovery

Harry. This site's for you!!

  • Greenwood Family History

    The purpose of this page is to provide you the a mixed variety of links to all over the web with no thought to order or organization. I'll try to keep plenty of interesting links in here that will allow you to explore new places like Mongolia or New Zealand (at least "new" to most people) or explore areas of science like quantum mechanics or general relativity (or maybe finally find a link between them!!! [inside joke]).

    Enter exciting new worlds through the following links, but don't forget to come back here!!

    You've got to bookmark this next site. It is like having all the reference books you could ever have at the click of a mouse. Also check out the RANDOM WEB LINKS url marker on the first page. Every time you click it you get a random url. BOOKMARKWORTHY!! BOOKMARK THIS NEXT SITE!!!!

    And as for random url generator sites, here are a few:
    Random URL Roulette
    URL Launch Pad You can add your own url to this "random" list.
    Yahoo Random Try This one connected to Yahoo.


    This is what I call a Super Site. Loads of links to new and weather, money and business, people and entertainment, sports, netculture, and living. Some pages have a java version option - coooollll
    Time Warner's Pathfinder
    Karamjeet Singh's Himalaya Home A web site devoted to the Himalayas - informative & nice pix

    For St. Paddy's Day Sean Quinn's Ireland Page Check out Sean's link to the virtual tour of Ireland. You can do the whole tour or just pick out the county you're interested in.

    The Franklin Institute Science Museum has a really cool collection of On-Line Exhibits
    Franklin Institute On-Line Exhibits

    How about a Visit to Yellowstone or a Space station. The next link is for the Hot Worlds site where you can download the Active Worlds Browser (free), jump into a variety of 3D virtual worlds and even build your own virtual home.
    Hot Worlds - 3D VR

    Here is a site where you can book tours all over the world, including a round the world tour, and take the tour while sitting in comfort in front of your computer anytime you want.
    Virtual Tours



    How about a cybertour of Australia??
    Australia Cybertour

    This site is a really cool link - enjoy the exploration!!
    Online Adventure Magazine

    This next link is also on my Japanese page, but it's a kind of cool site in the sense that it's updated every day with a new Japanese Kanji character.
    Ste-chan's Kanji of the Day"

    How about exploring a virtual Jerusalem???
    Virtual Jerusalem

    Here's a photo library of spiders and other small crawly creatures
    spiders and insects ENJOY!!!

    Anyine want to go dinosaur hunting???

    Is Central Asia and its countries just a big blur? Check out this excellently crafted link site for a tour of a very fascinating part of the world.
    Central Asia Links

    How about setting up residence in a 3-D virtual reality world - Check it out!!
    CYBERTOWN - 3D Virtual Reality

    Anyone care to visit London - take the next link to England.
    NOTE: Wade past all the awards and you will find the tour. (Trust me)
    Tower of London Virtual Tour"

    The following link to Brazil doesn't require a knowledge of Portuguese, but it wouldn't hurt either. Checkout the page on the Fauna of Brazil.
    Virtual Trip to Brazil

    The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County has a nice website with links to museums all over the world. You could spend days on this one!!

    Even if it's not Halloween, here's a trip to the fascinating city of Salem, Massachusetts.SALEM
    And here is a year-round Halloween site with two pages of link.
    Happy Halloween

    THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!!!! (I think)

    Alien abductions
    Alien Abductions on the WWW Be warned. This page is on the lighter side. Check out Dilbert's abduction.
    Abductee's Anonymous $10 membership to join, but they have some interesting stuff up front. Looks like a good site. If anyone joins, let me know if it's any good. Thanx.
    The Communion Homepage The name speaks for itself. Check out Strieber's site.
    The Art Bell Homepage
    Area51 Look out for the armed guards on The Extraterrestrial Highway!!

    Tahiti, anyone???Tahiti Web

    Whalewatching?? Whales

    The Smithsonian Homepage It loads a little slow, but it's worth the experience!

    Virtual VegasBe careful here - don't lose your shirt!!

    Trip to Helsink, FinlandHelsinki

    The next site is a good source to find out what's on the web in different countries. It's all done with clickable maps. Point, Click, Go.
    Virtual Tourist Services

    A virtual tour of Notre Dame Bascillica and Montreal by Train.

    Travel Scape

    The next set of links will take you into the familiar, yet strange, world of the human body.
    Guided Tour - Visible Human
    Human Body
    Our Body Studies

    Exciting Science Links to Strange New Worlds of Astrophysics, Cosmology, Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, etc.....
    Stephen Hawking's Homepage
    Richard Feynman OnlineFeynman is a sort of brilliant yet wild and wacky Physics guy
    Astonomy Picture of the DayEven if you're not into astronomy, the pix are outstanding. Be sure to check the archives - you can fill up your disk here.
    Icarus Research - Wormhole PhysicsReally cool links to sites like Virtual Trips to Black Holes and Neutron Stars - definitely worth checking out!!
    Window on the Aurora - Relativity Pagerelativity - special and general - and more
    JPL - Pasadena info and pix

    This next guy, Matt, has some intersting links to Virtual Tours including an abandoned missile silo, mysterious places, the desert, etc.
    Matt's Virtual Tour Links

    Interested in volcanoes? This site has images and links to volcanos past and present. It's interesting to note that there are so many active volcanoes all over the earth.
    MTU Volcanoes Page

    Have you heard about live cams set up all over the world connected to the internet. If yes, if no, here's an excellent site that gives you links to all the states and many different countries where there are live cams. I tried to view the one at Mount Ruapehu in New Zealand, but it had been shut down due to some recent volcanic activity, but the site had images galore!!

    Leonard's CAM WORLD

    Want some pictures of animals? Here's an ftp site loaded with images -aardvarks to zebras, bugs, and load more.


    How about Cacti. This is a link site that will "point" you (sorry, couldn't resist) in the right direction to things Cacti.

    Cacti Links

    Researching the Cacti link led me to the next site which contains a tour - deserts - gardens - birds - and more. I suggest you begin with the tour once you connect and take it from there.

    Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum

    This site has loads of links to Art, Animals, all kinds of stuff

    On-Line Exhibitions and Images

    Gorp's Resources - I start you off at the site for National Parks which in and of itself has loads of information, but follow the links and you can end up almost anywhere in the world.

    Gorp's National Parks

    One of my favorite places I've been is Ecuador. The site below has a wealth of intersting info and a virtual tour of the Galapagos Islands that will entertain you for hours (if you have a real slow browser).
    GearHead Mountain Bike Cyberzine devotees of mountain biking will enjoy this.
    The 3 Stooges - An Unofficial Page The site name speaks for itself.
    Walking Tour of Mindo-Nambillo Cloud Forest A short walking tour in Ecuador.

    Some interesting physics and physics related sites:
    Physics Lovers' Paradise If you're into physics at all, this is the place. Even if you're not. there are some pretty cool things here.
    Todd's Atomic Homepage Everything you ever wanted to research on atomics. Some awesome pix of explosions here.
    The Bureau of Atomic Tourism Another atomic site!!
    Los Alamos National Laboratory An intriguing atomic related site.
    FTP site for the Periodic Table This is the link that led me to the previous site at Los Alamos. This is an excellent refernce source for info on the elements. There is an html for each of the elements by atomic number (you do need to know the atomic number first, eg. 24 = chromium). This site is good for homework assignments and general interest browsing.

    Need maps? adventure? You've read the magazine, now check out the website!!
    National Geographic Online Beware!! You spend hours exploring here.

    Do you like ferns? Check this site out.
    American Fern Society This site has an extensive links page.

    If not ferns, how about seaweed??Seaweed Home Page

    Well then, maybe palms and cycads International Palm Society

    How much do you know about Mongolia? It's a fascinating country with quite an illustrious history. This site has many links that will enable you to learn more about Mongolia and Tuva.
    Mongolia WWW Virtual Library

    Interested in ancient civilizations?Exploring Ancient World Cultures

    And here is one!!! A site something like this page with links to places all over the world. Grendel's Page

    Here is United Media's Dilbert page which has stirred up a little controversy recently amongst Dilbert fans with sites on the web The Dilbert Zone

    If you're interested in RealAudio or Live TV (VDO) check out my Page on Languages.
    Ed's Language Resources

    Much more to come in days ahead.

    Craps some dicey links

    Your ideas are welcome here! Please let me know of any sites that fit in with the general scheme here.

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