Ed Jaggard's Sci-Fi World and Strange Science Links

Star Trek - The saga goes on, and on, and on, and

7of9 Site Check it out!!! pix and stuff

Also, I offer you the following:
Star Trek Links A page of Star Trek Links


Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5


Dune - A Place Beyond Your DreamsCool Graphics effects here


Highlander - The Final Dimension

Highlander - The Series Rysher Site

Strange Science

deoxy.org - The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension Far out stuff - fascinating

Other Links

Sci-fi Channel - The Dominion

Way Other Links

The Turkey Vulture Society Now for something really off-the-wall

Stare Down Sally Test yourself!!

Mysteries of the Templars Real life X-Files Stuff

Beavis and Butthead Links b n b links, heh, heh!!

© 1997 edjaggard@bigfoot.com


      tun(2) you(2)

      Andromeda galaxy


      xian1 - an immortal; celestial being
      nu3 - woman
      zuo4 - constellation (in this usage)

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