Ed's Christian Page

I am a born-again Christian and as such I provide this page to explain to you why I believe and why I believe that you should also believe in a God who loved us so much that He gave the ultimate sacrifice that men and women of planet Earth should be saved from the wretchedness of sin. You may believe much differently tha I do, but hear me out in my testimony to you as I build this page from week to week.
I will be adding links to biblical study and research material that I hope you will use to speak to your hearts and minds on the Reality of Jesus Christ in the World Today. He's as alive today as he has always been since the beginning of time and He is REAL. He knows our faults and weaknesses, He hears our prayers and best of all He can give each of us eternal life. And it is free for the asking. All you have to do is believe.
Insight to Religions Page Worth checking out!!

English Links
International Bible and Theology Gateways Organized Links to many, many resources
Virtual Christianity Loaves and Fishes of Links!!!
Wittgenstein's Net - A Christian Think Tank Many links
The AD2000 & Beyond Movement Interesting site with lots of material.
United Methodist Information My current church is the Emmaus United Methodist Church in Smithville, NJ.
Alliance Missions Page My previous church home was the Lakewood Chapel of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Mays Landing, NJ.
Another Christian and Missionary Alliance Page.
ChristianNet Large site including info on Churches and Denominations. Well worth the visit.
Religious Organizations: Denominations Links to many denominations.

Arab World
Arab International Ministry In English

Deutsch (German) Links
Christian Webpages Worldwide Sehr gut!!
Jesus lebt more links
Jesus Online more links
The Jesus Freaks Definitely worth the visit. They have some links that aren't what they seem.

see my note on Chinese Page For reading Chinese, Japanese or Korean on the web or in your applications.

see my note on Chinese Page For reading Chinese, Japanese or Korean on the web or in your applications.
Korean-American University Network
Korea Computer Mission

Russian Christian Page This site has a free downloadable hyper-text bible called Hyper-Biblia that you can download and install on your computer. I just downloaded it today (3-9-97) and began trying it out. It uses your browser to access the downloaded html pages. Super-neat!!!! (Make sure you have the CP1251 fonts downloaded - see Russification section on the Russian page Russian Page.)

Zhongwen (Chinese) Links
Internet Chinese Bible
Another Internet Chinese Bible
If you'd like to read Chinese on the net or in your applications, go to my Chinese page Chinese for instructions.
CND Chinese Christian software Site includes downloadable bibel and bible-study material.
Chinese Christian Resources Lots of resources here!
Much more to be added here in the fullness of time!!!
God bless you!!!
© 1997 edjaggard@bigfoot.com
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