The Daggett Demagogue

And other stuff I wrote

For a while I used to write an opinion/humor/weirdness column called 'The Daggett Demagogue' for the Porcupine Press, a weekly paper out of Trenary, Michigan. Then I got bored & stopped. I've noticed that since I stopped writing for them, the Porky Press has gone from a weekly paper to monthly. Coincidence? I think not.

Anyway, here's the best of the Daggett Demagogue, and a few other things.

Why educate when you can brainwash?

To (H-word) with cursing! about a town which outlawed cursing

Careers for the mortality deprived no more unemployed vampires!

No prayer zone a zoning board gone mad--what fun!

Planning ahead for your afterlife

German Satellite TV --Ve haf vays of making you vatch!

Really weird poems which actually got published. Titles: dangerous waters, socks areunderwear, after all & nude coinage

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