versioWhat would happen if every Pagan, Wiccan, Goddess worshipper & Asatru-person had a circle
of Pagan/Wiccan friends in their own town or city? What if Wiccan/Pagan churches/worship
centers were as common and as unremarkable as Jehovah Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, or
Christian Science ones? The above-mentioned groups are usually labelled as 'cults' by
conservative Christians, yet they are able to operate quite openly, and are legally protected from
religious discrimination. Pagans could achieve the same thing, if only they had a way to meet a
few other Pagans in their own town. It only takes a few people to get something started; the
pentecostal church my brother attends began with ten people and is now a local presence with its
own building; another fundamentalist church got started when a husband & wife minister team
bought a nice old church building for $10,000. If only I'd had a couple of local Pagan friends
and a little extra cash during the many months when that church building was up for sale!
The Northern Lights List is my answer to the question: How do you find those one or two
Pagan/Wiccan/Heathen/Goddess people in your town that you need to get something started?
The NLL is a networking list, organized by region. To be listed, send your name and mailing
address. If you like, you may add: your Pagan/Wiccan tradition, age, gender, marital status,
sexual orientation, if any, and astrological sign. NOTE: In order to receive a copy of the list, you
must join the list. This helps keep the list out of the wrong hands. ALSO: for safety reasons,
prison inmates are not permitted to be listed, or to receive a copy of the list.
PAGAN ORGANIZATIONS: Known and established Pagan groups, national and local, may be
listed as organizations, and may include a brief (1-2 line) description. If you are the contact
person for a group that is too small/new to qualify, you may add a one-line description of your
group to your own personal listing.
The list is free, so that everyone can be included; however, since it does cost money to produce the list, donations of US postage stamps are much needed.
Blessings to all,
Mail requests to:
Northern Lights List
PO Box 151
Daggett, MI 49821
All those listed on the NLL will receive the Northern Lights List Newsletter. This newsletter appears semi-occasionally (about 2 times a year, so far). It also include updates on the Nine Noble Virtues Campaign, and the latest on postal courses available from the Northern Lights List.
Interested in taking a postal course in Paganism? The Northern Lights List now has a free postal course, Paganism: A Living Religion. This is a basic study course on the Pagan/Heathen religion. For a copy of the first lesson, write to: Nissa, PO Box 151, Daggett, MI 49821, USA. A future course on the moral code of Asatru (Norse Paganism) is in the works. Other courses may also be available in the not-too-distant future.
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