The International Guild of Masonic Webm@sters © 1997 

The © Logo used by The International Guild of Masonic Webm@sters, the Golden Square & Compasses with the blue "G" in the center, was designed by Guild Founder Bro. Pieter Nootenboom to symbolize the Lightning Speed of communication on the Internet.

Welcome to the IGMW Web Ring!

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  • Definition and Statement of Purpose
  • Membership Requirements
  • Submit Your Site
  • A few cautionary words. . .
  • Links of Interest
  • For more information

    Definition and Statement of Purpose

    The International Guild of Masonic Web M@sters (IGMW) Web Ring is a ring of Masonic web pages and/or sites located throughout the global community of the World Wide Web. From any page in the ring you can click on the "Next" button to go to the next site. If you do this often enough (and ideally you will), you will eventually be brought back to where you started.

    The IGMW Web Ring was constructed so that Members and Fellows of the IGMW would be able to visit the sites of their brothers with ease. As more Members and Fellows link their sites to the IGMW Web Ring, the virtual Masonic community on the Web will be brought even closer. Whether you are searching for light, have light to impart, or both, the IGMW Web Ring offers the Guild Members and Fellows the opportunity to meet, greet and learn from one another.

    Back to the Index

    Membership Requirements

    The International Guild of Masonic Webm@sters Web Ring has been set up exclusively for the Members and Fellows of the IGMW who wish to join it. If you are not a Member or Fellow Webm@ster of The International Guild of Masonic Webm@sters, why not apply for membership now by visiting The IGMW Home Page and following the instructions you will find there.

    Eligibility for membership in the IGMW Web Ring is just one of the benefits you would be entitled to if your site has been successfully reviewed for membership of the IGMW. We look forward to the Web Ring really developing and creating traffic for all the Member Web Sites over the next few months. Back to the Index

    Submit Your Site

    If you believe your site meets the criteria for membership (i.e. you are a Member or Fellow Webm@ster of the IGMW), then you are cordially invited to submit your site for review by clicking here.

    Once your site has been submitted, it will be placed in the "queue" for my review; however, your site will not be added to the ring until the necessary HTML has been placed on your page (if you have more than one page, then the HTML should be placed on the first page). An example of what your Web Ring link will look like is located near the top of this page.

    Once you have added the HTMLfragment for the Web Ring (which you will be able to copy from either the page you will see after you submit your site or from an email you will receive shortly thereafter)to your web page, you must email the IGMW Web Ring Master and notify him that you have done so. Your site will then be reviewed.

    Additionally, your place in the Web Ring queue will only be good for 30 days, after which it will expire and your Site ID will become available to other applicants. If you fail to add the necessary HTML to your page within a month after entering the queue, you will need to re-submit your page for consideration and take the necessary action in a more timely fashion.

    You will be notified via email when your site has been added to the queue, added to the ring, if you have been denied membership, or if your place in the queue has expired.

    Back to the Index

    A few cautionary words. . .

    The IGMW Web Ring Master reserves the right to deny and/or revoke membership in the IGMW Web Ring without notice to any person or website failing to meet the guidelines outlined under "Membership Requirements," or for any other reason whatsoever.

    Neither the IGMW Web Ring Master nor the International Guild of Masonic Webmasters are responsible for the content of websites included in the ring. While every effort will be made to ensure that the content of members' pages consistently adheres to good Masonic Web Site standards, and the requirements of the Web Ring, in the end each individual member is responsible for the content of his web page or site and the consequences of his presence on the Internet.

    Back to the Index

    Links of Interest

    The following links should also be useful:

    If you are already a member of the IGMW Web Ring, the following link is for you:

    Back to the Index

    For more information,
    or if you encounter any difficulties during the process of applying for membership, please contact

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    Click here to go to the Main Home Page of the Int'l Guild of Masonic Webm@sters.

    Back to the Index

    © Copyright 1997. International Guild Of Masonic Webm@sters. All Rights Reserved.

    *Disclaimer: This marks the end of this Masonic Page. Any advertising or sponsorship links below are not part of this Masonic Page. Additionally, the URL address at  the top of this browser is not a part of this Masonic Page, nor are any advertising or sponsorship links appearing above the copyrighted logo. 

    The International Guild of Masonic Webm@sters Web Ring made possible by
    the Webring.

    Created by the Magic Site Wizard on Thursday, September 17, 1998

    The above IGMW page is maintained by:
    Edwin L. Childers, Jr.,
    IGMW Web Ring Master and Fellow Webmaster
    of the International Guild of Masonic Webmasters

    Revised -- 10/22/98

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