Edwin L. Childers, Jr.
URL: http: //www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/4439
Email: archangel@mursuky.campus.mci.net
Academic Appointments
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of English
Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
August 1998-Present; January 1997-December 1997
Research Assistant, Dr. Margaret Hostetler
Department of English, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
July 1998-Present
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics and Finance
Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
January 1998-July 1998
Master of Arts, English
Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
In Progress
Teaching Experience
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of English
Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
August 1998-Present; January 1997-December 1997
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics and Finance
Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
January 1998-July 1998
Relevant Work Experience
Consultant, Department of Economics and Finance
Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
May 1998-July 1998
--Conducted background research relevant to the disciplines of economics and finance.
--Produced the 1998 Master of Science in Economics Bulletin and brochure for prospective graduate students.
Document Analyst, Shook, Hardy & Bacon, LLP
Kansas City, Missouri
April 1996-December 1996
-- Analyzed documents generated during the discovery phase of civil litigation.
-- Ensured compliance with court-ordered document production.
Teaching and Research Interests
Medieval English Literature
Medieval Philosophy
Renaissance Poetry
Romantic Poetry
Rhetoric and Composition
Critical Theory
Courses Taught
Economics 230: Introduction to Macroeconomics
-- Responsible for the writing component, emphasizing the development of professional writing skills, of two sections of the course.
English 095: Writing Workshop
-- A basic writing skills course which emphasizes clear sentence structure and development of ideas in paragraphs and essays. This course is required for entering MSU Community College freshmen. It must be completed before enrollment in English 100 or 101.
English 100: Basic Writing
-- Writing skills course emphasizing paragraph and essay development. This course is required of entering freshmen with ACT English scores of 16 or below and must be successfully completed before enrollment in English 101.
English 111: Fundamental Writing Skills
-- Writing skills course designed as a sequence of individualized instruction in the basics of grammar, punctuation, and composition. Taken concurrently with English 101.
English 112: Fundamental Writing Skills Laboratory
-- A continuation of English 111. Taken concurrently with English 102.
Conference Presentations
"Some Evidence on the Use of Writing Intensive Methods in the Principles of Macroeconomics Courses." Edwin Childers, Jr., Dr. Martin Milkman, and Dr. William Payne. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Education Innovations in Economics and Business (EDINEB) International Conference, September 2-5, 1998. Cleveland, Ohio.
"'Who and what is shee?' The Problem of Identity in Donne's First Anniversary." Paper presented at the 1995 Sigma Tau Delta International Convention. St. Louis, Missouri.
University Service
Graduate Student Representative, Graduate Studies Committee
of the Academic Council;Academic Council.
Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
Graduate Honors and Awards
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
Charter Member, Alpha Eta Tau Chapter
Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society
President, Alpha Eta Tau Chapter
Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society
Undergraduate Honors and Awards
Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society
Dean's List
Spring 1996
Who's Who at Central
-- Awarded to 39 students selected from the nominees for the Charno Award (given to the two outstanding citizens of the graduating class).
-- Selection is based upon leadership abilities; academic excellence; leadership in extracurricular social and service organizations; service to the University outside of organizations; outstanding work in academic divisions and/or departments; personality and character above reproach.
Fall 1995
Spring 1995
Best Session Paper, Seventeenth Century British Poetry
-- Awarded at the 1995 Sigma Tau Delta International Convention in St. Louis, Missouri.
Department of English and Philosophy Writing Award
-- Best Undergraduate Critical Essay
Department of English and Philosophy Achievement Award
Spring 1994
Department of English and Philosophy Writing Award
-- Best Undergraduate Critical Essay
Department of English and Philosophy Writing Award
-- Special Recognition for Poetry
Department of English and Philosophy Achievement Award
Fall 1993
Department of English and Philosophy Achievement Award
Memberships in Professional Organizations
Professional Development
1998 Rhetoric and Composition Colloquium
Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
1997 Jesse Stuart Writing Symposium
Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky.
1997 Rhetoric and Composition Colloquium
Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky.
1995 Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society Convention
St. Louis, Missouri.
Other Affiliations
Murray Lodge #105, F&AM
Murray, Kentucky
Murray Chapter #92, RAM
Murray, Kentucky
Murray Council #50, R&SM
Murray, Kentucky
Benton Commandery #46, KT
Benton, Kentucky
Murray Star Chapter #433, OES
Murray, Kentucky
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 My Freemasonry Pages Index
[Pending the Approval of the MW Grand Lodge of Kentucky, F&AM]
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 My Bookstore

E-Mail: archangel@mursuky.campus.mci.net
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Revised -- 9/12/98