Revolutionary War


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freedom docs. America's Freedom Documents
The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution

navigation tools American Revolution Navigation Tools
keyword search, subject search, timeline of the American Revolutionary War, regional maps of American Revolutionary War battles

Ben Franklin Benjamin Franklin
a short biography

Betsy Ross Betsy Ross Homepage
Betsy Ross' house, quotes, notes, flag etiquette, links, flag trivia, step-by- step directions to cut a 5 pointed star, flag facts and timeline

biography Biography
online database of 15,000 biographies, both past and present

Charleston Charleston Connections: Historical Highlights
a chronological list of events arranged by centuries

Charleston The Charleston Multimedia Project: Timeline
a chronology of noteworthy events from the 16th century to the present

cirremcy Colonial Currency
view colonial currency from 15 states, Continental currency, Colonial Lottery Tickets and Colonial Fiscal Documents

Lexington Colonial Lexington
This is a web page created by students on the history of Lexington.

colonies The Colonies during the Revolutionary War
get information about a battle site by clicking on its location on an image map

Cowpens Cowpens National Battlefield South Carolina
A Revolutionary War battle between General Daniel Morgan's Patriot troops and Banastre Tarleton's (Bloody Ben) British forces.

LCarter The Diary of Colonel Landon Carter
from June 1776 to February 1777 also check "Meet the People" for information about George Washington, Martha Washington, Patrick Henry and George Wythe.

flags Flags of the American Revolution
British Red Ensign, Grand Union flag, Don't Thread on Me flag, Betsy Ross flag, Stars and Stripes, Bennington flag, American Stripes, General Washington's Headquarters flag, Serapis flag,Guilford flag, Star Spangled

Philly Historic Philadelphia
America's most historic mile, the campaign of 1777, seven tours of Philly, Independence Hall, Betsy Ross House and Valley Forge

Valley Forge Historic Valley Forge
The six month encampment at Valley Forge including a letter written by George Washington to Governor George Clinton decribing camp conditions and requesting help.

bookmarks History Bookmarks
Timeline, links, people, documents, dates, texts and pictures.

hypertext A Hypertext on American History
This excellent web page has an outline of American history, an index to primary sources, essays, biographies and presidents

Lexington & Concord Lexington and Concord
The shot heard "round the world"

military actions Military Actions of the American Revolution links to general documents on the Revolutionary War, Revolutionary War battles,
events, and sites

uniforms Military Uniforms from the Burgoyne Expedition
set of thirteen watercolors of uniforms worn by British, German, and American soldiers during General John Burgoyne's invasion of New York in 1777

Mt.Vernon Mount Vernon Educational Resources
biographical information about George Washington, grounds tour of Mount Vernon, George Washington as a slave owner, image gallery, trading cards, and an online quiz

G.Washington The Papers of George Washington
selected Revolutionary War documents

Rev.War homepage The Revolutionary War Home Page
This site was created by elementary and middle school students. It includes information about the war, a chronological time line of events, famous figures of the Revolution, illustrations and teacher ideas.

timeline Revolutionary War Timeline
1764 to 1775 - created by the Library of Congress

Colonial America US History, Colonial America 1600-1776
An article by Carol Hurst and Rebecca Otis

Rev.War The U.S. Revolution for Independence
Resolves of the Continental Congress, Declaration of Arms, Thomas Paine Common Sense, Declaration of Independence, Virginia Declaration of Rights, Articles of Confederation, Treaty of Paris, Loyalist/British songs and poetry, American Revolution: online, Maryland Loyalist, bibliographies, Spain's support vital to U.S. independence, Biographical dictionary, Georg Welling "the Dutch and the American Revolution", historic Jonathan Trumbell family, the South Sea Bubble Project, Manhasset and Nathan Hale

Polly Cooper A Vital Turn of Events
Polly Cooper and the Oneida Indians rescue the starving troops at
Valley Forge, Pa.

Rev.War The War for American Independence
Henry Knox, Newburgh Conspiracy, Benedict Arnold, New York Tea
Party, General Gage's arrival at Boston, prophetic letter by an American
gentleman in London to his friend, capture of Henry Laurens, Wyoming
Valley General John Sullivan, reports, letters, chronological list of battles,
list of Aides-de-Camp & Military Secretaries to General Washington,
scanned images or original documents and artifacts

Rev.War The War of Independence
Scanned text from "An Outline of American History"

Wayback machine Wayback Machine
Young Patrick J. Kiger and his dog land their time machine at Valley Forge

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