Celebrate around the world

General Holiday Sites

Ancient Origins of the Holidays

Calculation of the Ecclesiastical Calendar

Calendar of Jewish Holidays

The Celebrations Never Stop

Earthlink Network Holidays
Kwanza, Hanukkah and Christmas

Jewish High Holy Days

History of Gifts
Mother's Day, Father's Day, Wedding Anniversaries, Valentine's Day, Christmas,
Easter and the Language of Flowers

Holidays on the Net

Kaplan's Holiday Fun and Games

Larry Freeman's Holidays Page Christmas, Saturnalia, Boxing Day, April Fool's Day, Passover, Easter, Halloween, Valentines Day, Groundhogs Day, May Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Washington's Birthday, Lincoln's Birthday, President's Day, Independence's Day, Columbus's Day and Martin Luther King's Day

World Wide Holiday and Festival Page


A Chanukah Message
By the Lubavitcher Rebbe o.b.m. "The Chanukah lights which are kindled in
the darkness of night recall to our minds memories of the past...."

Chanukah Page
a Chanukah story, Chanukah and women, Chanukah articles, recipies,
children's activities, children's coloring book, Hilchot Chanukah in French

list of Yahoo sites for Hanukkah

Hanukkah Games

Chinese New Year

Yahoo list of sites for the Chinese New Year



Christmas Customs

Letters from Christmas Past

The Spirit of Christmas Past
Describes how Christmas was actually celebrated in Victorian England and how
the celebration was transformation from a riotous, unpopular, midwinter affair
to a seasonal celebration with an emphasis on family.

The World of Christmas.com

4th of July

List of Yahoo sites on the 4th of July




holiday history and how it is celebrated


Kwanzaa An African-American Celebration

Kwanzaa Information Center

Kwanzaa: n African-American Celebration
What Is Kwanzaa Seven Principles, Definitions, Colors, Ritual, What's Happening? Odds and Ends, Resources

New Year's Day

Japanese New Year's Day


Passover on the Net

Passover 1997 Holiday Guide

Rosh Hashanah

The Jewish Holiday of Rosh Hashanah - the Jewish New Year

St. Patrick's Day

A Wee Bit O' Fun :St. Patrick's Day
information about St. Patrick's Day along with a glossary of terms


Thanksgiving on the Web
links to historic sites, a Thanksgiving story, recipies, etc.

Thanksgiving Resources

Vietnamese New Year

Tet - the most important Vietnamese holiday

list of Yahoo sites for the Vietnamese New Year


Foods of the World

Recipes Around the World

World in Your Kitchen