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Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln
short biographies

The American Civil War
links to Civil War web sites listed in alphabetical order by subject

online database of 15,000 biographies, both past and present

Causes of the Civil War
party platforms, Secession documents, state and local resolutions, compromise proposals, political speeches & correspondence, and editorial commentary

Civil War: Confederate Stars and Bars
official Confederate flags

Civil War Personal Papers, Diaries, and Reminiscences
assorted personal papers donated by local residents memoirs of Capt. Samuel Brown Coyner, Alansa Rounds Sterrett and Nancy Emerson, Gerber family letters, the diary of Michael Reid Hanger, Joseph Waddell and Reverend Abraham Essick.

Civil War photographs
1,118 photographs, many images were made under the supervision of Mathew B. Brady

Civil War Recipies
Sallie Lunn, Cornbread, Cookies, Raspberry Jam and Pumpkin Bread

Clara Barton
biography of Clara Barton written by students at Oak View Elementary in Fairfax, VA

Clara Barton - American Humanitarian
Biography with a link to a second biography on the Red Cross homepage.

Food in the Civil War
-as published in "The Military Handbook and Soldiers Manual of Information" by Beadle Publishers, NY, NY - 1861

General Officers of the Civil War
alphabetical listing of over 350 officers with their pictures. Blue frames around pictures of Northern officers and gray frames for Southern officer.

A history of John Wilkes Booth
includes information about Booth's derringer and knife the chair Lincoln sat in at the theater, Booth's escape route, Lincoln's security, the Peterson House, Booth's motive and history of the Ford Theater

Index of Civil War Information
Official page of the United States Civil War Center. Has over 1800 links to Civil War related pages.

John Wilkes Booth's Movements on the Day of the Assassination
from 9 a.m. to midnight

The North Star: Tracing the Underground Railroad
In the years before the Civil War, a secret network of people and places, known as the Underground Railroad, helped slaves escape to freedom. Many of the places and people associated with those events have never been documented. This web site is dedicated to that purpose.

Poetry and Music of the War Between the States
Confederate poetry, Union poetry and music

Regimental Histories
of both Union and Confederate

U.S. Civil War Generals
Confederate and Union listed in alphabetical order

The Union Soldier, His Life and Times
describes what it was like to be a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War including how they lived and what they ate

Wars of the United States
has links to the following Civil War sites: "Civil War @ Charlston", "Letters from an Iowa Soldier in the Civil War", "The Valley of the Shadow: Living the Civil War in Pennsylvania and Virginia", "Captain Richard W. Burt, Civil War Letters from the 76th Ohio Volunteer Infantry", "Mississippi Civil War Page", "Illinois in the Civil War", "Surratt House Museum" and The United States Civil War Center"

Women and the Civil War
Manuscript sources in the special collections library at Duke University

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