Jackie - 12/26/00 21:56:09
My Email:tunguska89@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: The X-Files!!
Your favorite episode: Small Potatoes
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny!!
Religion: Catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Great!
Fabulous! If anyone in this world is deserved of praise it's David! Now, you may join me in a little prayer.
Divine Mulder,
Save us from hours of disbelief,
Return us to the divin haven,
Of thine basement office in D.C.
Bless us and keep us from the shadow government,
And guide us with your Lone Gunmen,
Now and forever more, Amen.
Dana Scully wannabe - 12/01/00 02:11:59
Your favorite show: What kind of question is that??!?!?!?! X-FILES!
Your favorite episode: Redux2, Triangle, Millenium and How The Ghosts Stole Christmas
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny, Matt Damon, Helen Hunt, Tom Cruise, Minnie Driver, Gillian Anderson, Ben Afflek
Religion: Orthodox Christian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: cool ;-)
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: love the pictures of David...can't pick. Prob'ly the long one of DD (wait! That sounded wrong..sorry), well you know what I mean. The black and white one
Helloooo People! I don't know if there's anyone out there as obssessed with X-Files as I. And trust me, I've seen a LOT of obssessed people out there :~P
~I like David Duchovny and all, but I really think that you should relate this site more to X-Files...I don't know. That's just me being me. I'm sorry. It won't happen again.
Mimi - 11/02/00 03:09:00
My Email:mimi_marinov@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: X-files!
Your favorite episode: Requiem
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: christian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: exillent
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: Dark David pic.
You'v got one of the best David Duchovny sights, but you might consider more recient and updated info about David and the X-files.
tracy prior - 10/30/00 19:48:33
My URL:http://david duchovny.com
My Email:tracytheflirt@kissme.co.uk
Your favorite show: X-files
Your favorite episode: the haunted house
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny
Religion: none
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: its very interesting
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: the ones of david duchovny
david duchovny is the best person alive n his web site is ace.
Abby - 10/24/00 23:01:37
My Email:chokoschiken@aol.com
Your favorite show: xfiles
Your favorite episode: i dont know
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny
Religion: whatever
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: its alright
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: kilt, haha
get more pictures, otherwise this site it good.
Emma - 10/22/00 00:46:50
My Email:savagegarden110@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: JAG and X-Files
Your favorite episode: Closure
Your favorite actor/actress: DavidJames Elliott and David Duchonvy
Alexandrianna - 09/30/00 02:19:27
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~bizarre101/index.html
My Email:life_is_bizarre@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: Red Shoe Diaries !!!
Your favorite episode: I love them all
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovney, ever watch The Rapture???
Religion: Agnostic
David Duchovney is the HOTTEST man on planet earth!!!
fleure - 09/16/00 03:32:12
My Email:david'slove@home.com
Your favorite show: giive u one guess......The X-Files!
Your favorite episode: all of em...as long as there's a lotta David!
Your favorite actor/actress: who else...I mean Geez....why else would I visit THIS site otherwise?!!!
Religion: does it matter?
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: not much!
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: His voice is almost as sexy as him!!but I guess the "do u think I'm spooky?" sound was the best!
You've done a wonderful job!Bravo!
Just keep updating me bout David n I'll be happy!!
Wishing ya loadssa luc!!
X-Files' Masked Avenger - 09/09/00 20:59:20
My Email:none
Your favorite show: X-files
Your favorite episode: To many
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: None
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Don't care
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: David Duchovny
This is a neat site.
dolly katheria - 09/03/00 04:59:09
Your favorite show: the x files
Your favorite episode: cannot choose,all of them
Your favorite actor/actress: david &gillian
Religion: david duchovny
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: you have done a great job
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all
simi duchovny - 09/03/00 04:52:03
Your favorite show: the x files
Your favorite episode: all of them
Your favorite actor/actress: david,gillian
Religion: duchovnism
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: fabulous
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all
you have done a great job. i waanna do something like it.keep up the good work.
Maxine - 08/24/00 22:14:50
My URL:http://www.billywirthfanclub.com
My Email:maxie@billywirthfanclub.com
Your favorite actor/actress: Billy Wirth
Wanted to update DD fans, about some new info. There is a DVD coming out in Jan. from Showtime for the RSD "The Movie", know there have to be some RSD fans here. It will contain behind the scenes info and stories. We have an info page on it on our site f
r actor/director Billy Wirth, please stop by and check it out and mark your calendar. Great site and hard work........
Paola - 08/06/00 23:52:52
Your favorite show: X-FILES
Your favorite episode: ice
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID DUCHOVNY(it's natural)
Religion: DAVID is my religion.
I'm italian and I love David because he is the most beautiful man in the world and the most excellent actor. I've cried for his wedding with Tea Leoni but now I'm happy for David and his family.David when you will come in Italy?You are my life!!!!!!(I'm h
ppy your wife has italian origins).ITALY LOVES DAVID.
Scully eXtremis - 08/05/00 12:10:04
My URL:http://www.x-files.xs3.com
My Email:The X-files
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny! *God, who else?*
Fantastic Website! Please drop by mine and apply for the DD / FM Award! You deserve it.
susanne modeski - 07/26/00 21:58:43
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: oubliette
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny
Religion: christain (and proud of it)
David Duchovny.... Why don't you love me?
gemma - 07/17/00 11:18:11
Your favorite show: xfiles and buffy
Your favorite episode: unopened file
Your favorite actor/actress: david dishy d and julia roberts
Religion: fox mulder rel
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: okay
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: sexy gq one
david duchovny is very dreamy a great actor and oozes sex appeal and he knows it his wife is a very lucky lady and i think daVID SHOULD BE IN MORE EPISODES IN SERIES EIGHT AS IT WILL NOT BE THE SAME WITHOUT HIM ALSO HE WAS VERY GOOD IN RETURN TO ME THANXS
fox - 07/08/00 08:09:47
My URL:http://www.optusnet.com
My Email:duchovnysangel@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: the x files
Your favorite episode: duane barry(speedos)
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny
Religion: none
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: ok
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: i love you te'a
great site needs more pics of david and te'a and some of david naked!
therese - 07/04/00 09:41:41
My Email:therese_fallon@yahoo.co.uk
Your favorite show: the x-files
Your favorite episode: speedo ep
Your favorite actor/actress: DD
Religion: catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: not much
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: huh?
Summer Tyme Ortega - 06/29/00 08:22:03
My Email:SummerTyme32@webtv.net
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Paper Hearts
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny/Gillian Anderson
Religion: Christian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: It was great!
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: David saying "Do you think I'm Spooky" and his picture in the crystal ball
This is a wonderful sight. I love David! It's too bad that he's only gonna be in 11 episodes of this next season, then he's gone, BOO HOO. Oh well, you gotta love him!!!
xxy - 06/25/00 06:58:09
My Email:Smaf81@aol.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: all
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: none
very unique and interesting
Ducky - 06/23/00 20:19:35
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/ducky1013
My Email:ducky1013@xoommail.com
Your favorite show: The X Files
Your favorite episode: Small Potatoes
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: N/A
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: BRILLIANT
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: "Do you think I'm spooky?" (what a sexy voice!)
I LOVE the web site and I LOVE David Duchovny!
just one of the many fans david has - 06/18/00 02:59:21
Your favorite actor/actress: of course david!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love this website it has absolutely everything about david, is just great
Rachel - 06/15/00 18:09:48
My Email:Dana_Scully42@juno.com
Your favorite show: No, you tell me...here's a hint: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Millenium, Requiem, the baseball one...
Your favorite actor/actress: DD and GA
Religion: Christian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: It's good stuff
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all of em!
This is one heck of a site! I love it and I'll keep coming back!!
sanchana - 06/10/00 11:27:22
My Email:sanch_84@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: the x- files
Your favorite episode: every episode
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny & meg ryan
Religion: hindu
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: good
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all the pics were great
this is a wonderful site. keep up the good work!!
Mary Louise Ternero - 06/02/00 22:53:28
My Email:ChupiMatadora@eresmas.com
Your favorite show: X Files
Your favorite episode: All
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: A little exagereted!
I've liked this page very much; I think it's one of the best I've ever visited, go ahead!
Fran - 06/01/00 02:51:39
My Email:anifan1089@aol.coj
Your favorite show: xfiles
Your favorite episode: season 8 finale
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny of course
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all
Donna Grayson - 05/19/00 06:53:36
My URL:http://www.donnagrayson.com
My Email:sunnysky3@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: X-files
I enjoyed my visit to your website. So glad to hear David is staying for the coming Season of X-files. It is such a great show.
LAuren Gogolew - 05/13/00 21:45:59
My Email:Spooky425@aol.com
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Small Potatoes, Detour, or Post-Modern Prometheus; I'm torn
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny, who else?
Religion: Roman Catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: I like it a lot....
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: I don't know...
I'm one of the biggest fans of the X-Files that anyone in my town knows, and that basically means that I'm beyond the point of obsessed. I admire David Duchovny for his portrayal of Mulder, but how he could just walk away from the show is horrifying. Trus
me, there will be so many disappointed fans, he'll just have to think about signing another contract. If he doesn't, well, he'll be to blame for a major rebellion against TV stars who quit over a childish lawsuit!!
Laura Boyd - 05/10/00 20:08:16
My Email:Laura@cumnock.com
Your favorite show: The X Files
Your favorite episode: Dreamland
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: non
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: ok
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: any of DD
sailorearth - 05/03/00 17:00:21
My Email:sailorearth@belldandy.zzn.com
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: all
Your favorite actor/actress: david
Religion: none that anyone knows about.
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: um, I might have to think about it awhile...
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: aren't all his pictures good!
Is it legal for David too be that great?
anyway, I liked what I saw, I might have to come back.
Julia - 05/03/00 03:12:57
My Email:jmb80@uol.com.ar
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Millenium
Your favorite actor/actress: Ethan Hawke
I really love X-FILES. Sometimes I can´t believe my eyes when I´m watching it...I want it to be true!!!!!!!!!! I want David by my side!!!!!He is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kristina - 04/27/00 12:34:57
My Email:lexys19@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: freak show one
Your favorite actor/actress: david
Religion: cathlic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: glasses
he is so fine. I would love to get with him..
Cheri - 04/25/00 00:36:01
My Email:ckcrabby@go.com
Your favorite show: these three
Your favorite episode: questions are
Your favorite actor/actress: too hard
Religion: David's
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: I'm still thinking
David David David etc.......
ruth wise - 04/19/00 15:50:24
My Email:ruthwise@webtv.net
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: all of them
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny
Religion: christian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: its cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all
david is the best!!!! glad to see that others love him as much as i do!!!
carolyn dino - 04/17/00 17:08:48
My Email:admitted@aol.com
Your favorite show: x-files!
Your favorite episode: the black and white one and the mushroom one
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny
Religion: all
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: fine
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all of david!
please e-mail any info on david duchovny!
chantalX - 04/15/00 20:06:07
My Email:chantal_partamian@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: THE X-FILES
Your favorite episode: TRIANGLE
Your favorite actor/actress: GILLIAN ANDERSON/DAVID DUCHOVNY
Religion: CATHOLIC
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: OK
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: THE LIVE PHONE CALL
Ashley Duchovny - 04/11/00 17:59:13
My URL:/Hollywood/Picture/1756
My Email:MHAMILL2@aol.com
Your favorite show: The X Files
Your favorite episode: the one with the vampires
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Catholic/Christian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: pretty cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: i loved them all!
This page is really great!! I love it! I'm so glad about the amount of women out there who love David as much as I do! Please visit my site and don't forget to sign the guestbook too!
Rosanna Duchovny - 04/10/00 20:31:38
My Email:Chandler_7000@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: X-Files[ of couse]
Your favorite episode: squeeze
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: none
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: great
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: the one with david in leather pants!!!!
I Love this site it is sooooooo good it has everything abiut the cutest guy David Duchovny it even had some things i didn't even know and thats saying something!!!!!! well done and keep up the GREAT work!!!
Fernanda Ferreti Vasconcelos - 04/10/00 17:45:35
My Email:ffvasconcelos@bol.com.br
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Arcade
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Nicole Olson - 04/07/00 20:39:32
My Email:yaolson@ties.k12.mn.us
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Small Potatoes
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Luthern
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: It was okay
I like your site and the intesting facts that you list about the actors.
audrey coté - 04/07/00 19:32:15
Your favorite show: the x-files
Your favorite episode: the unatural
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny
Religion: catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: very good
Nicole - 03/31/00 16:36:33
My Email:Scully_00_01@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Millennium
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny/Gillian Anderson
Religion: Assembly
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: very cool!
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: none, I liked them all!
micah - 03/29/00 17:08:50
My URL:http://www.refmaker.com/members/micahtx.shtml
This is a great site!!!
Mara Courtroul - 03/27/00 17:27:13
My Email:Maramcc11@go.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Haunted House
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Why David ofcourse
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: All
Justine Adema - 03/26/00 21:55:45
My Email:justine@altelco.net
Your favorite show: The X-Files! Duh!
Your favorite episode: Chinga
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny!
Religion: Christian Reformed
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: no comment
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: umm...
Get Paid to Surf - 03/23/00 02:57:05
My URL:http://www5.ewebcity.com/zolrak/internacional.htm
Your favorite actor/actress: Scully
My congratulations for this website. I love Gillian and the x-files is the best TV series.
Gretchen Wirtz - 03/18/00 22:07:03
My Email:weathergoddess10@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Small Potatos
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Church of our Guy David Duchovny
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: very nice
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all of the pictures
J-R Kortelainen - 03/11/00 16:08:33
My Email:red_tiger@artic.net
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: All
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Fine!
Thaiz I. de C. Silva - 03/07/00 18:19:10
My URL:http://yahoo.com
My Email:woods6_9@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Tooms
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Spiritist
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Nice
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: All
I think that David Duchovny is an exalent actor. I believe that him and Gillian Anderson
make a good team.
Daniela S - 03/03/00 21:43:43
My Email:SpookysGirl.Dani@t-online.de
Your favorite show: X-Files,Ally McBeal
Your favorite episode: Uh...this is really hard to say...
Your favorite actor/actress: DD & GA
Religion: Protestant
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: I like it...
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: The radio-interview is amazing!
Pages like this are really hard to find...! Thank you for creating it, 'cause it fills my free time with joy!
greta - 02/29/00 04:02:07
My URL:http://www.members.aol.com/magggiemay52/duchov.html
My Email:magggiemay52@aol.com
Your favorite show: humm..well, the xfiles?!?
Your favorite episode: i cant pick...
Your favorite actor/actress: take a guess. i LOVE david duchovney to death :)
Religion: catholic (but hell, lets make a david duchovney religon, eh??!) hehe
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: kinda cool, its a sweet idea
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all of the voices, i love his voice
hey everyone i just wanna say that i am nuts about the xfiles, i just started to watch it about 2 months ago accually, i always thought it would be dumb, but i saw it once with my brother and now in not only in love with david duchovney, but in love with
he whole show, not to mention david's charecter, fox mulder (you just gotta have a weakness for a hot dark-haired guy that has the energy that he has in the show...) well im sooo happy that i started to watch the xfiles and ill watch it forever coz i love
david to death and i CANT WAIT to see what comes on next week...hehehehe everyone check out my web site about david, its -www.members.aol.com/magggiemay52/duchov.html
thanx everyone, love david forever :)
luv greta, illinois, usa
kimz - 02/27/00 17:43:28
My Email:enything with david
i love david i love david
a fan - 02/25/00 07:55:29
My URL:http://www.drdrew.com/
Does anybody remember that Loveline episode where that woman said she was obsessed with David because her deceased husband looked exactly like him? And then Dr. Drew (who looks like an older David with glasses, if you ask me) went back behind the Easy Bak
Oven/shower thing and comforted her?
Dr. Drew has his own website now. I wonder if he'd ever get David on his website show or interview him? Two fabulous men in the same room -- would never happen!
Kristina - 02/23/00 14:43:50
My URL:http://~~~~~~~~~~~~~
My Email:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your favorite show: X-Files!!
Your favorite episode: The Christmas one
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny(who else?)
Religion: Catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: ok
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: any one w/ David in his little black suit
David is a hottie!!!
Jennifer - 02/18/00 17:46:01
My Email:Xphilefox42@aol.com
Your favorite show: X-files!
Your favorite episode: Small Potatos
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: none
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: Any with David
Catherine - 02/17/00 21:00:25
My Email:catathome@fsnet.com
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Momento Mori
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny/ Gillian Anderson
Religion: C of E
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: well cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: n/a
I thoroughly enjoyed the whole web site.
Lisa - 02/05/00 18:25:59
My URL:http://shannono.simplenet.com/haven
My Email:haven599@msn.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Momento Mori
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: David in leather pants
What, no shipper-friendly pictures?
Annelie Peipe - 01/31/00 16:48:30
My Email:leep@gmx.de
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: triangle
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: protestant
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: okay
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: light David
A nice and interesting side.
Itxaso Guillén Cerrolaza - 01/28/00 11:31:35
cheryl"trapper"duchovny - 01/27/00 21:13:23
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/cduchov/cduchovspalace.html
My Email:teaisanalien@aol.com
Your favorite show: xfiles (duh)
Your favorite episode: three way tie: the host, ice and small potatoes
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID DUCHOVNY!!!!!!!!
Religion: catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: its cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ne thing with him in a all black suit
Fran - 01/20/00 22:31:23
My Email:anifan1089@aol.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: I love them all...
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny/Cher
Religion: Catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: All
Tracey - 01/19/00 21:57:26
My Email:Smilee116@att.net
Your favorite show: X- Files
Your favorite episode: Arcadia
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: ooooooo kkkkkkkkkkkkk
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all of them were good
Think site is cool. My best friend introduced me to it!!!!! David is sooooooo HOTTTTTTTTTTT
Tracey - 01/19/00 21:55:26
My Email:Smilee116@att.net
dennis mitchell - 01/19/00 17:41:21
My Email:dp180@webtv.net
Your favorite show: X- Files
Your favorite episode: The first one
Your favorite actor/actress: Duchovney
Religion: catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: cool
Christina Marie - 01/18/00 22:31:16
My URL:http://~~~~~~~
My Email:~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your favorite show: the x-files
Your favorite episode: all~of~them
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny~gillian anderson
Religion: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: it's fine
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all of them
Anything of the x-files as long as it's good is
Christina Marie - 01/18/00 22:25:40
My URL:http://~~~~~~~
My Email:~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your favorite show: the x-files
Your favorite episode: all~of~them
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny~gillian anderson
Religion: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: it's fine
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all of them
Anything of the x-files as long as it's good is
Lisa Applegate - 01/13/00 01:17:31
Your favorite show: X-files and Ricki Lake
Your favorite episode: all of the X-files
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Luthern
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Kick ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This web site is very nice and I think that you should get more stuff on David Duchovny.I love David Duchovny.Here is a web site to check out www.Freddie Prince Jr.com.
Peace Out,
Nicole - 01/12/00 02:50:41
My Email:inicole92@yahoo.com
Angel Moore - 01/11/00 04:44:02
My Email:angelagape@webtv.net
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: the "cher" episode
Your favorite actor/actress: david & gillian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: intellectually stimulating, like david!
David is an incredible actor....certainly he is sexy as hell, but I think his attractiveness comes mostly from his intellect, which turns me on more than any government conspiracy!! I think he represents what all men should strive for.... insightfullness,
intellect, and the ability to believe in what he has not yet seen.
PALOS - 01/10/00 15:29:01
My Email:palosvarny@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: Monday
Your favorite actor/actress: Mitch Pileggi
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Pretty nice
PALOS - 01/10/00 15:27:32
My Email:palosvarny@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: as it happened 51 times
Your favorite actor/actress: Monday
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Pretty nice
laura - 01/09/00 04:20:58
My Email:laura_veronica@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite actor/actress: d.duchovni
Jan Lamp - 01/07/00 17:36:59
My Email:IamJan@webtv.net
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Small Potatoes
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Baptist
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Of no consequence
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: Bball with Tea
That pic of him and Tea at the game almost brought a tear to my eye. The way he looks at her is so full of adoration and love.
I also enjoyed "Do you think I'm spooky?'.
Thank you for all your work.
cyn - 12/25/99 14:55:12
My URL:http://12/25/99
My Email:snow_fairy.webtv.net
Your favorite show: all
Your favorite episode: all
Your favorite actor/actress: david
Religion: southeast
Fireman D - 12/21/99 18:59:21
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite actor/actress: DD, and GA
Religion: R. Calthic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Kick @$$
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: The pic of the UFO saying "I want to believe"
I am A Cute Firefighter from NJ, I Love the X-Files. It kicks, all you Jersey Girls call me (973)831-0979. <3
Neo - 12/21/99 14:51:45
My Email:www.stopk@yahoo.com/
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: (Dreamland) and all the rest of em!
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny/Gillian Anderson
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: I think it was cool!
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: David in a coat (from the links library)
I think that David is the best actor that I've seen!
Rowena Yarnold - 12/15/99 15:10:30
My Email:Yarno93r4@notredame.plym.sch.uk
Your favorite show: Friends
Your favorite episode: all of them
Your favorite actor/actress: Kate Winslet
Religion: Roman catholic , but not practising
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: I did't read it
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: All they are CHRIS and he is a sexy beast
Denise Sims - 12/13/99 05:00:44
My URL:http://jsims1114@aol.com
My Email:jsims1114@aol.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Triangle
Your favorite actor/actress: David Dochovny
Religion: protestent
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Great
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: Monet's Waterlillies
Mr. Dochovney, I want you to know what an encredible actor I feel you are. I loved Playing God. But I have to know. Where you and your lovly wife Tea and baby shopping in Laguna Beach this summer? I was spending time there and I swear I saw the three
f you there. Can you confirm or denie this? Buy they way, I am not just some kookie fan...I'm friends with Charlie Matthau (Walter's son) and my daughter lives in Ben Affleck's old apartment and they are good friends. Please e-mail back if possible so
know if I really saw you.
P. S. My daughter is a model and as big of a fan as I am...in fact...you have brought us closer.
denise - 12/13/99 00:25:45
My Email:gah1093@ro.com
Your favorite show: XF
Your favorite episode: Jose Chung
Your favorite actor/actress: DD
Religion: Esp
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: DD's pout
sarge - 11/29/99 03:44:19
My Email:lindyjaks@aol.com
Your favorite show: all of them
Your favorite episode: all of them
Your favorite actor/actress: David
Religion: Roman Catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: good stuff
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all of it
Moon - 11/28/99 07:15:18
My Email:Moonglws4u@aol.com
Your favorite show: xfiles
Your favorite episode: no particular
Your favorite actor/actress: if I am here need I say more?
Religion: I believe in the great spirit as being the one true creator....that we are also not his only playthings
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: still reading
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: each new pic. of David brings better vision
I do see David for the man he is and and the he is only a man. He fascinates me and is certainly wonderful to look at. I only hope that in his search for the truth he knows that the only one that really counts is the truth we tell ourselves. For if we
eny ourselves that.......then does anything else really matter. I hope to see him in other roles besides Mulder. I have seen Playing God and did enjoy it......yet to see Beethoven. I wish all peace, happiness and the ability to realize that it is not t
at hard to reach the truth........that really we only need look into ourselves to find it.
- 11/26/99 00:29:51
Aj Scully - 11/25/99 09:39:52
My Email:spooky_sista731@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Beyond the Sea or Milagro
Your favorite actor/actress: David/Gillian
Religion: Pass
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Bizzarre
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: David in the mirror, I'm wierd
David is delish!!
Aj Scully - 11/25/99 09:39:14
My Email:spooky_sista731@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Beyond the Sea or Milagro
Your favorite actor/actress: David/Gillian
Religion: Pass
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Bizzarre
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: David in the mirror, I'm wierd
David is delish!!
Jessie - 11/24/99 22:30:45
My Email:jesfiles
Rachel - 11/24/99 20:50:23
My Email://////
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: //////
Your favorite actor/actress: HUH!!! guess who??
Religion: Baptist
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Hmmmm..not to sure?
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: half david
Huh, hmmm, HUh hmmm!!!!!!!??????
cristy - 11/20/99 18:07:33
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite actor/actress: ben affleck
Religion: christian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: :-)
- 11/20/99 13:33:25
Vicky Recio - 11/19/99 17:04:39
My Email:igraine@Latinmail.com
Your favorite show: The X-files
Your favorite episode: Triangle
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: I think they are great
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: I don't know
I love the X-files but I'm not sure what do I love first. I think I'm falling in love with Mulder but
if Mulder wasn't David I could'nt be in love with him. I want to tell you that The X-files also came to Spain, I'm Spanish and a lot of Spanish people love David and all that he does
amanda - 11/15/99 21:56:06
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/scully2rox/
My Email:scully2rox@aol.com
Your favorite show: the x files
Your favorite episode: detour
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny &gillian anderson
Religion: davidism(hehehe)
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: great
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: scully? yeah ,marry me!
keep up the great work
Heather "X" - 11/15/99 06:32:02
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: The Sixth Extinction 2: Amor Fati
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny/Gillian Anderson
Religion: Christian & Davidism
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ALL OF THEM!!!!
emma - 11/11/99 11:30:34
Your favorite show: x files
Your favorite episode: triangle
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: good
great site, dedecated to a God of the paranormal investigating
toni pena - 11/03/99 01:52:46
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: tooms
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovney
I love david duchovney
Jen - 11/02/99 15:03:40
My Email:dd7aug@yahoo.co.uk
Your favorite show: The x-files
Your favorite episode: Tooms
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: It's alright but I'm not really into that stuff
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: They are all great it's sooo hard to choose
Great site. All the sounds are great and the pictures too. It really is total dedication to David.
Angel - 10/27/99 22:31:18
Your favorite show: X-files(duh)
Your favorite episode: All of them!
Your favorite actor/actress: DD (of course)
Religion: Southern Baptist
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: All the pics of David are my favorites!
I didn't get into The X-files until after I started going to girl scout camp. There were eight of us and almost all of them liked this show and the movie Star Wars. I started watching it with them and I found out, the very first episode that David Ducho
ny was hot. I love his eyes...
It seemed like I could never get enough of the show so I went out and bought the tapes, I watch them over and over again and never miss the show. I go to college now and my roommate has begun to get into the show to, her best friend comes down to my room
nd it is worship hour.
David, if you ever read this please come visit Southeast Missouri State University we love you and would love to have you here. It will be great!
Raye Green - 10/27/99 02:53:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/4317
My Email:blaklily@nbnet.nb.ca
Your favorite actor/actress: David D. & Tigger
Religion: Wiccan
Awesome page, just out surfin the hood, come visit me some time, after all..i am your Neighbor. :P
Heather B. - 10/21/99 03:14:25
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Syzygy/Bad blood
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny/Gillian Anderson
DAVID DUCHOVNY IS THE FINEST MAN IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heather B. - 10/21/99 03:12:43
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Syzygy
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
DAVID DUCHOVNY IS THE FINEST MAN IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiffany R. - 10/13/99 22:53:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/8031
My Email:d_duchovnylover@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Bad Blood
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny/Gillian Anderson
Religion: Christian, but I don't practice it
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: The stuff about how David is our inspiration and not our property, but I haven't gotten to look around everywhere yet
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: every pic!!!
Wow, this site is so amazing!!! When I was reading
your page about when you talked to David, I found
myself getting nervous and excited too! Wow, what
a chance in a lifetime, huh? *Sigh* I really like
this page. I will definitely be coming b
Leah - 10/11/99 09:24:58
My Email:CRZ21@bhbs.hereford.sch.uk
Your favorite show: The X Files
Your favorite episode: Detour
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Christian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Great
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: Mulder and his gun
X Files are the best!
E-mail me if you love David Duchovny.
physco bitch from hell - 10/09/99 21:53:40
My Email:mgd8@aber.ac.uk
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: the great mutato
Your favorite actor/actress: David D
Religion: no comment
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: no comment
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: no comment
no comment, but watch this space!
Apologies as I am recovering from last night.
Christiane - 10/05/99 13:23:18
The X-files are great. But David is just gorgeous!
Cari and Jessica - 09/26/99 00:24:19
My Email:ditzy1@goplay.com
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: #23
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovney
Religion: baptist
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: havent read it yet
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: david
david is hot david is hot david is hot we all love david
- 09/25/99 07:02:14
- 09/23/99 22:11:48
bannanika - 09/19/99 22:35:32
Your favorite show: x files
Your favorite episode: paperclip
Your favorite actor/actress: daivd ducovney
Religion: lds
Macarena - 09/12/99 19:42:14
My Email:sanpup@ctcinternet.cl
Your favorite show: X files
Your favorite episode: all of them
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: i think it´s really cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: everything with David in it
David, i´ll be waiting for you all my life, i love you, you´re the most beautiful, amazing, extraordinary man in the universe, please come to Chile and visit me, ok, bye.
Macarena - 09/12/99 19:41:16
My Email:sanpup@ctcinternet.cl
Your favorite show: X files
Your favorite episode: all of them
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: i think it´s really cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: everything with David in it
David, i´ll be waiting for you all my life, i love you, you´re the most beautiful, amazing, extraordinary man in the universe, please come to Chile and visit me, ok, bye.
daniela - 09/08/99 23:16:15
My Email:danna_s@yupimail.com
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: all are my favorities
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny
Religion: catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: it is nice
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all
this page is GREAT, and David too!
daniela calderón - 09/07/99 01:19:09
My URL:http://micasa.yupi.com/danna_s
My Email:danna_fox@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: The X files
Your favorite episode: all
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovni
Religion: NOTHING
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: NICE
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ALL
I love david duchovni.....he is so...SEXY
Taiya - 08/19/99 07:06:47
My Email:superscully@rocketmail.com
Your favorite show: X Files
Your favorite episode: Triangles, the unnatural, bad blood, etc
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson
Religion: Scientology
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: it's really cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: I don't know, haven't listened to all of'em
Ok, I've stopped hitting enter now. sorry about the last two, minor stupid moves on my part I suppose.
Now, on to business
Hello, fellow Duchovny-phreaks. I'm on a quest to prove that David is the sexiest man alive. I need your help. All you have to do is email me your name, city or province/state, subject: David Duchovny If I don't get enough replies, then I lose a bet to so
eone who's trying to prove that Michael Jackson(??!!??) is the sexiest. Don't even ask why, I'm still questioning it. thanks, Tay
Taiya - 08/19/99 07:05:24
My Email:superscully@rocketmail.com
Your favorite show: X Files
Your favorite episode: Triangles, the unnatural, bad blood, etc
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson
Religion: Scientology
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: it's really cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: I don't know, haven't listened to all of'em
Taiya - 08/19/99 07:04:18
My Email:superscully@rocketmail.com
Your favorite show: X Files
Your favorite episode: Triangles, the unnatural, bad blood, etc
Sarah - 08/15/99 18:14:23
My Email:Sar265872@aol.com
Your favorite show: x-files or friends
Your favorite episode: dont know
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: the ones of david d.!!!
I Love David Duchovny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jessica Yang - 08/12/99 23:54:29
My Email:hyyang@blue.weeg.uiowa.edu.
Your favorite show: The X-files
Your favorite episode: most of them are my favorite
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: None
If you have any news or activities about David Duchovny,please let me know.Thank you very much.
Emily - 08/10/99 23:29:56
My Email:Duckgirl0@aol.com
Your favorite show: X-Files!!!!
Your favorite episode: Oh geez I con't choose...
Your favorite actor/actress: DD
Religion: Christian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: sort of out there, but to each their own
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: The pic of David in the Chapel- gorgeous
Nice site!
MoonFrog - 08/10/99 17:59:42
My Email:Daisyx_phillian@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Calusari
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovney
Religion: Pagan
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: I understand
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: I luv 'em all!!
It is nice U really like DD but A CHURCH????!!!!!!
I mean It's not like I don't think he's amazingly
hot or anything I mean I'm here aren't I?But does
he really diserve his own CHURCH?????
but who am I to judge right?Anyway Great site!
Blessed Be
Hannah Park - 08/09/99 18:06:36
My Email:Philip-01201446@3web.net
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Tunguska, Terma, Phine Bluff Variant, The Post-Modern Prometheus, Triangle and so much more!
Your favorite actor/actress: Of course, David Duchovny!
Religion: Christian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: OK.
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: My favourite picure is the one where DD has his hands in his pocket, standing up, with bar code at the bottom of the picture. It's black and white and I think you know what I'm talking about. I fell in l
ve with it at the moment I saw it.
I really like your idea of offering things to him. I started to draw pictures of him and I'm getting better, actually. Although his got this gorgeous face that nobody can draw. When I get realy good at it, I would really like to give him the picture. A
so, in your "book of inspiration," could you add this? This is my favourite quote from the X-files which made me melt.
"Scully, you're my one in five billion."
-Fox Mulder, Folie a Deux-
Elena - 08/07/99 22:34:04
My Email:lenchik7@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: The X Files
Your favorite episode: Tiger, Tiger
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: pretty cool
Today is David's Birthday!!!! I just want to wish him everything!!
mortissa - 08/07/99 09:56:11
Your favorite show: The x Files
Your favorite episode: Detour
Your favorite actor/actress: David
Religion: hindu
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: great really deep man
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: love them all dude x files rule
david we love and worship you happy birthday you lovely
Brooke Wittmann - 08/06/99 00:29:12
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: The guy who pulls out the hearts
Your favorite actor/actress: David Douvcony
Religion: Catholic
Layna - 08/01/99 19:10:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/UFOGURL
My Email:Laynie1121@aol.com
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Paper Hearts
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny, Hal Sparks, Jon Stuart/Gillian Anderson, Drew Barrymore
Religion: I believe in God and lets leave it at that
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: No comments on it
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: Everything here is good!
I really like this page. It's very cute and creative. :) Keep up the good work and keep lovin' David!! LOL <>..<>
Liz - 07/28/99 22:04:12
My Email:babyla9@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: monday, detour
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: It's good
I love x-files
Stephanie Schweitzer - 07/28/99 21:05:59
Your favorite show: THE X-FILES
Your favorite episode: ALL OF THEM
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID DUCHOVNY
Mulder - 07/25/99 02:55:54
My Email:union@parks.lv
Your favorite show: David
Your favorite episode: Each
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: none
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: normal
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: wasn't
David, if u can then send me e-mail(if u want talk with someone i will talk).
Thank u !!!
Mulder - 07/25/99 02:55:45
My Email:union@parks.lv
Your favorite show: David
Your favorite episode: Each
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: none
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: normal
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: wasn't
David, if u can then send me e-mail(if u want talk with someone i will talk).
Thank u !!!
Mulder - 07/25/99 02:55:18
My Email:union@parks.lv
Your favorite show: David
Your favorite episode: Each
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: none
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: normal
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: wasn't
David, if u can then send me e-mail(if u want talk with someone i will talk).
Thank u !!!
Mulder - 07/25/99 02:53:25
My Email:union@parks.lv
Your favorite show: David
Your favorite episode: Each
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovni
Religion: none
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: normal
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: wasn't
David, if u can then send me e-mail(if u want talk with someone i will talk).
Thank u !!!
nina - 07/24/99 20:12:12
My Email:pinta_123
Your favorite show: THE X-FILES!!!!
Your favorite episode: almost all of season 6
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: wiccan
David Duchovny:the vertical expression of a horizontal desire!
caatherine - 07/24/99 08:45:20
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: small potatoes
Your favorite actor/actress: David and Gillian
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all
I love this show very much.
RAKHEE MODHWADIA - 07/19/99 09:04:32
Your favorite show: THE X-FILES !!!!!!!
Your favorite episode: THE END
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID DUCHOVNY
Religion: HINDU
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: MUTTAH
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ALL !!!!!
D D ROCKS 4 EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUV MOI
Jolie - 07/18/99 22:23:12
Taylor Mulder-
You need to get a life and you must live in a dream world if you think your last name is Mulder, what a joke.
Sarah Duncalf - 07/18/99 17:15:29
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Small Potatoes
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Cool!!!!
I love you David Duchovny and worship you!!!
Darth antrag - 07/17/99 19:09:44
CAROLINA - 07/16/99 23:44:28
My Email:carolina@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: X FILES
Your favorite episode: ALL
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID DUCHOVNY
Lúcia Matos - 07/16/99 12:21:10
My Email:pearl_obcession@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Triangle
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: DD
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Great
Well... Duchovny is a God, therefore, he must be adored!!!!!
Adrienne Reynolds - 07/12/99 04:59:02
My Email:eizeerb@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: The X-Files of course!
Your favorite episode: Detour
Your favorite actor/actress: David and Gillian
Bree Sharp said it right,
"David Duchovny, why won't you love me?"
Anna - 07/10/99 19:10:10
Your favorite show: The Pretender
Your favorite actor/actress: Michael T. Weiss
Myeoung-hwa - 07/09/99 10:11:50
My Email:manhae@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: X-files
Your favorite episode: All of X-files
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson
Religion: Buddism
Hi! all fans of X-file! I really love X-file and Ducovny. I thank to this site and please mail me everyone who wants to join with me about X-file and David Duchovny!
Myeoung-hwa - 07/09/99 10:07:22
My Email:manhae@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: X-file
Your favorite episode: All of X-files
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson
Religion: Buddism
Hi! all fans of X-file! I really love X-file and Ducovny. I thank to this site and please mail me everyone who wants to join with me about X-file and David Duchovny!
Taylor Mulder - 07/08/99 04:12:12
My Email:BushBerry@Hotmail.com
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Triangle
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny & Nick Lea
Religion: none
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: it was good
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all with him in it !!
Mulder is fine....!!!!!!! Jolie needs to shut-up
unless she has something nice to say about him!!!
The X-Files is the BEST & only Good T.V. show on the earth in my opinion...! Mulder is sweet and nice and very fine no matter what the national enquirer has to say.....!!!!!!!!!!He is FINE ...!
Taylor Walker - 07/08/99 03:55:23
My Email:BushBerry@Hotmail.com
Your favorite show: The X-Files (of course)
Your favorite episode: Triangle
Your favorite actor/actress: S.A. Fox Mulder or D.D. (of course)
Religion: I don't have one
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Good ...!
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: D.D. & Tea
I love David And Mulder...! & I don't think what
the national enquirer says is true about being a
rude & mean to Gillian Anderson I like here too..
Any hoo if you want to email me go ahead BushBerry@hotmail.com
alyssa - 07/06/99 07:15:24
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: monday
Your favorite actor/actress: david and ANGELINA THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON ON EARTH
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: GREAT
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ALL
alyssa - 07/06/99 07:15:12
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: monday
Your favorite actor/actress: david and ANGELINA THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON ON EARTH
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: GREAT
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ALL
alyssa - 07/06/99 07:14:36
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: monday
Your favorite actor/actress: david and ANGELINA THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON ON EARTH
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: GREAT
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ALL
Jolie - 07/06/99 07:03:35
Your favorite show: Not the x-files
Your favorite episode: none
Your favorite actor/actress: Tim and Angelina
Religion: none of your business
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: none
First i have to say that David is the worst actor i have ever seen in my life and the only reason i saw him in playing god is to see that great and talented Tim and Angelina. David is in desprate need of a good nose job. All you loosers should be loving T
mothy instead of mr. dud over here. Alyssa obviously needs therapy for her attachment to this ugly man. See ya all later and you better get with the Tim and Angelina club.
Jolie - 07/06/99 07:03:30
Your favorite show: Not the x-files
Your favorite episode: none
Your favorite actor/actress: Tim and Angelina
Religion: none of your business
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: none
First i have to say that David is the worst actor i have ever seen in my life and the only reason i saw him in playing god is to see that great and talented Tim and Angelina. David is in desprate need of a good nose job. All you loosers should be loving T
mothy instead of mr. dud over here. Alyssa obviously needs therapy for her attachment to this ugly man. See ya all later and you better get with the Tim and Angelina club.
Jolie - 07/06/99 07:03:12
Your favorite show: Not the x-files
Your favorite episode: none
Your favorite actor/actress: Tim and Angelina
Religion: none of your business
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: none
First i have to say that David is the worst actor i have ever seen in my life and the only reason i saw him in playing god is to see that great and talented Tim and Angelina. David is in desprate need of a good nose job. All you loosers should be loving T
mothy instead of mr. dud over here. Alyssa obviously needs therapy for her attachment to this ugly man. See ya all later and you better get with the Tim and Angelina club.
jessica - 07/05/99 08:12:50
My Email:PigPen0298@aol.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: all the ones mulder was in
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovney, tom hanks
Religion: christian, but a very laid back christian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: philisophically speaking, i drooled all the way through
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: its a b/w pic with him kinda wet lookin and he has this look on his face :::shivers:::::grins::: ;D that one makes me forget my name
the only thing i have to offer to david duchovney is my virginity which i will gladly share with him....well him and bono from U2.....first come first serve. ill just kiss who gets there second...a good looooong kiss. am i forbidden from this church for h
ving TWO celebrity infatuations???
<3 yas!
jessie ;)
crabcakes - 07/04/99 20:38:09
My Email:crabcakes@webtv.net
Your favorite show: xfiles&law&order
Your favorite episode: darkness falls
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny
Religion: non dominational
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: okay
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all
its a pretty cool site. its one of the better ones.
Hannah - 07/03/99 21:24:27
Your favorite show: The X-Files(duh)
Your favorite episode: "The Unnatural", "Triangle","Bad Blood", "Dreamland I&II
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny/Gillian Anderson
Religion: Christian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: ok
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: everything
I am so in LOVE with David Duchovny, but I know he's married and I respect that.This site was pretty good. There were some nice pics.
Alex - 06/23/99 15:51:28
My Email:ww.beyerinsureagnce.com
Your favorite show: X-files
Your favorite episode: all
Your favorite actor/actress: David Du
Religion: Luthren
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: little over done
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: light David
How is the movie that you are resently in. How is the baby doing.
I'll tell you a little about me. I am 11 years old my sister and I realy like your show.I was born in Romainia.Ilived there for three years. For those three years I was raised as an orphen.If you want to write or call me I will give you my number and ad
Alex Beyer
49 Silo Ridge Rd E
Orland Park IL 60467
Michaela O'Connell - 06/23/99 11:20:58
My Email:kool_kaila@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: duh- X-Files!!
Your favorite episode: Triangle i think
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Mulderist
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: amazing!!!
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ?!!!?!!!all of them
I am already a member of rthe church of mulder, and I hope that this doesnot mean that I am any less of a devotee to the man himself, wthout david there is no mulder, this is my reason for joining both. I hope that this is not disrespectful!!!
id love to talk to fellow lovers of david, as none of my earthling friends feel the same way i do!!
g - 06/18/99 17:24:31
My Email:bsbfox@excite.com
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: triangle
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchouvy/g.a.
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all (of course)
Louise - 06/16/99 12:34:23
My Email:louise_hine@yahoo.co.uk
Your favorite show: THE X FILES
Your favorite episode: ALL OF THEM
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID DUCHOVNY
Religion: Ode to all fanciable men
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Brilliant
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: All with David in
Cool site you got. Where do you think this stuff up? Really like the colours and the photos. WE NEED MORE SITES LIKE YOURS DEDICATED TO DAVID DUCHOVNY!!!!!
alyssa duchovny - 06/15/99 03:48:16
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: any
Your favorite actor/actress: d.duchovny and g.anderson
Religion: david religion
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: great
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all
david i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alyssa duchivny - 06/15/99 03:40:11
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: all
Your favorite actor/actress: david and gillian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: great
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all(yum)
i love you david!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C.D. - 06/14/99 21:09:42
Your favorite show: The X Files and South Park
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovney and Nick Lea
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: It's AWESOME
GREAT PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CATE - 06/14/99 16:52:37
Your favorite show: X-FILES
Your favorite episode: LAZARUS
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID DUCHOVNY & KEVIN SPACEY
Religion: ATHEIST
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: SWEET!
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ALL OF THEM!!
ALYSSA DUCHOVNY - 06/13/99 18:35:59
Your favorite show: X-FILES
Your favorite episode: ALL
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID AND GILLIAN
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: GREAT
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ALL
I LOVE YOU DAVID!!!!!!!!!!
ALYSSA - 06/13/99 18:31:20
Your favorite show: X-FILES
Your favorite episode: BAD BLOOD
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID AND GILLIAN
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: GREAT
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ALL
ALYSSA - 06/13/99 18:29:20
Your favorite show: X-FILES
Your favorite episode: BAD BLOOD
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID AND GILLIAN
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: GREAT
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ANY
ALYSSA R. DUCHOVNY - 06/13/99 18:27:42
Your favorite show: X-FILES
Your favorite episode: BAD BLOOD
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID AND GILLIAN
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: GREAT
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ALL
ALYSSA - 06/13/99 18:24:00
Your favorite show: X-FILES
Your favorite episode: BAD BLOOD
Your favorite actor/actress: GILLIAN AND DAVID
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: GEAT
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ALL OF THEM
ALYSSA DUCHOVNY - 06/13/99 18:20:59
Your favorite show: X-FILES
Your favorite episode: BAD BLOOD
Religion: JEWISH
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: GREAT
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ALL THE PICTURES AND ALL THE SOUNDS ARE AWSOME
- 06/09/99 18:10:09
maaike - 06/09/99 15:30:47
My Email:jvdlaan@casema.net
Your favorite show: X-files
Your favorite episode: bad blood/small potatoes
Your favorite actor/actress: gillian and david
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: it's GREAT
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: All
This is propably the best site on david i've seen yet. The star idea is great and i especially liked you're writing about "I want to believe"
I LOVE DAVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dangerous,Sexy #13 - 06/09/99 11:24:43
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: I like all of them
Your favorite actor/actress: Gillian Anderson
Religion: Catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: I didn't see it yet
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: didn't hear
I cannot reveal my real name, though I am beeing spied on. But I can still tell the world that I want to find out the Truth. I must run now...
genevieve - 06/08/99 16:53:57
My Email:none
Your favorite show: the x files
Your favorite episode: the christmas special
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny
Religion: none
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: it's good
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all the photos
abby - 06/08/99 07:25:22
Your favorite show: the x-files
Your favorite episode: ALL
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny + keanu reeves
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all
great site.david is soooo sexy.
Rachel - 06/06/99 05:01:34
My Email:Raven2@prodigy.net
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: All!!!!!!!
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVE,OF COURSE!!!
Religion: Baptist
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: ??????????
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: All
DD 4-ever
Amy - 06/05/99 10:10:24
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID DUCHOVNY(yummy!)
Religion: C.O.D.(church of David)
Thanks for this site Becca- I LOVE DAVID FOREVER!!!
Amy C. DUCHOVNY - 06/03/99 17:40:09
Your favorite show: X-files
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID DUCHOVNY!!!!!!(yummy!)
Religion: C.O.D. (church of David)
Thanx for this site Becca- DAVID IS PURE FITNESS!!!!
Amy C. DUCHOVNY - 06/03/99 17:40:01
Your favorite show: X-files
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID DUCHOVNY!!!!!!(yummy!)
Religion: C.O.D. (church of David)
Thanx for this site Becca- DAVID IS PURE FITNESS!!!!
Amy - 06/03/99 17:29:43
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite actor/actress: DAVID DUCHOVNY!!!!!!(yummy!)
Religion: C.O.D.(church of David)
cissi - 05/31/99 10:29:35
My Email:fox4ever@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: bad blood
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny
Religion: david lover
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: ok
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ????
Lisa - 05/30/99 08:26:19
My Email:FoxMulder@DanaScully.zzn.com
Your favorite show: X-files
Your favorite episode: Post-Modern Prometheus
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Pentecost
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: n/a
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: n/a
I heard you on a real audio file a few moments ago talking to David! Thats why I looked up your website. Its a great website!
Lisa - 05/30/99 08:26:08
My Email:FoxMulder@DanaScully.zzn.com
Your favorite show: X-files
Your favorite episode: Post-Modern Prometheus
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Pentecost
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: n/a
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: n/a
I heard you on a real audio file a few moments ago talking to David! Thats why I looked up your website. Its a great website!
E.L. Williams - 05/29/99 16:01:57
My Email:catch@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: D.P.O.
Your favorite actor/actress: David and Gillian
Religion: atheist
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: don't know
I love David Duchovny. He's my fave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
E.L. Williams - 05/29/99 16:01:52
My Email:catch@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: D.P.O.
Your favorite actor/actress: David and Gillian
Religion: atheist
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: don't know
I love David Duchovny. He's my fave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kim Williams - 05/29/99 02:55:23
My Email:FMulder4ever@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: The X-Files ALL THE WAY!!!
Your favorite episode: HMMM.. I LOVE them all but I shall choose Pdot Modern Prometheus
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchoovy..You shouldn't have to ask
Religion: DavidDuchovnian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: It's great
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: I like them all
This is a wondering site dedicated to David Duchovny. I envy you being able to talk to him like that!!!!
Barbie - 05/25/99 17:55:05
My Email:Barbie1080@aol.com
Your favorite show: X files, Simpsons
Your favorite episode: I have to list just one?
Your favorite actor/actress: David!
Religion: Agnostic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: uh... ok....
It's nice to see what other people have to say about David Duchovny, and interesting to see what they think about him as a person. Anyway...
Vickie Baton - 05/25/99 15:14:00
Your favorite show: X Files
Your favorite episode: Conduit
Your favorite actor/actress: DD
Religion: CofDD
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Brilliant
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: All of them
This is my second offering to DD. I haven't got anything new to say I just thought I'd better get a bit more religion in my life so what better chapel to do it in!?
Vickie Baton - 05/25/99 15:13:28
Your favorite show: X Files
Your favorite episode: Conduit
Your favorite actor/actress: DD
Religion: CofDD
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Brilliant
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: All of them
This is my second offering to DD. I haven't got anything new to say I just thought I'd better get a bit more religion in my life so what better chapel to do it in!?
gina - 05/23/99 18:29:55
My Email:bsbfox@excite.com
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: ice
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: pg 2 pictures
terrific pictures and much info on D.D.
Tiffy - 05/22/99 06:56:46
My URL:http://snookle.vr9.com
My Email:Amishbroad@aol.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose, Humbug, Jose Chung's From Outer Space, this is hard...
Your favorite actor/actress: Harrison Ford
Religion: Christianity
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Hum? I suppose I missed it...
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: The first logo on the front page
Nifty page! Keep up the good work.
In Christ,
AMY - 05/19/99 19:31:05
Your favorite show: X-FILES
Your favorite episode: MONDAY
Your favorite actor/actress: DD!!!!!!
everyone if you care for david vote for him at www.xfiles.tvfavorites.com he is losing!! (hit the vote button more than once to vote more than once!!!)great site
Kate - 05/16/99 00:05:26
Your favorite show: X-files
Your favorite episode: I haven't seen them all so I don't have a favorite yet
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchoveny
One of my favorite lines that no one ever seems to have is when Mulder and Morris Fletcher (or was it Fletcher Morris, I don't remember) get switched and Scully finally believes him and doesn't think she'll ever see him again she says "I'd kiss you if you
weren't so damn ugly" and he gives her sunflower seeds.
Carla - 05/14/99 22:45:21
My Email:girlie_29@yahoo.com
Your favorite show: X-files
Your favorite episode: the worms that are found in the Arctic I for get what its called
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
teija - 05/14/99 11:49:26
My Email:teikku84@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: Xfiles!!!!
Your favorite episode: Detour , Bad Blood
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: christyn
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: cool i guess?
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: ....
Kaci - 05/13/99 04:04:29
My Email:Squeekz01@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: x-files
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: cool
karen clayden - 05/08/99 15:26:01
My Email:karen@sherlock66.freeserve.co.uk
Your favorite show: the x-files
Your favorite episode: the blessing way
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny
Religion: chistian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: brillian
a very nice wed site, and a nice deication to David Duchovny.
Nicole - 05/06/99 21:29:11
My Email:www.jewel120710@email.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Pusher
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Methodist
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: It was cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: I loved them all
David Duchovny is hot!!!
Elizabeth Wheeler - 05/05/99 21:15:57
My Email:LizBiz93@aol.com
Your favorite show: The X-Files
Your favorite episode: Fire/3 of a kind
Your favorite actor/actress: Gillian Anderson
Religion: christian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: donno
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: donno
are you a complete x-Files fan or just a person obsesing over David Duchovney?!?
Stephanie N. - 05/03/99 17:44:03
My Email:SMN3060@aol.com
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Kill Switch
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
Religion: Catholic
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: haven't seen it yet
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all of them
LOVIN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jacob howland - 04/27/99 20:29:25
My Email:spiceboy_65@hotmail.com
Your favorite show: x-files
Your favorite episode: chinga
Your favorite actor/actress: david duchovny/gillian anderson
Religion: christian
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: cool
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: skinner in the blooper reel
i just wanted to say that this is a very cool web site
Lor - 04/27/99 14:36:21
Your favorite show: I can't get anough of all of them
Your favorite episode: All of them
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Really good - well done
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: All.....
I think David Duchivny is the pip in my apple
Laura - 04/27/99 14:33:09
Your favorite show: X Files
Your favorite episode: All of them
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: Smart
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: All of them
Keep up the pictures. David your a star!
Indra - 04/26/99 12:23:47
My Email:infocentr@gailes.lv
Your favorite show: X- files
Your favorite actor/actress: David Duchovny
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: O.K.
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: taste of india
A.F.E.F - 04/24/99 23:47:22
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: Anasazi
Your favorite actor/actress: D.D and G.A
X-GIRL - 04/17/99 12:35:02
My Email:75692275@PRO.ONET.PL
Your favorite show: X-FILES!!!!!
Your favorite episode: POST MODERN PROMETEUSH
Your favorite actor/actress: D.DUCHOVNY AND GILLIAN ANDERSON
Religion: X FILES RELIGION....
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: I LOVE THAT SITE!!!!!
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: I LOVE EVERY SOUND AND EVERY PIC ON THAT SITE!
Laurie Parsons - 04/17/99 04:10:42
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members7/transtreams
My Email:peace-n-carrots@usa.net
Your favorite show: X-Files
Your favorite episode: one with Krychek (can't remember)
Your favorite actor/actress: Robert DeNiro
Religion: Spiritualism
What did you think of the philosophical stuff on this site?: very well said
Which was your favorite picture or sound?: all of them
Very nice sight, so detail-oriented. You bring Davidism to new heights! Ever thought of talking to your Guides? I do (mine). Stop by anytime...
In Light and Love,
Sharon Burdick - 04/16/99 19:31:36
My Email:Sburdick @unioncatholic.org
Your favorite show: Piper Maura
Your favorite actor/actress: Gillan Anderson
Religion: Lutheran
beccaelizabeth - 04/16/99 01:36:50
anything you want to say, say it here. Anything you dont want toa nswer, just leave it blank. Please, use a name, dont pretend to be famous people, and keep it relatively clean.