
I'm a fan of Highlander, Sentinel, Buffy, Angel, Stargate, Farscape, Babylon 5, Due South, seaQuest, and old British sci-fi like Dr Who and Blakes 7. I go to conventions for Highlander, Buffy&Angel, and Stargate. I read and theoretically write fanfic.

I have a Watcher tattoo on my left wrist. I'm saving up to get the Seal of Rassilon and the Stargate dial home code for Earth on my left shoulder.

I read. A lot. My amazon wish list broke the 1000 items barrier, which is apparently more than their system can handle. If I listed my favourite authors I'd be here all day, but Lois McMaster Bujold, Laurell K Hamilton and CJ Cherryh have to be on the list. Also Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. And Dianna Wynne Jones and Diane Duane. And... you get the idea.

I cannot remember a time when I had not read the Lord of the Rings books. I inherited about 2000 books from my dad, many of them sci fi by people I've never heard of, so I've only read about half the books I own. Yet I keep on buying more.

I RPG about once a week. GURPS is my first love, but I play d20 because the group does. I love Mage the Ascension and In Nomine, but havent played because I havent found a group that wants to yet. *sigh* Elegant philosophical theories and moral quandries fall to the seduction of yet another dungeon crawl. Still, pizza and friends, always good.

I am a Reverend of the Universal Life Church. The ULC has two basic tenets: That people have a right to freedom of religion, and that people should do what they think is right. It is up to the individual to figure out what is right.

Yes, that is the place that ordains people online just for asking. I put my religion on the census form as 'neo-pagan eclectic jedi fortean', and getting ordained as such is just... tricky.

The eclectic part translates as making it up as I go along, with reference to any source that sounds true, including pop culture and science fiction religions.

Jedi means I'm committed to peace, preferably via negotiation, but I'll fight for what I believe is right. It also means I believe in the Force- call it Chi or life-force if you will, but there is an underlying spiritual component that binds all beings together, human, rock or tree. Jedi don't discriminate on basis of species, let alone race, and in the books at least they dont discriminate by religion. It is just about what you can do, what you commit to doing, what you dedicate your life to.

Fortean just means that the world is a very weird place, and if the facts dont fit the theory, the theory is wrong. I've been published in Fortean Times (see my website for the full saga). Weird does not begin to cover it. So I am fortean.

I take my religion pretty seriously- or as seriously as I can given that my other belief is that the secret of a balanced life is reverence and mirth in equal proportion.

I'm probably a Chaos mage. I rarely work magic, because I rarely want anything that much. When I do work, I pretty much make it up as I go along. Its not the forms, its the power. So, Chaos.

Female, allegedly human, but rather oops wrong planet. Part time mature student, currently in Cultural Studies. I have a plan to get a degree in something philosophical and television related, but it is kind of a long term plan. Last time I did the math it came out at about ten years, and I was being optimistic. But, basically having fun.

I have another About Me page over on livejournal, which is also where I keep a lot of my thoughts, and probably where any diary style updates will occur.

This page is my 'All About Me' page from this site pre April 1st 2004.

This page is my 'All About Me' page from April 1st 2004. Kind of loud, but still me.

Talk to me!