12/15/00 09:04:47
| Comments: you're unspeakably beautiful. though that word couldn't even begin to describe you. for a couple of years now i've had you work, the autumn cemetary text. i've always placed it in my highest regard. your writing truly evokes so much within me. you are so amazing. sometimes the beauty contained within your pages makes me want to cry. i want so much to be able to express my full gratitude, though i know that can't be possible. please, though, if you're not busy sometime, drop me an email. i'd like so much the opportunity to talk with you. thank you so much for everything. you've touched me greatly. love always. |
| Comments: september, i adore you.. you're sooo beautiful. i love your accent too, yum. bye. |
| Comments: this is such a good page, better than some. September really enlightned me. Alot. BYe. |
| Comments: |
| Comments: Thank you for a very informative and thought provoking website. Peace. Bill |
| Comments: September, i read some of the entries, i feel that you shouldn't even listen to any of them, they all are closed minded and ignorant to the world around them. they're young and don't know much, so am i but i sure as hell know more than them trendy fucks. I feel that we have the right to chose what we want to be and if you chose to be goth then shall it be. different people in different situations feel this way and become goth, it's not like everyone whom is goth are all alike in everyway. We love life, but it's just adness probably makes us more happy than thinking life is all about happiness when we know it's not. SO FUCK OFF JOSEPH ST.CLAIRE or whatever. if they tell you to die and waste all that time and energy into telling you how full of shit goths are and how t ey want us to die. they obviously don't have a life but to put people like us down and try to bring you down with them since they have low self-esteem. so stay strong and keep up the good work with your site...my screen name for aol/aim is: DeAd4rmSadnesS or Mys0uLwillFLY it's a 'zer0' not an 'o' blessed be... Sandy www.idahopagan.com/faq.html |
| Comments: DOnt know if I agree with everything, but nice job none the less. |
| Comments: I am not a Goth, or Punk...I am simply "myself" and I thank you, Spetember, for enlightening me |
| Comments: cool site!good job!peace! (p.s: i am NOT a guy, all though people think that because I use the name....) -.::§ÑØض.ÐØgG::. |
| Comments: Ahhh...the definitive. What elegant prose...this is exceedingly well done! As difficult, and yes, perhaps even impossible as it is to define Us, you, my darling September, have completed an exqusite attempt. (I too, have shot and still do shoot strange s with my finger!) I enjoyed this thouroughly....and it settled questions in my own mind about me. What has been said about me. I wish to you a life filled with the glory of Botticelli sunsets against time-worn cemetaries, and midnight dances under the full moon. Enjoy the paradox that we are...for while embracing eath, we are supremely life! |
| Comments: cool site its very interesting |
| Comments: I was looking at your profile, and found this link at the bottom. Thought I'd take a peek. Nice job! Tabi |
| Comments: don't mind me, i'm just shamelessly promoting my webpage. >>www.unbeknownst.org<< |
| Comments: I thought the page intriguing. Gave me something to think about, even though my mind fills with dumb thoughts constantly. Keep updating. I'l be visiting this site a might. |
| Comments: very cool intruductory to the world of goths. i myself am not gothic, but i do have an opinion on the color pink. to me, pink is nor a happy-go-lucky or a "dark" color. to me pink is like grey. it symbolizes all that i could be, but am not. i use pink a l t in my other webpages (the one i have linked here's theme is not pink though) while writing poetry. it helps me think. helps me be true to myself. okay, so anyways, cool page. i'll be back soon 'kay? bye. |
| Comments: Okee, first of all: GIRL, why do you even bother?! I mean really, what's so cool about being dark? There's alot of goths at my very very preppy skewl, and they just shut themselves away from everything. The funniest thing is some goth girls even tried o steal my boyfriend! Of course, he used to be depressed and they were the only people who accepted him @ the time until of course he found moi, and now he's come to his senses, and he'll never go near any goths again! What kind of point are you trying o make anyway? I mean seriously, if you're so gothic and obsessed with death, why don't you try it? You rag on people like me for being posers when really all you are are HYPOCRITES! We're everything you goths want to be...you're the shadow and we're t e sun! You probably are just going thru a stage; I mean you can't possibly think you're gonna be gothic when you're 20 do you?! TOODLES, Katey the Princess |
| Comments: just wanted you to know i was here.... charming page :) |
| Comments: As a Goth I would never use the words "WE" or "OURS". Please do NOT speak for me, for I stand alone with my own interpretations and fantasies of what I belong to. |
| Comments: Dear September, While I am of the light, a veritable child of light, I recognize the validity and necessity of what you are doing. I also gainsay the multitude of idiots, none of whom matter (and few of whom seem to actually read what you say, which is -- as you say -- our opinion) and whom -- as you say -- will die as we all die. Your main ideas seem to be: 1) We all die, 2) We might as well live life beautifully, 3) Our life may serve as beautiful funeral for all human lives, and 4) We are all free to do as we will, for what you are saying is simply observation and advice. I'll tell you what, ignore the babbling fools who insult you and wager hate, and you'll do well to keep innovating and loving, living and desiring. You remind me of Rilke, who I hear you like, when you do not remind me of Artaud. Artaud was quite a bit angrier though, even in his seminal work, _The_Theatre_and_its_Double_. Try reading more Goethe. Really! |
| Comments: Your page is very well done.. come visit Bitter Fall ![]() |
| Comments: Your page is cool, i am working on a new web site called The Dark side of my castle but i havent finish it yet. So when i finish i will let you know . |
| Comments: sweet! middle school! you guys write poetry and whine about everything! you are so gothic holy shit! how incredibly stupid can you be, wasting all your fucking time on an image that no one cares about and your not proving to anyone but those stupid coal c amber korn bizkit kids that you are some bad ass who still lives with their parents. do something ORIGINAL... fuck you all... die |
| Comments: hello, i never said anything about you and lilith, and i only lashed out when i was verbaly attacked by you and lizzie, i have nothing at all against you, i dont even know you nor have i even seen you to make any asumption on you as a person. i just dont elieve in the same thing as you, and i respect you for standing up for what you believe in. and my style, "if you wanna be just like you little friend lizzie, and put everything into a little catigorie, and put boundries on everything" is "PUNK ROCK", but i do not limit my self to listen to one type of music, nor do i limit myself to stare into one style of painting, or admire one form of art, i guess it's just a coincidence that i am physically colorblind, but i am preaching figuritive colorblindness, whi h i have not seen expressed through talking to "angelabyth" who insisted that everything must have boundries otherwise we don't know where we stand. none of that was directed towards the "september virgin" just to whomever believes that prejudice is is ne cessity in todays society. also visit Skyntex Online>, and know that i have never tried to make any enimies, just tried to express my beliefes which may have been misunderstood |
| Comments: i admire you talent for writing poetry, where do you feelings come from, i try to feel nothing at all, but all i feel is lonelyness |
| Comments: wonderful page...all the stuff here is very entertaining, and quite thought provoking! |
| Comments: Excellent Site. |
| Comments: this is beautiful and i love you, though you may be less than perfect on some occasions. i don't think i've ever told you how much i do adore your writings. i wish you hadn't stopped.. be well |
| Comments: life is unimportant, my love. death will consume us all. your demonic friend,sara.you can somewhat confide in me. |
| Comments: I am in awe of your site here. I am filled with greater understanding of myself, death, and all that is gothic in our times. My dear friend, Who will remain nameless, is very gothic, not just in his dress but in his soul, his walk, his voice, this page helps me very much to grow closer to him in that I have gained a deeper understanding of his existness. I applaud your efforts. I will tell my friends about a web site that brightened my day in a way that is dark and bright , all at once and the same. ~~~~Crimson Butterfly |
| Comments: well i personally don't give a flying fuck about anything that is said here, nor do i feel it is necessary for me to waste my time starting an argument or writing about how stupid all of you are. I'm sure you probably all realize how stupid you are anyway i will simply say 'go die,' and i would like to invite angelabyth to come fuck with me, it's always a source of entertainment. P.S. my name is josef st.clair, not josef st.klaire. Toodles! - josef st.clair |
| Comments: i really dont understand what hole in your head lets all this bull shit in, i am not gonna be one of those anoying little shits that calls you a fag and dosnt leave their name, i never signed you guestbook in any attempt to upraise my self esteem, by tell ng you you full of shit, just knowing that your full of it is quite enough for me. i dont know who this angelabyth is, but she became verry hostile with me when all i was doing was trying to start a friendly conversation, and find out who she was due to t e fact that i had heard her name mentioned before. and the only reason i signed was to inform others of the new work done on the 2 pages, because some people i know have been fried enough to actually come to this site!!!!, you know nothing about what it m ans to be goth, "true goth is defined by an eye for beuty, beuty which is normaly expressed throught art" its not about death, and its not about who looks cooler, i dont really care if you have something against me, im just letting you, and all your littl followers that its all bullshit, listen to your selves, look at yourselves, find out why you are so mad at the world, and than find the source, dont try to get rid of it by treating others like shit, YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN ANYONE, "go fuck your selves" ourtesy of josef st. klaire |
| Comments: this is just to inform you that dykegrrrl has been updated, as has been ![]() -ragedy fuck |
| Comments: this is the only site i have seen in my web travels that shows any true meaning at all and i would be very appreciating any body (dead or alive ) would contact me at the above e-address |
| Comments: Nice page. Very Gothic and dark. I trust I haven't offended TOO much. |
| Comments: If Crucial sugjest it, I am there! I will be back! |
| Comments: jesuitsex:It appears I must find friends for Lizzie. crucialfixation: Velveteen is amicable. jesuitsex: I'll be awhile. crucialfixation: Oh yes, Ephor. jesuitsex: Look, Crucius, since you're a magical member of a vast secret organization, could you pos ibly find some tightass feminist chick for Elysibyth to be friends with -- in her area? crucialfixation: Neither Mean solor nor mean sidereal time is precisely accurate, because the motion of Lissy on her Axis is not regular. Variations of her behavior, nd rotation of emotes happens every one or two seconds. Her personality is an atomic clock, and she should be able to Make friends with Velveteen for he is Ephraim. Your leg is granite, and i am the hellbender Oh, and as to the Cowans: after the Word has pretty much been brought into effect by human effort and what magick is avaiable to us (if any) then the Cowans under our direct care are treated differently. For instance, if Mercy is the Word already worked nto society and Good is what we're working on (like the Masons) then the Cowans are treated with Good and not corrupted so much as made more pristine than the rest of society and taught techniques of self control and self discipline. The rest of society sually avoids such puritans.Hm. Or perhaps not. The Masonic definition of Good is "human life". Sothe person would simply be like Kirk. Very concerned about the preservation of human lives even at cost to himself. If the Cowans mass is greater than twenty five members, and and about 20,000 times lighter than the quabalist, the universe will not continue to expand but will eventually halt due to Gregarious gravitation attractions, and will begin to Contact the OTO. Beware Joe Below. Love, Augustus Bey. February 16, 1970 |
| Comments: September..I am blown away by the beauty, stark truth that is hidden under black glass so sparkling....within your poetry/prose. It brought me many memories of my fight for the Scene growing up with it being all i knew and chose to hold forever..Its sadne s the energy that kept the venom from killing me..knowing in those words i had saftey to live through my own dark nights of the soul. To recieve an exquisite reminder there are other souls who pass by my side of the dance floor allows me to smile if ever o briefly. I look forward to reading more...either personality even if on the shadow side of the rainbow...Keep evolving...Thank you for sharing your light...kimm |
| Comments: hmm.. interesting site. things arent what they seem... anyways im looking forward to finally joining you ÞÛÖÏů¨ |
| Comments: DIE, PLEASE. Oh wait.. you might like that too much, you stupid fucker. |
| Comments: Kill yourself, already. |
| Comments: ypu are gay and stupid take your site and shuve it right up your ass crack, but befor putting it all the way up there push it in and out just about 7 times, but 6 will do |
| Comments: you are a dumb shit, you suck your mama's butthole. |
| Comments: Heya! Cool page you have here! Drop by my site if ya like and sign my g'book! See ya! :-) |
| Comments: At first glimpse the layout looks mystical for the black background. Reading a few lines my eyes started to water ...... not because I felt sad, it's a strain on the eyes, at least for mine, reading red or white letters on black ground. |
| Comments: This tragedy in which I live harvest the last pieces that are left of my miserable soul This endless sorrow of mine devours me slowly So please bring me forth and show me the way Be my guide and lead me right Be my guide...... |
| Comments: if they tasted like vinegar i'd eat all your words i'd swallow them down if they felt like swords......and so on and so on....I like to write, too. ask me and i'll e-mail the rest of this to you, k? blessed be, "Lyra" |
| Comments: well i just have to say that i love you jozef st.clair and ALL who read this should all listen to disgraceinsult ,and visit my page cause im dumb and listen to crusty ass shiiiiiiiiiit |
| Comments: 'September's Poetry' is excellent. As to the prelude to the Gothic Bible part I found that interesting and well written. I'm from another generation but inspiration in much that is goth; it's somewhat like the hippy definitions we used to try when in rea ity often times those who most looked the part were in fact the least suited for it and vice verca. It's all internal. |
| Comments: What a beautiful page... you have amazing talent! |
| Comments: cool, interesting site. enjoyed it . good work!!!! |
| Comments: thank you |
| Comments: september! have you disappeared? |
| Comments: thou art a fellow creature of the night! Pray thee, wouldst thou join me in hell thou. if not, thou may recieve a most viscious spanking, young man! your time will come.... the darkest dark one awaits you "oh the veil of my sadness soothes my sweaty brow" |
| Comments: I've had it up to here with poems about Lestat. He's not so great anyway. |
| Comments: Oh the night sky comforts me blankets everything in all its luxurious glory. I get the visions of my Lestat coming down from the sky caress my nape licking it oh so gently as his teeth start to press down on my shivering skin. I want to be showered in all the glory of darkness that awaits me in the garden of my doom. I can dance with the souls like me and... fuck. [coughs] |
| Comments: o, september how lovely your name how somber your reflections in the needing pool flower petals wither with the start of autumn's rain and against the sky a goddess is your moon |
| Comments: love your poetry |
| Comments: I LOVE YOU |
| Comments: OH september virgin I have to have you!! It makes me so sad when I think about how you live in mass. and I live thousands of miles away in cali. I must know what is in your lunch box?? I Love the way your hair dangles before your eyes. I love you and y u are a god. Well I must go I will be writing you again very soon and I will give you my e-mail address. Love, Gothrina a.k.a GOTHRA |
| Comments: how trite. where are you? |
| Comments: hmp. i did no such thing. |
| Comments: The goths seem to have died down here a lot in the past two or three years . . . sad . . . |
| Comments: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...this is the most rediculous shit i've ever read in my life. For one thing, you have no idea what the fuck your talking about, especially, "Goth is not Industrial either (indies like ravers have no philosophy, they have a music). Ya know, i've hung out with goths, i have quite a few friends that are deeply rooted into the goth scene, yeah they have a philosophy, i understand that. You, on the other hand, are so high and might within your "gothicness" or whatever stupid shit you may say, you can't step back and realize that other scenes usually have an artistic and philosophical belief, industrial's is deep rooted..... industriral was named industrial by monte cazzaza and gen p-orridge, in reference to the speed in which industrial records was producing albums, it's confusing to explain, and it's prolly confusing enough for december or whatever his name is to read anywa , so bear with me. Industrial music stems from an artistic style called Dada, of course you've prolly never heard of dada and you'd prolly know more shit about the "raft of the medusa" as opposed to "Foutain" by "R.Mutt". But, i'll go on anyway.....Dada i an opposition to the order and the lack of artistic talent in the arts. It deals with offending people, It deals with Taboo....It deals with anything that may frighten people. industrial tapped into this. Skinny Puppy has said before that one of the reas ns they started was to oppose Motely Crue, because of that lack of depth that metal band possessed, i'm assuming. Besides that forementioned idea which helped initialize industrial music, there is another idea in which industrail music will throw back th ngs that you hear every day, things you may not even notice, or have become desensitized too, and put it in a different light. so you actually notice it. it's deeper than you think...prolly deeper than your deep, black abyss of a soul...or whatever you ma call it. In closing, i'd like to make a few statements: |
| Comments: I like this..I write poetry too. |
| Comments: I want to know where I can find a copy of the Gothic Bible. email me. |
| Comments: I would like to say that what you have put into this is really the most awesome thing I have ever scene. I really appreciate the thoughts behind what you did when you built this. email me please. I would like to talk to you. |
| Comments: Vision without action is a daydream, Action without vision is a nightmare |
| Comments: Very beautiful indeed... |
| Comments: how very. |
| Comments: This page was wonderfully written. A lot of thought was obviously put into it, and I enjoyed hearing your opinions. Very enlightening, heh. |
| Comments: You smell of Japanese hills and the rain-slicked Torii leading to a Shugenja temple, where the suffering priests kneel in meditation. It looks to be moon-cast sand in the desert, moon high above, dunes shimmering as one walks to the mountains in the dista ce. Be well. |
| Comments: lost touch again...hope to see you...or not, again soon... take it easy, little one... ~s |
| Comments: You have created a beautiful momentary haven in a world that has become far too poisoned with ignorance and ugliness; and I thank you sincerely. |
| Comments: Excuse my error, 'my pain' starts another poem |
| Comments: the season of my heart is blue and dying of september catacombs beseech my heart and call my love forever graying autumn save me from he who tortures grandly fearful am i of losing my heart to one who will not stand me my pain is prostitution i suffer shattered silhouettes sobbing on poison flavoured mornings and smoking lethal cigarettes sadness, o, i do embrace thee for unfathomable are my moonlit dreams heavy is this heart that's in me and soulless are my silent screams |
| Comments: you only thought i died. |
| Comments: september, it's beautiful |
| Comments: september, it's beautiful |
| Comments: september, it's beautiful |
| Comments: "IT'S ALL OVER NOW, BABY BLUE" You must leave, now take what you need you think will last Whatever you wish to keep, you better grab it fast. Yonder stands your orphan with his gun; He is crying like a fire in the sun. Look out; all those saints are coming through And it's all over now, Baby Blue, And it's all over now, Baby Blue. The highway is for gamblers, you better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence. The empty handed painter from your street Is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets. The sky too is folding under you, And it's all over now Baby Blue. All your seasick sailors, they are rowing home Your empty-handed armies are going home. Your lover who has just walked out your door has taken all his blankets off the floor. The carpet too is moving under you, And it's all over now Baby Blue. Leave your stepping stones behind, there's something calls for you Forget about the dead you've left, they will not follow you The vagabond who's rapping at your door Is standing in the clothes you once wore. Strike another match, go start anew, And it's all over now Baby Blue, And it's all over now Baby Blue, And it's all over now Baby Blue. |
| Comments: I've invited you to my Yahoo club, I would be honoured if you would join and share. It is open to all open minded souls. here it is: http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/relmofshadows |
| Comments: I thought I was the only truly tortured soul left. |
| Comments: hiya... it's been a while... let me know you're still alive.. ~s |
| Comments: I thought it was a beautiful page, September...and I extend my best wishes to you. -Cat |
| Comments: Although I've written before I find myself in an appreciation of September which demands me to speak my mind. My thoughts on T.A.C.T. are this: Before you decide to "romance the night", wait, read and gain an intelligent insight into it. Carpe Noctem- Kalypso |
| Comments: once upon a time a little gothling named ophelia had a page with a link to a certain autumn cemetary text... one day the link was no more, but rejoice, because what was lost has now been found. |
| Comments: shut up!! just shut up!!!!!!!!!!! |
| Comments: Im possitivly amazed by the number of people you lured into your pretend world. I hope you dont let anyone get too wrapped up into the fanatsy, I know you'd be sad if they lost themself. Interesting and dramatic page... |
| Comments: I really like this page a lot! It's so poetic. I will deffinately be adding a link to this page on my own site. |
| Comments: ...finally... it bothers someone else that people insist on using 'gothic' (adjective) as a noun... i never quite saw how that works... but i know i know i'm just a naive little girl, so often accused... |
| Comments: what a wanker...why don't you stop whining you stupid bitch and go get a fucking job. god you're stupid. I hope you get hit by a car |
| Comments: Your website is the best! Of the worst that is. I find that the whole basis of your website apalling, and just plain weird. In addition, being Chinese and naturally hating the japanese culture, I am angry that you would tell people to visit Japan other t an China. CHINA RULES, BEING GREATER ASIA, THAT IS. However, I do agree with you on ONE point, which is that there are just too many Jesus Cult Freaks in the world, ha ha |
| Comments: Neat. |
| Comments: "Misery is manifold , the wretchedness of earth is multiform..." Poe's words for so long I belived them and yet I still do but you've made me see the beauty in this sorrow .I leave this page weeping and dreaming clutching this fragile gift of words to my eart.Thank-you |
| Comments: to clay beaten shell the seeds stick resolute. mercurial sky abandoned for tallow wall sconce. just as she bit her stray thoughts inverted wide lipped memory. |
| Comments: I have a feeling that I am not the only person who would like to communicate with you . . . Perhaps you should consider adding a message board/chat room, for more in-depth conversation and interview. Of course, It could be that I just miss your presence a d your mind . . . I was thinking this morning that you are one of the few people-- no, maybe the only person--who understands me and my wacky ways. |
| Comments: You and I now have two people in common, at least. That's funny. I like being invisible. On the other hand, I *am* writing this, n'est-ce pas? Not trying to make you more paranoid, just musing. |
| Comments: |
| Comments: Beautiful. I am intrigued beyond words. I will return to your site. |
| Comments: Hi! I enjoyed your poetry! Visit my page sometime...although our styles may conflict...lol...but your's is very good!! ![]() |
| Comments: "enjoy your body, it's only your toy for so long".....what a lovely line...it shall be my new mantra...charming site...incredibly funny with an intelligence that is all too rare... ciao~ diva |
| Comments: but september dear, what makes you think im not content to leave this at spaced banterings between guestbooks? you're a silly boy if you expect of me what you expect of others. |
| Comments: september I remember ur words & I see my friend E.A.Poe a friend of hoe all a glow wanting to talk with thee. |
| Comments: Hello. Awesome poetry. Visit my site some time. Its mostly Christian poetry but i need to put my new stuff up (my non-christian considering i am no longer christian) anyways email me sometiem. |
| Comments: I just want to say how beautiful and inspiring your page is@^_^@and i'm happy that this page tell of the true gothic nature.As beautiful and myserious as it is.I am in dept to you, thank-you... |
| Comments: Hello, i'm Lizzie and i don't care about looking like a moron so i won't say anything else.. except that you're good at what you do |
| Comments: phone bills mah deah. horrid things. |
| Comments: it's likely you assume too much my dear. |
| Comments: i do believe it's wrong, definitely. standing around, laughing at someone, infringing on people's rights. they laugh at you, they jump at your car, they rob you. some of them poke and giggle at you. that's a violation of your civil rights. are you te ling me you don't see the connection between the government and laughing at people? i think they should be with fish...and, that way, they would only prey on fish. |
| Comments: september- i sit here laughing -lisa |
| Comments: mmm. mello-drama. i love it. dont become so dark that you are a shadow...outlines are important... something you can touch. |
| Comments: Itz not everyday a girl gets a sincere compliment from a total stranger, I thank you. I think you are very intelligent yourself, your writing is beautiful. I wish I could write like that. I try to. But mine always seems to end up in rage, and getting out ll my aggression that I have stored up within me. But anyways, enough about myself. II would love to hear more about you. You've made me question myself, and I love when that happens, becuz that is usually when I make new discoveries about myself. I thank you. ~Lynne~ |
| Comments: Itz not everyday a girl gets a sincere compliment from a total stranger, I thank you. I think you are very intelligent yourself, your writing is beautiful. I wish I could write like that. I try to. But mine always seems to end up in rage, and getting out ll my aggression that I have stored up within me. But anyways, enough about myself. II would love to hear more about you. You've made me question myself, and I love when that happens, becuz that is usually when I make new discoveries about myself. I thank you. ~Lynne~ |
| Comments: hello! thank you for singing my guestbook you have a very intresting page. it is very nice i llike the darkness of it ;) ![]() |
| Comments: You page is beautifully done, I respect your opinion but there are a few things a dont agree with. |
| Comments: "And now thy hopes are gone, thy hair is hoary; This most familiar scene, my pain - These tombs - alone remain" Percy Shelley |
| Comments: No one I know writes the way you do. Your tone is like your voice, vascillating between gentle and arrogant. I would like to read more of your writings--do you have other pages? Evergreenly, Carmen |
| Comments: september, you have a beautiful soul. i love what you've done here, creating a realm so shadowed and personal and so true to your own loves. i know i could never take myself that seriously...as you'd probably tell from my page alone. appearances often lie. take care. don't trap yourself within a genre, or formulaic life. be free, but know. e-mail me some-when september... |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
10/23/98 14:55:14
| Comments: *~you are forever hearted my love~* |
| Comments: i know something you don't know i know something you dont know i know something you don't know i know something you dont know i know something you don't know i know something you dont know i know something you don't know i know something you dont know |
| Comments: i think that this page kicked some serious ass! i liked it alot and i will come again, and again.. i was also wondering if the page owner of this page could e-mail me cause i have a couple of questions.. i was wondering where i could buy an official copy of the Gothic Bible....and an official copy of the Satanic Bible |
| Comments: "Upon that misty night In secrecy beyond such mortal sight Without a guide or light Than that which burned so deeply in my heart" Thank you for finding me and bringing me here. Blessed Be |
| Comments: this page is incredibly well written and as an english major im impressed. whoever it was who sent me here, i hope he sends me an email, because i'd love to talk more deeply with him. fires burn and angels die, i face the winds and never cry. love |
| Comments: shit you like my boyfriend alot thats why i came to your page-except his hair is longer bye |
| Comments: Hello, darling, thank you for recreating the link/s. As ever, whenever in need of the warmth of your humour and delicate words, I can come and listen intensely to the Autumn Cemetary text. Happy Birthday. Love El |
| Comments: Very intruiging.. I plan on reading this page through completely. |
| Comments: I bid thee good day, and thank you kindly for providing here what so many of us already know instinctively. It is my earnest hope that those who are critical, or afraid, or unnerved by us and Ours - merely for ignorance - will learn, and relax. But if they don't, then at least I had the pleasant experience of gazing into a textual mirror for a few moments. |
| Comments: Someone in your guestbook mentioned the lack of emotion - I disagree. Your words, the very choice of words, reflect emotion, be it sadness, longing, etc. "God, we thirst." Yes, we do thirst for everything that we can never have, and we would not have i any other way. Wonderful job and best of wishes. Please visit if you get the chance. |
| Comments: Hi there. Just wanted to tell you how I liked your page. The lack of emotion gave it a mystical feel. Very well done.
| Comments: pEeKaBoO..... |
| Comments: Liked this page. specially the bit on vampyres. |
| Comments: none that have not already been realized |
| Comments: beautifully written the true essance of the scene |
| Comments: Excellent work as always, Meaghan, witht his webpage and maintaining our stormy friendship with your frequently solitary efforts: you are the cornerstone and the jewel of my life. I thank you and wish you ebulliant sorceries and the million and hundred w shes I owe you. |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
07/01/98 18:49:13
| Comments: this was a very well developed page and the sense of maysterism was great. |
| Comments: Diddn't get to read everything but found it kinda intresting will be back. I would also like to know who wrote this and where it came from. |
| Comments: four years have passed now since i first found septembers writings scrawled and ever since then i have been held in a trance... |
| Comments: very nice. i enjoyed reading it, unlike most webpages and will come back again to see if you updated. "Je ne suis pas hereuese donc, je suis triste." |
| Comments: A nicely put together page... Your "observations" seem well thought out, and your intelligence has left me with a renewed sense of enlightenment, and I thank you for that..... |
| Comments: very good, enjoyable read, thank you for setting the record straight I am not with you on every opinion but what you say rings true |
| Comments: I cannot claim to be Gothic. Nor can I claim to have a full and complete understanding of what it means to be a goth. I can try, however; an anthropologist and cyberdream that drifts can do only so much. While I find a few major fallacies in the text, it' generally quite good. Of course, I am biased. I am not goth. |
| Comments: wild beasts shiver and curl their tails under their bellies... i ve often loved the cemetary text and i still do. the stormy deep, crimson hued with hunger glazed eyes, scoundrels of fair bodies and hooked talons. yr decadence is lovely, september. i am f rever imprinted by yr stain... |
| Comments: just stopping by to say hi |
| Comments: The words we use are different, but our methods of social organization are nearly the same. Yours is an interesting work. |
| Comments: i am enlightened by your writings. the glass is filled once again. rejuvenation by the dark skies. hope for the future generations and the past. sorrow. |
| Comments: Alright, babe, forgiven, forgotten. You must excuse me as well, for I was tired and in a very bad mood when I read your mail. But in spite of my nasty temper (which I almost always tend to regret later), I do hope we can be friends. Give me a mail sometim . |