A Roll Photo Album

Michael and Annie Roll My paternal Great-Grandparents were Michael Roll (1855-1930) and Annie M. Zwilling (1864-1927). She is also known as Anna. They were married April 12, 1884 and lived in Buffalo. A second marriage for both of them, they each had one child when they married. As husband and wife, they had an additional seven children: Louis Edward (1885-1960), George Henry (1886-1960), Gertrude (1889-ca. 1963), Perlie (1892-1893), Sylvester (1895-1973), Raymond (1896-1960), and Earl (1899-ca. 1961).

They lived in south Buffalo, NY. After Michael lost his right arm while working on the railroad, he owned and operated a tavern and became known as "One-Armed Two-Fisted Mike."

This photo was taken at Clark Bros. Studio while they were visiting Detroit, MI.

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Compiled by Karen (Roll) Perone, 10 September 2000. If you are descended from Michael or Annie, you can contact me by using this web form.
©2004, Karen Perone