The Best of AMP Hits the Web!
After thinking about it for a bit, I decided I'd like to put together a collection of the posts to amp that made me laugh. These are the posts that made a bad day good for me, and I hope they cheer *you* up!:)
Note: All typos and misspellings belong to the original authors of the posts!
Here's the best, IMHO:
- Re: The New Funk Experience (JuvenileHi, 9/4/1997 4:38 AM)
- Re: The Beautiful Ones by Mariah Carey (, 9/18/97, 10:47 AM)
- a.m.p. ... the Seinfeld of the net? (, 9/20/97 8:28 AM)
- Re: A TRICKY QUESTION (Lorne, 9/25/97 6:55 AM)
- Re: What Did U Learn Today? (Daddy Pop6, 9/27/97 2:04 AM)
- RE: what's the "E" stand for? (RHanson, 9/30/97 7:00 AM)
- Reasons I could never work for Prince (JuvenileHi, 10/4/97 2:10 PM)
- Re: Japan - New CD Singles (STAN319, 10/7/97 1:31 AM)
- Re: pre-orders Crystal Ball (STAN319, 10/7/97 1:33 AM)
- Re: Just a thought (, 10/7/97 1:17 AM)
- Re: POLL: Average Age of O(+> Fans? (Cat Vutt, 10/12/97, 6:23 PM)
- Re: POLL: Average Age of O(+> Fans? (HiRizeBear, 10/13/97 12:07 AM)
- Re: THE ARTIST'S WRECKA STOW IS CLOSED (10-25, 10/15/97 4:39 PM)
- The E People are taking control...... (HiRizeBear, 10/15/97, 4:50 PM)
Re: Tournament Round 6B (Florne, 10/17/97, 5:10 AM)
Last updated on 25 October 1998 1:01 AM EST
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