The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out, the conservative adopts them.
I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
Few things are harder to put up with than a good example.
Always do right- this will gratify some and astonish the rest.
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog.
Success is going from failure to failure with great enthusiasm.
It was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race. , spoken by Huck Finn, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul. (Samuel Clemens), Inscription beneath his bust in the Hall of Fame.
The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot.
Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person.
It is better to deserve honours and not have them than to have them and not to deserve them.
Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. (The conviction of the rich that the poor are happier is no more foolish than the conviction of the poor that the rich are.)
The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out, the conservative adopts them.
Let us endeavour to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.
It is not best that we should all think alike; it is difference of opinion that make horseraces.
The secret source of humour itself is not joy, but sorrow. There is no humour in heaven.
Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to.
There are people who stictly deprive themselves of each and every eatable, drinkable, and smokable which has in any way acquired a shady reputation. They pay this price for health. And health is all they get for it. How strange it is. It is like paying out your whole fortune for a cow that has gone dry.
A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain. , American Writer
A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody has read.
A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.
Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. , American Writer
Never put off until tomorrow what can be put off until the day after.
Reader, suppose you are an idiot. Now, suppose that you are in congress, but I repeat myself.
The secret source of humour itself is not joy, but sorrow. There is no humour in heaven.
Of the delights of this world, man cares most for sexual intercourse, yet he has left it out of his heaven.
Heaven goes by favour. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.
Sacred cows make the best hamburger.
Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can read.
Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral? It is because we are not the person involved.
A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.
Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
Last Updated on 27 January, 1997