It is time to make this plea?
Please manifest your beings among the race of men. We urgently ask that you beings of spirit who are our brothers in light, enter now the realm of Earth and help us to restore Gaia to Her former beauty and harmony.
We ask this assistance because in our denial of our full selves, we have allowed unscrupulous, soul-less beings to enter our world and these beings even now are destroying it. They are deceiving our minds, they are spreading misinformation to confuse us, they are destroying our resources, they are kidnapping our children, they are stealing our health, they are spreading diseases, they are creating weapons to use against our planet and ourselves, they are plotting to enslave humans, they are brainwashing our leaders, they are threatening our scientists and thinkers, they are raping Nature of her power, and they are stealing our free will. All this they do without love and without care for Gaia or for us.
Just as we have done these very same things to animals and indigenous peoples in the past, so these non-Earth beings are doing this to us. We ask for your intervention, knowing that we have been guilty as a species of doing this same violence to other species on our beloved planet. And we ask now forgiveness for our ignorance. We vow that should you come in your winged form as our spirit selves and aid us now, we will henceforth, decry all violence against our planet and take up the stewardship that our AmerIndians so ably demonstrated in the past. We further vow that we shall endeavour to look within ourselves for conflict and disharmony before looking outside to others, and that we will focus on our ONENESS with each other rather than our separateness. We further vow that those who call themsleves "human" who cannot do this will be take from Gaia and allowed to live elsewhere.
So mote it be. OM Tat Sat.
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