goatskin, philosophy, politics, paranormal, poetry, Austin Grant, life, the  meaning of life, Ayn Rand, Kurt Vonnegut, ufo, ufos, ghost, ghosts, books, reading, william the frog -- all this and more from The Mind of Goatskin

The Mind Of


Goatskin: The Meaning of Life Philosophy Goatskin's Political Viewpoint Politics Goatskin's Strange Experiences Paranormal
goatskin's comments on the "meaning of life". Links to an introduction to the philosophy of Ayn Rand and goatskin's view of religion. goatskin's views on politics (In concert with his philoso- phy.) With special pages of comments on Bill Clinton and Rush Limbaugh. True weird experiences and goatskin's perspective on UFOs, Ghosts, and the paranormal in general--plus some simply strange stories.
The Poetry of Austin Grant Poetry Goatskin's Suggested Reading Reading List Goatskin's Guestbook Page Guestbook
goatskin's view of poetry with the poetry of Austin Grant and an invitation to submit your poems as a "friend of Austin Grant" (and possibly become goatskin's featured poet). goatskin suggests books to read (all available at great prices at Amazon.com). A sampling of the books goatskin reads and good followups to the ideas on these pages. On this page, you will find a links to goatskin's favorite websites and some parting thoughts. Please sign my guestbook before you leave. Comments will be sincerely appreciated.



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