Hello, and welcome to Hellenistic Judeo-Christian Resources on the Net: Information & News!  Please drop in and sign my Guestbook, and share your comments.  For more information about these pages, check out What's New. Information & News Hellenistic Era Judeo-Christian Resources on the Net
First, let me extend my hope that you have found, or will find, these pages useful.  I would really appreciate both your comments and suggestions, so feel free to sign my guestbook with comments, or mail me direct at kerfishe@pobox.com.

Secondly, let me thanks GeoCities for hosting this page, free of charge!  I encourage you to visit them, and see what they're all about.  Offsetting the cost of providing WWW pages for anyone who wants them by generating income through various sponsers allows poor students like me to provide these pages.

I must also encourage any of you out there doing the 'Web Thang' to download the most recent versions of Netscape or Internet Explorer:

Netscape Now! or Free: Microsoft Internet Explorer

Lastly, have a look at my spooky Home on the WWW.  Click on the Coptic kerfishe below to visit (OK, so there is nothing spooky about it).

Captain's Log:
July 1, 1997: These page are born!  Though the links pages are currently empty, I have completed all of the graphical work I plan to do (hope you like it), and am off to a good start.
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kerfishe's Home on the WWW
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