Peggy You Will Be Missed!

In the Setting Sun,
so warm,
so soft,
so bright...
I saw the Sleeping Daylight,
Slip softly into night,
And learned while I was watching
A lesson I well knew....

You never lose someone you've loved,
For they are a part of you.

Poem by J.E.Goldie

You gave so much of yourself to others...

I dedicate this Page to Peggy...My dear friend who left the World as we know it, early on the morning of March 12th, 1998 with her children by her side. Robin, Kathy and Sandy...My heart goes out to you...

Peggy was a beautiful woman in many ways. Not merely in the physical sense. She was strong & stood by her beliefs but never to the detriment of others. In fact she took up the fight on behalf of others to try to make things better for all those around her. She was one of the bravest women I've ever met. Unafraid of new ventures...unafraid of the unknown. In fact she grasped new challenges. She even grasped the challenge of her final defeat. But physically she could not fight her challenger and we have all lost a wonderful spirit. We can but hold on to the fact that she lived a life that taught us all about the Miracle of the Human Spirit and what it means to grab on to life & make the most of its challenges...

Home of The Little Book

You will remain forever in my Heart & Mind Peggy.....We taught each other so many things...I will miss the sharing we had that ran so freely when we talked until the wee hours of the morning...And the Joy I saw in your Heart that flowed so freely through you into those around you. Peggy its been awhile...its now May & I think of how much you loved to plant the most beautiful flowers & all kinds of Herbs on your balcony which was your Summer haven...We're planting early this year Peggy...maybe you know that already...I've planted Herbs in your honour *smile*...I miss you...That was 1998...gee time flies... ....As I write this its April of 1999! Spring & the new flowers are just around the corner...I still think of you will always be with me in Spirit...Peggy its now March 17,2004 so much has changed but I know you would have challenged everything and been very active with your opinions....You are still missed and I know I'd have had you doing these Web Pages had you stayed around ~grin~.



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