This form is to submit your site to The Complete Musicians Web Ring. Before you submit your site be sure of a few things;
1. Your site contains NO ADULT MATERIAL
2. Your site is about promoting yourself OR
3. Your site has helpful information for and about musicians OR
4. Your site is about songwriters (lyricists), publishers or something related to the music business
This ring is not intended for use by people who simply have pages on their favorite bands and/or musician. This ring is for people actually involved in the music industry (i.e. - DJ's, record companies, promotional companies, etc.) or people who have intentions of pursing a serious career in the above.
If you still want to sign up, please fill out the form & then send E-MAIL to the Web Mistress. In the Subject box please put "Musician Ring Submission" - We will review your site & upon acception you will be notified via e-mail. Please include your Site ID number & URL in this e-mail.
After you fill out the form please come back to this page and complete the following steps:
1. Copy the graphics for The Complete Musicians Web Ring below.
To do this, put your mouse arrow over the image, click your right mouse button, click on "save image as", you will then select the directory you put it in.
You will be saving two separate graphics - RING.JPG and RING2.JPG
2. Copy the HTML code for the web ring from below also. You can do this by the "copy & paste" method by highlighting the text area.
At the top of your browser you should have an option called "Edit", click there, select "Copy". Then go to the file manager (or whatever you use to edit your homepage) and go back to the "Edit" option, select "Paste".
Be sure before you paste the HTML coding that you have it where you want it on your page. You can put the fragment on your index page (which is optimal) or any page on your site. Please replace all the generic information with your own (i.e. - "_site_Id_ " would be replaced with your site ID number) - It is pretty self explanatory but if you have any problems or questions let me know.
The HTML code (fragment) - Please copy & paste this to your site after you have saved the graphic to your web site editor (you will need to change the IMG SRC part of the code if your web site editor if it does not do it automatically for you):
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