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The Writer's Block message board

Note! The Message Board is currently down, please try back later...(posted on 04/06/98)

Welcome to our new message board! This is replacing the classifieds because it is more interactive and easier to submit and see entries without a wait. If you enter a message and then do not see it posted, click your "Reload" button on your browser to refresh the page.

If you post message(s) that are not within our guidelines we reserve the right to delete them at any time. Messages stay on the board for 20 days - if you are trying to sell something & want your message posted for more than 20 days, you will have to come back and fill out the form again.

You may sell your merchandise here, promote yourself or post messages related to the music industry. You may also use the message board as an "announcement" tool, meaning if you have an upcoming gig or new record release, etc.

The owner of The Writer's Block takes no responsibility for what is posted on this page, but we will do our best to keep it family friendly.
Before you enter the message board, please review and agree to the few rules that we have.

1. No adult material (this means links, wording, etc.)

2. No HTML code in your message (to URL links) - you may post your address if you'd like but do not make it a link.

3. No profanity or racial comments - No bashing of other people and/or web sites.

I agree .... Let me in!

I do not agree .... take me back to the Main page.

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