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All the links on this page are related to one or more of the
following: Music, Poetry, writing & publishing (free & commercial)
With the exception of my graphics acknowledgments and links to some of my other
favorite sites including my husband's Geocities site. If you think your site would be helpful
to novices and/or professionals then E-mail
me and I will review it, visit it and then most likely post it!


Poetry Links:

The Poetry Guild - Includes contests, listing of publishers, etc.

National Library of Poetry - Contest for all poets (unknown & unpublished welcome!)

Music Links:

Musicians Discount Warehouse

Publishing Links:

The Write Stuff - Free publishing of your work on the web!

Music Publisher Agency List

Visit some other worthy sites including my husband's alien enthusiast site!

Area 51 - Cavern 5309 - For the UFO enthusiast!

Stinger's Nest - For the sports addict!!

Allan Horn Productions - Romantic cassette tapes, voice overs & more with excellent quality!

Martin County - This is where my husband works. In a national publication it was stated "If you want to see it done right, go to the Martin County web site..." - There is tons of useful information and even live camera shots of our beaches! Including fishing reports for this area!

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