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Jennie's Webpage

This is me ! Thank you for visiting my webpage :-)

About Myself:
Born 02/17/53 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Moved to the United Kingdom in 1977 with ex husband and only son David.

My Best Friend & Me:

My Golden Retriever Smudge. 
He is master of all he sees
including my king size bed. 
He rules me and the house. 
This is me and Smudge in my office at home where I spend the greater part of my life.
My Friends:
I just love talking to my friends on the Internet.  Here I would like to thank Martin for all the time and patience he had in teaching me how to make these web pages. Click on below and visit his web site.  Also:-
Come and visit some of my friends
Things I enjoy:
Last year (1996) I travelled to Tenerife, Gran Canaria several times and eventually spent six months there trying to enjoy the four S's (Sun, Sea, Sand and Sex) Well three out of four is not bad :-)
This year I planned on spending time in my tourer with Smudge travelling round the U.K.  However, Norman arrived as the Great Stormin Norman and I had to take a detour.
The detour: 
Above is Martin in Verne, Belgium.
Below & right
 Norman, Martin & me at Stonehenge
 The continuing detour:
Norman in Verne
Joan, Norman & Martin Brussels
Norman in Verne
I am going to be in Kansas, Oaklahoma, Texas and Missouri USA in September, after I get back I'm off again hopefully for a few short breaks.  I'll be in Phoenix, Arizona, USA on the 26th December for a reunion with my penpal friends from all over the world.
I do not have a lot of time for my crafts now but when I do I enjoy quilting, glass painting, cross stitching and machine knitting amongst others.
I'm an avid reader which is just as well because a of my work. For pleasure I adore Tom Clancy, Clive Cussler and Jeffery Archer.  I have all their respective books in hard back and always hope they have one out just before my vacation.  My love of books is evident in my office. 
Bette Midler's 'Wind Beneath my Wings' is probably one of my all time favourites.
Along with most easy listening, most country, a large helping of Quo and Meat Loaf.
Queen, Michael Bolton, Whitney Houston, Cher, Sarah Brightman the list goes on and on.  I like almost anything in music depending on my mood.
Like most women I am a romantic at heart and Beaches, Pretty Woman, Ghost, Steel Magnolias, For The Boys, Top Gun, An Officer and a Gentleman, American President, all have to rate somewhere in my favourites.  I love Steven Segal movies and the films based on the Tom Clancy novels.  I apologize for enjoying Independance Day.  Recently I went to see The Full Monty, a film with Northern English humour which I hope translates for the American audiences. It is one of the funniest movies I have seen in ages, in fact since Birdcage which I also thought very funny.
I actually do not get to watch a lot of T.V. but Friends, ER, Chicago Hope and  Sea Quest rate in there. I like movies and TV to be escape(ism) :-).
British Sign Language:
 I spent two years at night school learning how to 'sign' and communicate with the deaf community. Deafness is the forgotten disability!  This last Christmas when we performed Beauty and the Beast, there were carol's at the end.  It is impossible to explain how moving 'signing' Christmas Carols is in a room full of people and only the very quiet music for the hearing cast to stay 'in tune'. The audience all joined in and there was a real feeling of Peace in the world.
Things I love:
My work, being in good company, entertaining, life in general, the unexpected and unpredictable.
My best point/s:
I am a very loyal friend, I always fight for the underdog and of course my weird sense of humour.
Things I hate:
Gardening (and unfortunately mine is a the size of a field) and Ironing.
My worst point/s:
My inability to suffer fools gladly. The fact I never forgive someone who hurts me. Also the fact my eyes say it all (this could be a good point as well) but not usually.
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My Grandchildren
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