On-Line English Grammar
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Learn English at St.John's Wood School of English, London, UK

An on-line English Grammar Resource

Winner of B.E.S.T Education Site, July 1996

by Anthony Hughes

Copyright A.Hughes 1995


This grammar has been put on-line by Anthony Hughes and is available free of charge for anyone to use. However, copyright applies to the grammar and a copyright notice can be found below. The author would appreciate it if users would respect the copyright and contact him should any they want to use the grammar in any way that may infringe on the copyright.

How to Use the On-Line English Grammar

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Copyright Notice

This and all associated pages of the grammar are copyright (copyright Anthony Hughes 1995).

They may not be copied, mirrored or reproduced in part or in whole without the consent of the author.

They may not be held in any paper or electronic form - written,stored or copied without the express consent of the author.

The author can be contacted on : ahughes@edunet.com or by fax on : ++ 44 (0)117 9502073

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