Poetry Haven WebRing
Hello, and thanks for stopping by the Poetry Haven Webring Webpage.
I assume you are wondering if the ring is back in business.
Well, after all the little difficulties , I am glad to say it is.
I have a new helper who will be taking care of managing the ring for me.
As I have a lot to do these days , which makes it impossible to manage a ring
I appreciate all your emails offering a helping hand, I thank you all.
I hope you can go on enjoying this ring, if you have any questions about the ring
You can now refer your questions or comments to our new manager HourAfterDark
You can edit your info here if you are in the ring :
Edit Your Site Information
This is what your code will look like, please Don't copy this one,
wait until yours is sent to you, it will already have your site id in it
You will need to download the pictures for the ring and upload them to your server
Please don't link to mine here
Ring graphics generously provided by: The GreenHouse - Collected Poetry
NOTICE: We collect personal
information on this site. To learn more about how
we use your information click here.
Thats all Folks...
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This Ring of Masters site is owned by
Elle, Mistress of the Poetry Haven.
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